It's never fun. But this little girl was special. I rescued her when she was 12, and she made it to 19. She was a beautiful chocolate point siamese and at the end of her ropes when I got her. She thrived for another 7 years afterward. I knew I would not have a lot of time with her, but she needed a good home at the time. She packed in a lot of good memories in that short amount. No one has to reply, I just wanted to have somewhere to talk.
I lost a cat to cancer some years back. I had had that cat since childhood. We had her put down when she was all but wasted away and had stopped eating completely.
I had to put my Gracie to sleep four years ago in July. Worst day of my life. She was 12 years old. Your kitty has had a good life, and has gone to a better place. I am sorry for your loss.
The pain of saying good bye to a dear animal friend is one reason why I don't want another cat or dog. It would tear me up. I feel your pain and I wish you peace.
I'm sorry. Take comfort in the fact that you cared and provided for her, unlike so many that are neglected and/or abused. I appreciate you for that, and am confident she realized love as well. I wish you peace.
So sorry about your kitty. You will always have the good memories and that is a good thing. Cats are such special beings.
Always sucks. You likely gave your companion seven extra, and no doubt good years....find comfort in that.
I so sorry for your loss. I know the feeling and its painful to make that decision and let go. I had to do it with my dog who was 17. Thankfully, we found a vet to come to the house and put her to sleep by the side of the bed on her blanket where she always slept. Its hard knowing you saved something and in the end it was a necessary decision to take that life. As everyone is saying, the times you shared and the memories you have at this point in time, hold close to your heart. In the end, you did good for a life that needed you and you gave comfort and support to that life. Let those great memories comfort you now. Again, Im very sorry for your loss. Falena
Our last cat was put down by a woman vet from one of the reservations. She injected the cat, said a short Navajo prayer (I believe it was) and said "sleep well, baby". That was it. Very sweet.
It's never easy, i've had to put down two dogs after having them for some years. PS,sorry for your loss!
I got this guy as a kitten and had to do the same at age 20. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I call this photo, Kitty on a Kitty Bag. Kliban Cats were very popular in the early 1980's.
I'm a bit late but my condolences. As has been said, you provided for your cat and that and a bit of affection is all they want from us. They are lucky enough not to know about the end of existence and we are duty-bound to ensure that their pain is relieved when necessary. It's always extremely difficult to make that decision but we must.
Same here, I wish I'd found this thread sooner. I had one of my cats put to sleep a few months ago, and came very close to another soon after. It hurts. It hurts a lot. A pastor told me a joke about how cats were worshiped as gods in ancient Egypt, and five thousand years later they still haven't forgotten it. Yet when my cat was sick, she placed her paw on my hand while trying to sleep. She had no real idea what was happening, but I could tell she trusted me to be there for her. So strange how those little furballs just crawl into your heart like that. Yet the pain does go away eventually, and you're left with all the good memories.
I hope you're doing okay, Lee. This is one of the hardest things anyone has to go through in life. It hurts like hell, and I'm sorry you're having to face it. But I'm glad to hear that you guys had a lot of quality time togther in the years you shared. That's definitely what's most important. Quality time makes for great memories. Tomorrow morning I have to put my best friend of the last 21 years down. And it's killing me right now. I'm going to miss him like hell. I don't even want to think about this right now. I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone, and I'm thinking about you. I hope you're healing. Best of luck to you, my friend. If you want to chat, feel free to shoot me a private message.