Imagine heaven and hell

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Canell, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. Canell

    Canell Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Question: How do you imagine heaven and hell? :angel:

    Me, I imagine heaven like a small Austrian picturesque village, just under the mountain :pray:, where everything where it needs to be. In other words - order, harmony and tidiness; moderate climate and green meadows; rich natural life; beautiful, healthy and serene people. And no gypsies and Muslims.
    As for the political system of paradise, that would be Communitism (not to be confused with Communism (aka globalism-satanism).

    Now hell. That would look like a classical ME country or a gypsy ghetto - it's hot (as hell), it's filthy, it's dusty, everything is a mess, it's full of sick and ugly people and mental slaves (wearing burkas and such) and from every corner of the street you hear that dirty, vulgar, demonic music called "kucek" (). Yuk!
    Political system - slavery and tyranny. :disbelief:

    How about you, how do you picture heaven and hell? :fishing:
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  2. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Heaven I think will depend on how good of a Christian you have been.

    Those who have been better will be closer to God and his glory those that have failed at it but still believe will be further away.

    Hell would be the complete separation from God.

    I get immense joy from my relationship with God and the better I do as a Christian the more joy I have. When I stumble I end up feeling absolutely horrible. I imagine this is what Heaven will be like.

    Some Christians may walk streets paved with gold and admire the splendor of heaven while those closer to god won't have to admire anything, they will be part of it.

    I imagine the torture of Hell is the complete absence of God from your life where there is no joy and happiness. What form that ultimately takes is anybody's guess. Some believe that God will create a place like Earth but without him in it, complete anarchy, others believe it will be an actual lake of fire. I don't worry about that though since I won't be going there.
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I just read an exceptionally insightful explanation for hell a few days ago from a man who had a near death experience when he was 11.

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