Look up the definition of "impeach". Second, your crooked Republican Senate voted to not consider any evidence. You have ZERO EVIDENCE. You "video proof" doesn't "prove" what you claim it proves. Just ask any judge. 1-49 in election cases. Please, continue. Democrats will use every sound byte in the mid-terms and your LOSER , Dirty Donnie, will continue to show what a swamp creature he and the Republicans actually are.
Remember the 2016 election when Trump repeatedly said that he really won the popular vote and he had a committee investigate it to prove his claims Remember when the committee found proof of millions of fraudulent votes. Wait you don't recall that? Hmm - that would mean Trump lied in 2016. Nah he never lies - must be part of the deep state conspiracy
Exactly, DL. The 99th Re-Hash of Debunked Bull that belongs in the Conspiracy section. Then, again, Trump has "proof":
It has been checked, audited and verified. Nothing will be enough for the trumpers. Your orange idiot screamed fraud when he lost in the primaries and already had “stop the steal” lined up in 2016 if he lost — his base doesn’t care that they are being played so frankly I could care less what they want.
First of all these senators are contesting the election siting only that they are representing their consituants who are concerned. None of them ever offer proof. The consitituents then say 'see, the elections are being stolen, my senator says so'. Rinse and repeat. Trump and his fellow 'victims' seem to be making careers off of imaginary slights. Not to mention fund raising. They seem to want to get the money and votes of those who feel they are victims by playing the victims themselves. Just remember that Trump claimed 3 MILLION illegal votes in 2016 and then quickly swept that under the rug. Btw I remember you posting earlier in the month that if Trump and cohorts did not provide the evidence necessary to contest the elections, it would be a complete blemish on his presidency. Do you consideer that they delivered evidence of stolen elections? truly curious
LOL! Since when is evidence required? Besides, who needs a smoking gun? Biden received more votes than any president in history yet he did not campaign......it does not take a rocket scientist to see something is rotten in Denmark.
Where there voting irregularities? Yes, same as every year. Was it enough to change the result? Almost certainly not.
No there is not evidence of significant voter fraud or irregularities. Anyone who spreads these kinds of lies is fuelling trump’s seditious attempt to steal the election. Biden won fair and square. Suck it up and accept it, sunshine.
I did. It’s full of lies. Just taking the first allegation - that in Nevada over 42,000 people voted twice. That’s a felony, but has even a single person been charged? No. Because it isn’t true. You are spreading lies.
There is zero evidence of massive voter fraud, just Crackhead Donnie lying about massive voter fraud.
Yeah that's really compelling evidence. I will remind you that you all pointed out gleefully how little Hillary campaigned compared to Trump, and yet she got three million more votes than Trump. So clearly rallies are not a measure of how many votes one gets. In the 21st century, many more people get their info regarding presidential candidates in places other than rallies. A majority of presidents elected did so with more votes than their predecessors. It is called population growth. So, not really surprising. Most polls, including right wing ones, had Biden ahead of Trump for the elections. How improbable is it that Biden would get the same numbers as Hillary + population growth + people that Trump turned off +left wing of the democratic party that was apathetic for 2016 - New Trump voters. The number really is not surprising in anyway shape or form
Actually we have none of this, as none of that happened. It’s why every single court challenge was dismissed. It’s why the DHS, DOJ, FBI, Attorney General, Republican Secretaries of State and Republican governors have all shown you that none of that happened.
Constant lies by a man that does nothing but tell lies trump and his “team” Donations and attention I hope those were simple enough for you
What did he gain from me by lying because I'm trying to figure it out and I can't come up with anything.
You have become an ardent defender of anti-democracy. Your moral compass is a major item to lose. His primary items are recognition and money. You can see this by the number of organizations and charities he has defrauded.
Indeed. The only way the cons can win elections anymore with their crap ideology is to gerrymander the country into a contorted political map and then they still have to disenfranchise a ton of voters to keep wrangling a place at the table. The EC was designed to protect smaller states, not keep moribund political parties artificially alive.