"I knew it was a baby"

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by Anders Hoveland, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    The traditional abortion debate has usually centered on the lines of when life begins, with pro-lifers saying it begins earlier and pro-choicers claiming life begins much later. But more and more pro-choice activists are changing their tune and admitting that an unborn baby is a person, and that their pro-choice stand is based not on the belief that the baby is inhuman, but rather on the belief that killing the baby is okay.


    "It was when I was four months pregnant, sick as a dog, and in the middle of an argument, that I realized I could no longer tolerate the fetus-is-nothing paradigm of the pro-choice movement. I was being interrogated by a conservative, and the subject of abortion rights came up. 'You’re four months pregnant,' he said. 'Are you going to tell me that’s not a baby you’re carrying?' "

    — Naomi Wolfe in her essay "Our Bodies, Our Souls: Rethinking Pro-Choice Rhetoric."
    appeared in The New Republic, October 16, 1995

    Despite the outcry from feminists, pro-choice supporter Judith Arcana spoke out at a seminar:

    "I performed abortions, I have had an abortion and I am in favor of women having abortions when we choose to do so. But we should never disregard the fact that being pregnant means there is a baby growing inside of a woman, a baby whose life is ended. We ought not to pretend this is not happening."

    Many pro-choicers try to minimize or evade the issue of what they know happens to the fetus:

    "The idea of dismembering a baby and pulling it out in pieces … is obviously horrific. But at the same time, it is easy to get caught up in that emotion."

    — Julia Black, director of My Fetus, a pro-abortion movie
    from an interview in which she discussed her movie with ABC’s Tony Jones

    Basically what she is saying is that, while abortion does indeed kill a baby by dismemberment, this act is nothing to be concerned about. The baby is expendable. What is important is the mother’s desire not to be pregnant. Those of us who are troubled by the thought of a baby being violently torn apart are overreacting and overemotional. We should “get with the program” and accept abortion.

    In 2003, another prominent pro-choice advocate, Kathleen McDonnell, wrote frankly in her book:

    "Abortion is in some sense an act of violence, and indisputably results in the termination of a life."

    In Australia, pro-choice author Leslie Cannold stated in her book The Abortion Myth: Feminism, Morality, and the Hard Choices Women Make:

    "Any woman who has felt a baby stir inside her [and] any man who has seen the tiny heart pulsing on an ultrasound screen knows that abortion is about ending a life."

    Even though on some level they know what abortion is, many abortion advocates try to convince themselves that it's perfectly normal and okay:

    "Most of the abortions in America are about convenience. People need to accept abortion for what it is: a valid part of the reproductive spectrum. I want it to be seen as normal; if 1.3 million women in this country have one every year, it’s gotta be normal."

    But this same woman goes on to write:

    "I remember feeling conflicted about the magic of being pregnant. I felt electricity running through my body. Not for a minute did I not think of it as a life. I knew it was a baby."

    — Penny Lane, creator of “The Abortion Diaries”, in an article in Salon Magazine

    All too often abortion supporters know they are playing a game of deception, hand-picking words to deceive both the public and themselves from the obvious:

    "I had my own moment of truth during my fifth month of pregnancy in May 2004. A small moment, but it changed me. I was speaking to a group from Barnard’s College Students for Choice when I referred to the object in one’s uterus when one Is pregnant as a “baby.”

    A nurse practitioner who was speaking after me interrupted “Fetus, you mean. You said baby, but it’s a fetus.”

    “Oh, right,” I stammered, blushing. “Oops.” I felt foolish, caught in an ignorant mistake. Later, though, I realized that I had always thought of my pregnancy as carrying a baby- that was the word I wanted to use- and I was forcing myself to say “fetus” out of fear. I thought of other phrases that I forced myself to use too, like “so-called partial birth abortion” and “anti-choice.” These phrases suddenly struck me as legal jargon, words in the service of arguments that weren’t themselves always meaningful. Suppressing language, policing ourselves so we don’t slip up and say “baby” continues the split between our politics and our lives."

    — Jennifer Baumgardner, creator of the “I Had An Abortion” T-shirt
    in her book Abortion & Life

    In the present age, pro-choice activists have become so confident in their victory of making abortion legal and acceptable in society that they are beginning to abandon any pretense that abortion isn’t what it is— killing a baby.
  2. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    Abortion kills the fetus/baby/whatever word you fancy.

    We know this.

    I would bet my real money that pretty much every woman who has had an abortion knows this too.
  3. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    We all know that abortion kills, never seen anybody disagree with that .. but .. all of these women be they pro-choice or not are wrong, there is and never has been any 'babies' involved in abortion, that is a simple medical fact. What these women, of any other person, chooses to call the fetus is purely up to them, that however does not change the fact that a fetus is not a baby.

    Do yourself a favor and actually use the correct terminology taken from medical dictionaries, perhaps then your comment would have more relevance to abortion instead of being just emotionally ladened hyperbole propaganda.
  4. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    The truth is coming out. Even the killers admit they are killing now. Only the fools remain in the dark.
  5. Fugazi

    Fugazi New Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2012
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    :roflol: The only "fools" are those who insist that the informal usage of a term has any relevance in debate .. it doesn't by the way.
  6. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Minorities account for most abortions...
    NYC: 78% of Abortions Were Black and Hispanic Babies
    December 1, 2014 – In New York City, 77.56% of the abortions in 2011 were performed on Black and Hispanic babies, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  7. galant

    galant Banned

    Nov 5, 2014
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    well, good for the minorities, then. they are showing a fair amount of good sense, in this regard.
  8. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    You don't want minorities to have the same rights as whites????

    What was your point?

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