If the Fed is audited, what might we find that they are doing which would be bad?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Ex-lib, Feb 8, 2013.

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  1. jack4freedom

    jack4freedom Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 9, 2010
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    Louis Thomas McFadden was born in Troy, Bradford County, Pennsylvania on October 1, 1876. He attended public schools and a commercial college. At sixteen he took a job as office boy in the First National Bank in Canton, Pennsylvania, a small town near his birthplace. Seven years later he was a cashier, and in 1916 he became the president of the bank. Meanwhile, in 1898 he had married Helen Westgate of Canton, by whom he had three children: two sons and one daughter. His political career began in 1914 when he was elected to Congress as Republican representative from the 15th district. In 1920, he was appointed chairman of the influential House committee on Banking and Currency, a position he held until 1931.

    McFadden's later career was marked by violent criticism of his party's financial policies. Opposition to the Hoover moratorium on war debts led him to propose to the House on 12-13-1932 that the President be impeached. He bitterly attacked the governors of the Federal Reserve Board for "having caused the greatest depression we have ever known". Both the President and the Board, he was convinced, were conspiring with the "international" bankers to ruin the country. He lost his seat to a Democrat in 1934, although two years previously he had had the support of the Republican, Democratic and Prohibition parties. He died in 1936 while on a visit in new York City.

    Congressman McFadden, born in the heartland of America, a true product of its original and unadulterated self, and because of that heritage he could do no else but battle for the land which he loved. And battle he did. Armed with the courage of his convictions and the certitude of his cause he hurled his thundering charges against those who were plundering America and drenching the world in blood with their insane greed. McFadden refused obeissance to the high priests of Mammon, the International Bankers, for whom he reserved the full force of his attacks. The enormity of his revealments against the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks will stagger the credibility of the reader.

    The din of the battle being waged by Congressman McFadden against his opponents reverberated not only in the halls of Congress but throughout the Capitol. The dean of Washington newspapermen at that time and founder of the National Press Club, Mr. George Stimpson, when asked in later years to comment on the seriousness and magnitude of the charges being made by McFadden, he replied, "It was incredible. This town went into a state of shock. We couldn't believe what we were hearing. Of course, they said right away that he had lost his mind." "Do you think he had?", Stimpson was asked. "Oh, no," came the reply. "But it was too much, too much for one man to do".

    It was too much for one man to do, and this proved his heroism. It speaks volumes for the courage and character of Louis T. McFadden that he made these speeches knowing that there was no support; that there would be no support. Was it too quixotic of him? Should he have waited, quietly gathering his information until it could have been put to more practical use?

    But why was there no support? We must remember that when McFadden made these speeches we were in the darkest days of the Great Depression, when the nation was prostrate , and in the dark night of the soul of the American people. A sad and defeated nation, destroyed from within, brought to its knees, could offer no help when McFadden opened every door, named every name, exposing every secret of the underground government.

    How could any American youth fail to be moved by the spectacle of a small town banker rising to the leadership of our Congressional Committee on Banking and Currency, and, in that capacity, refusing to be bought by those who buy and sell men like cattle? Instead, he nearly brought to a halt the vast and intricate machinations of international bankers and their sinister schemes to attain perpetual and limitless wealth at the expense of an enslaved, drugged and brainwashed population of drone workers. For twenty years he fought our fight, while we knew little or nothing of his efforts, and when he died, seemingly the record of that struggle was buried with him.

    Now we bring it to light, every word faithfully reproduced from the Congressional Record, not only to enshrine his memory in our hearts, but also to give us a standard to which we can rally. We can no longer endure the pitiful half-men, half-women, posturing on the slave block in their efforts to present their best side to the sneering slave-dealers, and we do not refer here to some mythical beings, but rather to the so-called public representatives, the men who have inherited Louis McFadden's mantle in the Congress of the United States. These men are a poor bargain even for their masters, and even less a bargain are they for us. Let us demand from them the heroism, the self-sacrifice, the patriotism which Louis T. McFadden gave us without our asking for it. And if they do not have it to give, then sweep them out.

    Do we dare to admit that everything which has happened to America since the Whiskey Rebellion has been the result of foreign influences, of alien conspiracies carried out through fetid and subterranean corridors of power, the work of the government that dares not speak its name?

    The Civil War, World War I, the Great Depression, World War II... these were events which were not desired by the american people. They were not planned by the American people. They were not voluntarily entered into by the American people. But all of these events were the result of the planning of men who have no addresses, no fixed homes, no substantial loyalties save only to their own criminal interests. These are men who in healthier times were sent to the gibbet, but today we make them presidents of our banks and universities, and we watch appalled at the chaos and destruction which ensures from their every act.

    Let us remember that for ten years, Congressman McFadden had been Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee. While exercising the duties of this position he exposed some of the greatest crimes of the century, including his stinging indictment of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in which he charged them "with having treasonably conspired to destroy constitutional government in the United States".

