Imagine an America with no Liberals...

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Libhater, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ireland? But if Ireland is the country more similar to USA in Europe :-S
  2. Ultima

    Ultima New Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    God is the fantasy of idiots.
  3. Heroclitus

    Heroclitus Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
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    It was a nice proof that the racial profilers are the most filthy racists. As well as being as thick as pigcrap. Why would you target the extremists of a religion using race? Because you are racist scum and trailer trash probably. And what would you do if you were an Islamic extremist knowing that these pigthick morons now ran airport security? Well you'd dress your Semitic Arabs as rabbis, your blonde Syrian grandmothers would walk through security unmolested, your Bosnian muslims, pretty white and WASP looking would stroll through with their baby milk really being explosive chemicals, and you could blow up quite a few airliners. Seeing as America would under these moronic dream only have bigots and scum left in it, the rest of us would be saying "serves the evil scum right". Which it would.
  4. skeptic-f

    skeptic-f New Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Liberal bashing of traditional Christianity in our society hasn't helped, but the drift away from churches and religion would have occurred anyway, but at a slower rate. This is especially true of religion of the fundamentalist persuasion, which basically asks its believers to turn their brains off

    Abortion would indeed be made illegal, and that would reduce the number of abortions while increasing the number of illegal/dangerous abortions and travel abroad to places where abortions were still legal.

    If we were not to welsh on our debt we would first have to pay our outstanding contributions (the US is permanently in arrears), but I agree the US would save money. Removing the US veto from the UN would mean that the enemies of the United States could work unimpeded without any recourse except military action, which can only be done a few times a decade. American influence would also decline in all other world bodies (G8, NATO, SEATO, World Bank, IMF, etcetera). The United States would remain a major player on the world stage but allies would be much harder to come by.

    This of course is anathema to any true conservative. Just the residency restrictions and violation of property rights is unacceptable, not to mention that such a policy would have to be enforced with physical force. I thought Libhater wanted the triumph of conservatism, not fascism? And wouldn't it be more cost-effective to just kill them all?

    It would also drop the effective minimum wage and thus the GNP of the country. The wealth and health gaps would continue to widen and slums would get worse, as would crime (including riots). The positive effects might still outweigh these negative effects, but don't forget the negative effects would occur

    Actually, the original intent of our government was for as small a military as was practicable (check your histories of the early decades of the United States of America), and the United States currently massively overspends on its military compared to any possible enemy. An expansion of the National Guard linked to a contraction of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines would be more traditional.

    Apparently all public functions would be paid for by fees, tolls or levies on usage (what about libraries and education, a major oversight!). This would also ensure that the gap between the poor and the rich widens significantly. This also ensures that any outstanding national assets will quickly be depleted, so you would have short-term benefits in exchange for long-term problems.

    This is a ludicrous suggestion. The amount of money spent on such things is immensely greater, even as a percentage of GNP, than it was around 1900 (apparently the time period LibHater is thinking of). All the good people are just NOT going to make that level of commitment. They will instead do a lesser level of charity and good works and subscribe the remaining level of suffering to God's will. This will be particularily true for people they feel no sympathy for, like inner city blacks or recent immigrants.

    Big business would definitely thrive, especially since environmental and workplace regulations would be a thing of the past. Lawyers would no doubt be incredibly busy trying to get large numbers of tort suits through a tiny legal system. Smaller business would benefit from reduced regulation and reduced wages but would be vulnerable to economies of scale and other big business tactics (think Wal-Mart, for example). Job creation would only soar if jobs were kept in the United States, but neglect of education and globalisation would argue the opposite would occur (although it would help the balance of payments).
    Monopolies, oligopolies and trusts would also flourish, stifling competition in many economic fields (think the oil industry).

    Half of active Republican Party members believe the Birther nonsense that President Obama was born in Kenya. That sounds like racism is alive and well in America to me, and especially among conservatives. There will also be nothing to stop people from acting on their racist beliefs (the classic example being refusing to sell a house in a suburban subdivision to a black couple, regardless how rich or respectable they are, on the grounds that it would reduce property values).

    The crime statistics are easy to look up, and they don't support LibHaters thesis that hispanic illegals are responsible for the bulk of crime in America (in fact, a different minority group that are citizens of the United States would be a more likely scapegoat group). Unless LibHater calls off the War on Drugs a lot of crime connected to the drug trade will continue, and crystal meth proves you don't have to have liberal alternate lifestyle people around to have a drug problem. There weren't a lot of liberals in the mid-1800s, but there was still plenty of crime in the cities and out west on the frontier.

    The reason we had a leaky border in the first place was to bring in cheap labor that could avoid government regulations and hiring practices. That is also why NO administration, liberal or conservative, has ever seriously considered keeping out illegals. Finally, we need their higher birth rate to keep our demographics from getting even worse. Getting rid of abortion will help in this regard, but you'd have to get rid of birth control to really make a dent in this problem.
  5. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Imagine the US with a one party system and no checks and balances.
  6. JavaBlack

    JavaBlack New Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    Racial profiling is ridiculous. The minute terrorists figure out what people are profiling, they will start recruiting people who can get by.
    Actual racial profiling is impossible after all. They cannot stop EVERY person who looks "Middle Eastern", as that will include anyone who racially looks like a person from the Middle East to a white security guard. Mexicans, Indians, anyone with brown skin. This would be about as labor intensive as just checking everyone.
    So what would really happen is more of an ethnic profiling... which is easy to get around. They wouldn't even need a Jihad Jane; they could just have a lighter-skinned guy walk in with a tee shirt and jeans.

    That's not to say all profiling is completely dumb.
    Israelis use security experts who watch for mannerisms and behaviors that are red flags for terrorists. These are more difficult for terrorists to hide and will result in fewer false positives, fewer terrorists getting by, and no discrimination.
    Of course then terrorists will just look for other targets.
    And the experts would cost money, as effective things often do, and we'd have to train them and stuff (we don't have universal military service after all).

    I guess when it comes down to it, airport security really is just thereto give white people the illusion of safety.
    Nothing makes this clearer than when people call for racial profiling.
  7. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Baby steps, kilgram. Baby steps... lol

    I'm monolingual. I'm not fluent in anything besides English, so my options are a bit limited when looking at continental Europe. I realize a lot of Europeans speak English as a second language, but if I'm not mistaken, learning the local language is usually a prerequisite to citizenship (and is just practical anyway).

    So, if I wanted to move to say... Germany... I'd probably want to spend a few years in Ireland beforehand while going to school for German. Ireland's lifestyle is probably closer Germany's than America's is, so I would be acclimating to both a lifestyle and a language at the same time.

    The U.K. is an option, but it's also really expensive. I seem to get conflicting reports about whether the U.K. or Ireland is more expensive, but it seems like the U.K. is really more expensive in general. Also, the U.K. seems to have a lot of the same problems as America. Ireland has its own problems, but I get the impression I could handle living in Ireland better.

    I'd like to visit the U.K. some though.
  8. Serfin' USA

    Serfin' USA Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Basically... Granted, I like the idea of handing security over to the private sector. Each airline could devise its own security schemes, and then people would buy according to whichever methods they found most tolerable.

    It probably wouldn't be the most efficient means of running things, but it would at least remove the government from being a scapegoat in these matters.

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