A Ruger 10/22 is a pretty accurate semi-auto .22. It well deserves a scope, IMO. TFM is an avid hunter.
I'm pretty sure that there aren't a lot of "feral" Parson Russells walking around....and it HAS A COLLAR....
Vermin are not necessarily hunted for meat...although I have eaten ground hog, and possum,and racoon. Bleeeeeeeeccchhhh! It ALL sucks, even if you smoke it slowly....
I look at people that shoot animals for fun the same way I do serial killers. What a sick mind some people have.
We have a feral cat that lives in our barn, and as long as he keeps the rat population down, he's more than welcome to stay. The only animal I'll kill on site, is rattlesnakes.
I have a lot of feral bums by me, always asking for bus fare, food, etc. None are tagged and I doubt anyone would miss them which is the only reason I see anything as having worth. Perhaps I could use this as way to get rid of the varmint and get some target practice in. On a more serious note, I just found a feral kitten yesterday in our warehouse. Has an eye infection but nothing a little compassion won't fix. She is sitting in my jacuzzi tub at home putting some much need weight on and getting the antibiotics she needs till I find her a home.
=============) Sch-wing!!!! My kinda woman. Now, if you know how to filet fish, I'm willing to have your baby. I am seriously aroused. Hell yeah. However, you do not seem to acknowledge the usefulness purpose of house/feral cats. They are most excellent for sharpening lawnmower blades.
My dad gets a cat that comes over and craps in his yard a couple times every week. I am pretty sure it's someone's pet but I would not blame him if he shot it...or rather he's been thinking of setting up rat traps in his yard... lol It's one thing if you live on a farm and have a farm cat or something but when you let your house cat outside in the suburbs well...with the coyotes, owls and other wild things out here in AZ you're really putting your pet at risk. Not to mention the disgruntled neighbors like my dad who might take a shot at it. xD
That's right. They're purebreds. He's not EVER allowed to run loose. He's an indoor dog and it taken out on a harness to pp and poopoo. Jack Russells are notorious for being "travelers". No one who owns one would dare let them run loose.
WE HATE Feral cats. But sometimes its hard to tell when you have neighbors that keep their cats outside. We trapped one and had the shelter pick it up. Later that day...a couple of 9 or 10 year old boys came by to see if we had seen "Cupcake". Ah...that was tough.
Oh man. Reminds me of the time an owl or something got to my neighbor's cat. The thing was literally torn apart in our front yard. My step-dad got a shovel and cleaned it up and put it in the trash. Later the neighbor lady came over asking if we'd seen Noodles their pet cat. My mom was just like... 'uuhhhh...' *takes to garbage can* *bawling ensues*. That was pretty sad.
Prairie dogs are cute. I like watching their little heads pop off their wee lil bodies,as I send a 45 gr bullet from my 22/250,thru their wee lil brains. Nothing in nature is wasted,the eagles,hawks,and the coyotes around here make pretty fast work of dead prairie dogs.
I see you're a member of P.E.T.A. Would you have any problem with me putting a large Maine lobster in a boiling pot of water? Moose meat and lobsters are delicacy food items up in Maine, but I'll take your warning not to shoot or kill any of these precious animals when contemplating my next meal.