    Because of these exposures, Louis T. McFadden had unleashed the full power of the international criminals against him. when he made these speeches, he was alone. He had nothing to look forward to save his own political demise. The power and pelf of his enemies was brought to bear and the political life of this great servant of the people was terminated in the November 1934 elections held in the 15th Congressional District of Pennsylvania.

    Thus these speeches are the personal signature of a great man, a hero fighting to the death, surrounded but never thinking of surrender, the final gesture of a man we should all honor and emulate, an American worthy of the name.

    Note: You've just read the introduction of a 500 page book on the collected Congressional speeches of Congressman McFadden, available at Emissary Publications. Also, the Omni Christian Book Club carries a sixty-page paperback of his speeches from 1932-1934. See Resources for further information. We've read in other sources that he did not die of natural causes. Here are some excerpts that give us a just a hint of the courage demonstrated by Mr. McFadden. From these, it's clear he realized the evil beings who gained control of the government, elected officials, and our 'monetary system' had (have) total disregard for human lives ... including his. -- Jackie --
  2. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    and grew up to be a nazi sympathizing nut case that died with less dignity than most rats, the end
  3. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  4. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    if Congress audited the Fed, I don't expect they would find much that we don't already know.

    They print money willy nilly in order to invest in bad treasuries and bonds.
  5. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Thanks for making the "semite" connection to the Fed, ducquack
  6. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    With an economy like the one the Fed has given us, who needs their advice?
  7. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  8. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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  9. cjm2003ca

    cjm2003ca Active Member

    May 8, 2011
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    the fed..which is the federal reserve is audited yearly...the federal government is not audited and is full of wasteful spending...
  10. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    I'm having a hard time understanding why any American besides a Zionist or a communist would approve of the Fed's actions.


    I disagree. The Fed should be totally abolished.


    Great job Federalis.

    That should be enough moolah to buy off Congress, the military, and a few foreigners to boot.

    Look out Mashianic Age , here we come.
  11. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    This all smells rather fishy to me. Apparently it does to a lot of people.
    Somehow the stench escaped the nostrils of those in charge of clearing the TV news.
  12. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I have no doubt they are audited, so are many other business entities with several books. One for what they really do and others for various reason, including audits.
  13. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    If you are truly concerned about the stench of deception, then read the actual report instead of the deceptive mischaracterizations of it. http://www.sanders.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/GAO Fed Investigation.pdf

    1) They weren't secret.
    2) That was the the cumulative amount of loans rolled over over time. Loans outstanding at any given time maxed out at a little over a trillion.
    3) Virtually all of the loans were paid back.

    But don't let facts get in the way of deceptive sensationalizing.
  14. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    How many people do you think are going to read 266 pages of that, even if they have the time?

    And how many people have the kind of accounting knowledge and information accessible to be able to interpret it?

    You know full well the kinds of complexities that high classed thieves can use to build a wall around their true activities.

    There are people with education and knowledge of those devices which are used to deceive by the financial hucksters who can see through the shell games they play with the nations tax dollars.

    It's a matter of who you trust.

    What I do know is that there is the heavy hand of Jewish tribalism involved in these games. I know enough about greed, globalism, and Zionism to know that I don't have an ounce of trust in the Federal Reserve or the people who are behind it.

    Not all of the Feds critics are as ignorant or naive as you pretend they are. I could name a few. I have read enough of what they have had to say about the matter to have a good appreciation of what's afoot and to be able to make a reasonably informed judgement of them without being well versed in the jargon of Wall Street and International Banking.

    Only a naive and gullible fool would expect nothing but the unvarnished truth from these shysters. And one would be equally as stupid to believe that they don't know a thousand ways to cover up their fiscal machinations.

    I also know what the Zionists who are at the center of the web conform to ideologically. That in itself is enough to raise a red flag. But that isn't needed to see what their intentions are since the Globalist/ Zionist/ Marxist elitists at the center of the power play are waiving the red flag themselves, right in the faces of the people they are stealing from in order to finance their bid for world domination and a Mashianic Age (New World Order, Jew World Order).

    I am not as wealthy as these people and no where near as important as they consider themselves. Nevertheless I do not recognize them as the ultimate higher power they imagine themselves to be.

    A Supremacist might think it is presumptuous of a peon such as myself to claim as much God given right to self determination as these people have granted themselves authority over the nations wealth. But the power brokers of the Usury Industry have NOT been elected to govern the US much less the world, and I for one reject the authority they have usurped from the US Constitution even if I can not stop what they are doing.

    ABOLISH the FED!


    Don't let your tribal allegiance stand in the way of the facts either.

    The names are there.
    Read the list contained in the link above of the "management" and then deny all you want.

