Influx of more immigrants, foreign workers and maids as world economy worsens

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by reedak, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    As the world economy worsens, one may expect the foreign workers and maids in the host countries to pack up and return home. On the contrary, host countries worldwide are facing an influx of more immigrants, foreign workers and maids.

    Unless forced to leave the host countries by war as in Libya, Syria, Yemen and other war-torn regions, the existing foreign workers will linger around and create more social problems even if they have lost their jobs in the host countries.

    Poor countries will be the first to suffer or "sink" in the event of a global recession. Like a drowning man clutching at a straw, more emigrants from poor countries will try to seek whatever ways, legal or illegal, to settle abroad even if they know many people in the host countries are unemployed.

    This is analogous to a situation of desperate people scrambling aboard a crowded boat which will become overloaded and sink in the storm. With more of their own people losing jobs, and more immigrants and foreign workers competing for limited jobs, the host countries will be caught in a bind and their economy will deteriorate further.

    In addition, the upheaval in the Middle East is forcing many emigrants, foreign workers and maids from poor countries to look for jobs in the USA, Western Europe and East Asia.

    An example of such situation is found in the article headlined "Filipino maid wins landmark HK ruling on residency" at

    This will not be the last case. The HK court decision will pave the way for more of such cases in many other countries, East and West.

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