If you're okay with homosexual marriage would you support..

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Evasive as usual...that's not what I asked and I think that you know it. It's very simple. try again. Would you allow a child to languish in the foster care system in a gay person or couple were the only ones available to adopt that child. Would you rather see an embryo destroyed that implanted in a lesbian??
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Retract your earlier distortion and I will be more than happy to discuss anything with you - dig your heels in and I shall not.

    Your call.
  3. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    I don't even know what my alleged crimes was anymore
  4. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    You said I was equating homosexuals and paedophiles.

    Even when I made clear that was not so, you kept on doing it.

    It's not the end of the world, but it's just a nuisance when someone does that. And a clear distortion.
  5. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    ROF LMFAO :eyepopping:
  6. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    YOU were the first to bring up the issue of pedophilia in this discussion of gay rights and marriage. You keep harping on the notion of pedophiles infiltrating or hijacking or whatever....the gay lobby. You keep trying to drive home that idea that gays are somehow complicit in the pedophiles goal of gaining access to children. You are sowing fear by misleading and misrepresenting what gay people want. Just by injecting the subject of pedophiles into this thread you are implying that there is a connection with gays even if you did not specifically say that they are the same thing. I make NO apology.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Your choice.

    I will just choose to ignore you then.
  8. ProgressivePatriot

    ProgressivePatriot Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Someone on anther thread that was unrelated to homosexuality, but got derailed in that direction, posted this in response to my contention that acceptance of gayness and allowing marriage harms no one:

    “How does homosexuality harm society? It perverts it. Have you ever seen a Gay Pride parade in NYC? Then, when teachers and gay parents start teaching young children about gender identity at an age where sexuality is confusing, the power of suggestion intervenes. A little boy using the girl's room, because he thinks he's a girl? A boy joining a girl's soccer team, because he thinks he's a girl? Boy Scouts of America forced to accept homosexual boys.”

    My response: Children always have and always will struggle with their developing sexuality including sexual orientation and gender identity issues. In the past, for the most part, children were left to try to understand these things alone and in silence. They would feel guilty and confused about any sexual matters and especially any LGBTI issues. Today, there is much open discussion about these issues-in the print and social media, among peers, on television, just about everywhere. Many children know an LGBT child or adult. Children hear and see this all, and like it or not, they are very much aware. As we progress as a society, more and more of that discussion is positive, and young people are much more accepting of those who are different than many adults care to imagine. There is nothing short of criminalizing these lifestyles, and snuffing out free speech-in effect becoming Russia-that anybody can do about it. Can anyone dispute or refute any part of this statement?
    My next question is: What do parents, educators and the rest of us do? Here are some options:

    1. Do nothing, be silent. Leave the children to their own devices to figure things out for themselves. After all, that’s the way it was 30, 40, 50 years ago and everything was just fine. Or was it? In any case, this is now, times are different and sexuality is a much more salient part of life and discourse. This may not be a great option, if it ever was.

    2. Condemn homosexuality openly and vehemently. Doing so will have the effect of marginalizing LGBT kids, crushing them with guilt, and setting them up for bullying. Then all that will be left to do is to keep tract of the suicides and mass shootings.

    3. Engage in constructive dialogue with the kids and among ourselves as adults. Dispense with the hysteria and misinformation and start to deal with this as part of our human experience. We could dispense with rhetoric about “promoting homosexuality” and the scare tactics such as it leading to incest, polygamy and bestiality. Rather, the emphasis would be on human relations, not sex because relationships are really what it’s about. We could just let kids know that they are OK and loved no matter who and what they are…….because whatever they are, that’s what they are going to be. Maybe, just maybe it’s time to make a choice between ideology and religion on one hand, and the children that we claim to care so much about on the other. The only question is ….will they be happy, confident and secure, or guilt ridden, miserable and confused.

    One last thing…..can we please stop asking pointless questions like “Is Marriage a Human Right?” Whatever the answer is it does not change the fact that this is about human beings, their emotions and their lives. A better question is “What should we tell the 12 year old gay or lesbian child who asks if he or she will be allowed to marry.” How will you explain why she can’t?

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