    You can only pretend that those people do not represent private interests and do not serve them first and foremost. No one but a fool or a liar is going to concede that they are elected representatives of the people. The power of money control they exert over everyone from the President on down can only be doubted by those who don't believe that there is any power in the control of money. I didn't fall off of a turnip truck.

    I think it's past time that racial and ethnic quotas be enforced in the financial world as much as they are in "lower" strata of society.
  15. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  16. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    You're also assuming that select people never lie (deliberately mislead by any other means).


    I imagine that an organization whose profits are based on an elaborate and convoluted Ponzi scheme would also lie to cover it up and would have a thousand ways to do so.

    Too bad everybody doesn't have a PhD in engineering and economics to prevent these kinds of people from operating.
    Fortunately not everyone who does is on the same ideological and political side of the fence as the conspirators.
  17. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Very few. Which is how people get deceived and from erroneous assertions like "the Federal Reserve made $16.1 trillion in secret loans to their bankster friends"

    But you apparently do not know full well how such information can be distorted by people with an agenda.

    For example, the sources you cited.

    No, its a matter of reading the information yourself and learning the truth.


    So why do you quote their statements like "the Federal Reserve made $16.1 trillion in secret loans to their bankster friends"?

    Now it's $1.2 trillion? What happened to the $16 trillion you claimed?

    Take your racist, bigotted bull(*)(*)(*)(*) elsewhere. I don't want to hear it. All it does is expose how your hateful, bigotted mind is blinded and distorted by your prejudicial beliefs.

    LOL, thanks for proving my point.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I assumed no such thing.

    You are the one assuming that the nonsense you cited isn't a lie.
  18. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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  19. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Jews aren't the only ones who are aware of going on. Since they control the media and since most normal working people lack the time and expertise.

    Yes, We know how "blue ribbon panels" like the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission distort the truth (lie) according to the wishes of their masters.

    There are lots of sources which corroborate the information cited. I couldn't possibly list them all, although it would be easy for you to deny them all.

    I have and I still do. That's how I arrived at the conclusions I have reached.

    You don't seem to know what a "Strawman" is.

    Because it's a news worthy item which the Jewish media fails to report.

    Read carefully:

    You don't have to hear it. You can deny it all you want. Your denials don't alter the truth.
    But as long as the Jews are in denial about their own collective responsibility while constantly berating white Christian, and "Western" culture for their sins, it's only fair that someone points out the sins of the Jews.
    Whether they are willing to own up to them or not, non-Jews still need to be made aware of who it is that is primarily behind the financial coup of the US.

    I don't know what you mean. I think I've offered a substantial amount of information that supports MY point. I could offer a whole lot more. But these things take time.

    The object is to present enough of it to raise the awareness of non-Jews and people who care about the US to the point that they know what they are bargaining for and who they are dealing with.

    Don't misunderstand. I hold those gentiles who profit my and/or are complicit with the hidden Zionist agenda to install the "Mashianic Age" (Messianic).

    Jews are as "racist" as a people can get.
  20. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Where in the GOA report does it say that $16 trillion was lent out to the banks. Your taking a cumulative amount of revolving loans and creating the false implication that the Fed had $16 trillion in loans outstanding.

    That is false. I proved with your own source showing it was only $1.2 trillion lent out at any one time.
  21. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion Undisclosed to Congress
    There's a Jew saying the almighty Fed did a pissy job to put it mildly. Since you can't call HIM a racist (no Jew is ever 'racist') I guess he must be a "self hating Jew".
    So was he being less than honest or simply incompetent?

    Not according to Irkemon and company. That might jeopardize the bang up job the Fed has been doing.

    Barney Frank likes the dark I bet.

    Well , well, well.

    Now whatever for? Aren't they getting paid enough or do are they perhaps feeling a little short shrifted?

    Lawmakers knew none of what? I thought they knew all they needed to know about the Fed.

    Well the tax payers don't have a clue either. So I guess that makes everything alright.

    Surely now that we have all this transparency that Yomamma promised everyone can rest assured. The only question that remains is "assured of what"?

    A lot of those bastards took the fifth although can't imagine why since none of them had anything to hide and the rest of them couldn't seem to be able to find their butts with both hands.

    Maybe if they took them out of the tax till long enough to take a crap they would!

    Had the public known what?

    Didn't the public already know everything they needed to know?
    Couldn't they just leave all this financial hanky panky in the trusted hands of their elected representatives?

    Oh, that's right; the Fed and their bankster cronies aren't elected representatives.
    But that doesn't matter either does it, since the banks and the Fed don't run the country.

    Hey. Wait a minute!?

    I agree. It IS un-American. But then way back when Joe McCarthy thought a lot of folks were behaving in an un-American fashion too and we know what he got for his trouble.
    How much of that "average" has been skewed because of the big bonuses the genius capos paid themselves for their outstanding performance, or are you stupid enough to think it all went to the tellers?
    They were sooo embarrassed they were blushing overtime.

    I really doubt that they are surprised that a lot of people "found it outrageous", because it WAS OUTRAGEOUS.

    The thing is, what are you going to do about it, huh, bwa? I say, what are you going to do about it, punk?
    Yea? Is that right? You and who's Department of Homeland Security?

    This article is a little dated. But you can be sure that the same tribe is in charge of things now as was then.

    Oh the artistry with which these people can turn a phrase: "professional regulatory discretion"...
    another way of saying "tribal nepotism".

    These people know approximately how much blood they can drain out of an already anemic tax base before they kill the patient.
    They can't do that and still maintain a standing army to fight their mid-east wars and clean their toilets. Besides, they require a healthy population of Shicksa Hoes in order to maintain their standard of living.
    Besides that, the Chinese bosses that are buying land in the US using Fed Bonds will need a fresh population of slave labor to get up and running.

    Now WHO might they be representing.
    Surely not the same folks that Irkemon is representing!?
    Nooo! They wouldn't do THAT!

    What? Are you implying that OUR Government is in the business of SERVING THE BANKS???

    But these Zionist sponsored Hasbarats have been telling me all the while that it is the Fed who is subservient to "our" government.
    Now I'm hearing that "our" government doesn't even know what these people are doing half the time and their doling out huge wads of cash out to them all the while.

    I might be a little more easy about it IF I thought that these banksters were really only gambling with it.
    Something tells me that their using all that dough for something far more ambitious than just buying new yachts and dating high classed prostitutes.

    Sure you didn't "Dearie".

    That doesn't sound very Marxist to me, UNLESS you believe that all that money is being CENTRALIZED.
    And he did such an outstanding job that they made him Secretary of the Treasury.

    That's right. The people of the US do not know enough about these things in order to be trusted to manage their own money. What they need is a Cabal of elitist bankers in foreign countries to manage it for them, preferably Jews, since they are smarter than everyone else.

    I doubt if the Senators would think any differently. Money talks. And you have to admit that the combined efforts of the Fed and the banker arms of the Fed octapus have done a superlative job of pulling off the greatest heist in History. And it's all perfectly legal. Immoral? Who am I to say? Unethical? Maybe. But successful? YOU BET!

    Who but the wiley fox is better suited to guard the chicken house.

    Whaa? Don't look at me that way. It takes one to know one doesn't it?

    I disagree. The banks were not "taking advantage" of the Fed. The Fed knew full well what it was doing. I wouldn't call it a "gift" though, since what the Fed "gave" wasn't theirs in the first place. But what do the IGNORANT tax payers have to do with THAT?

    Wasn't that sporting of them?

    The audacity of these peasants to question the actions of their saviors.

    What do the "**********s" know anyway?
    We've already been told that THEY don't have the knowledge or the expertise to judge these matters.

    Do tell.
    So what would they believe in if they DID have the details?
    May I posit a guess?

    It was decided that Big Banks know what's best for everyone. Irkemon thinks so and who can dispute his word?

    We ARE, however, prepared for a public uprising in case of that event.



  22. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    The Fed's $16 Trillion Bailouts Under-Reported - Forbes
    Forbes must be one of those Nazi propaganda magazines.

    Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Secret Loans


    The same must be true of Bloomberg although the name hardly sounds Nazi-esque.
  23. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    “The Fed didn’t tell anyone which banks were in trouble so deep they required a combined $1.2 trillion on Dec. 5, 2008, their single neediest day.

    I have no beef with Bloomberg. Their report of $1.2 trillion is consistent with my claims and disproves your claims about $16 trillion.

    It's Iriemon. Thanks.

    The $7.77 trillion sum, as stated in the Forbes article, was how much was committed to be lent out if necessary. The max amount actually lent out at any given day was $1.2 trillion, as your own article confirms.

    Which was almost completely paid back. Which you'd know if you had bothered to read the report.
  24. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    This is just another example about how people get information they don't understand and then apply them to their conspiracy or racist agendas.

    That is $13 billion, with a "b", not $16 trillion, with a "t". the $13 billion is not money the Fed lent out but a profit the banks over all made.

    "Add up guarantees and lending limits, and the Fed had committed $7.77 trillion as of March 2009"

    Exactly ... those are loan guarantees and lending limits, not actual loans made.
  25. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Simply regurgitates the false Saunders claim you cited earlier, proved false by the GAO report and the Blooberg article you cited.

    Right. Not $16 trillion. As I've been saying from post one.

    The fact that the Fed was lending banks money to infuse them with cash to provide a banking system collapse and another great depression wasn't a secret. It was known from the get go. What was secret was the specifica financial institutions getting the loans.

    Which were paid back.
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