is benghazi eligible/worthy for/of realtime conspiracy theorieness ??

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by scott e., Oct 14, 2012.

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  1. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    God how I love these generalizations. I am one of the "Right Wing", and you would never hear me say anything like that.

    And like the previous poster, I really can't find a consistent thread in your claims. You are all over the map, and pretty much everything boils down to "Republicans hate Democrats".

    However, notice I never said this is not a scandal, or that there has been no cover-up. I simply say it is not a conspiracy. Because conspiracy implies involvement in the activity itself, and I have yet to see a single shred (or even suggestion) that this is the case.
  2. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Well yeah, its right there on the FBI website, that of course ScottE there looked at in his pursuit of THE TRUTH, meaning any half baked theory as long as it makes te man he hates, President Obama, look bad.

    For example

    And they even have a special unit that's ready for deployment worldwide, just for incidents like the Bengazi attack

    So yeah, the FBI was involved. But of course the fact that that page was put up 8 years ago means that Bengazi was being planned for 7 years dontchaknow.
  3. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Well, it looks like Tuesday has started early for poor scotte. It appears that Fox has decided that they have pushed unfounded half truths and rumors about Bengazi as far as they can and they are now trying to appear balanced by dropping the whole thing. I would guess they were not impressed by a sneak preview of the evidence tomorrow and are cutting and running.


    I'm sorry, Scott. It looks like the people you trust to validate your hatred have lied to you, once again.
  4. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    What difference does it make ! it was a long time ago. there is a hearing on the hill Wednesday.... like the birther issue you are declaring this over before our congress does ??

    duh... ok surranis. are you a U.S. citizen even ?? you should be sorry, you act sorry...
  5. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    hey you're right... they did cancel the hearing at the Rayburn building... oh my God...
  6. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    I park just about everything in the conspiracy/miscellaneous/other section... it saves time and work for the mods. and btw, is easier to find, and I find has a longer "shelf life" = equals more reads... i'll let the obots check the math... just another of the many ways they have helped we the proud birthers. I have scared most of them off, which ironically, is what they have so miserably failed at over the past six years... who knew ?? I must have over a million reads by now... :cool:
  7. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    *hand ScottE a Hanky" Don't cry.
  8. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    this is a good example of "whistling in the dark" or, past the grave yard. or "whistle blowing past the consulate in Benghazi". I have been looking at the obot early comments, when I said there is something covered up about the Benghazi affair... and of course the birth certificate scandal.
  9. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    it a huge conspiracy, just like the birth certificate and the pile of other Chicago way 0bamavich scandals. 0bama has been looking for a house in havai'i, and perhaps the Jakarta area too.... hmmm.

    reminds me of the old joke... when the tourist asks a local, is it Hawaii or havai'i...??

    the local said it's havai'i. the tourist said thank you... and the local said you're velcome... drum rim shot
    boy's life magazine from the seventies...
  10. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    is that all you got... 0bot ?? better move along... nothing to see here... hey are you going to be on bill's show tomorrow night ??
  11. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Just wanted to quote your babbling answer and offer a simple riposte, It wasn't "a long time ago", it was this morning.

    Better get a bucket for those tears, pal.

    Oh yeah, and its really easy to declare this over, because we happen to know the truth, and the truth is there nothing to this. Whereas you can only believe lies because your central position is a lie, which is why you have not gotten one single thing right. Ever. YOu have not been able to predict the outcome of a single thing that's ever happened.

    You believe so many self contradictory things you cant see straight. As the guy said, you are all over the map.

    And by the way, you have scared no-one off, everyone just got sick of arguing with a moron hat believes something no matter how many times it has been proven false.
  12. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    what a zero you are irish guy ... how's your economy doing ?? what's a ripost ? down to the single bare bulb in yer flat.... or are you the dim bulb ?? lol:sleeping:

    repost ....riposte ?? thanks for calling me pal
  13. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    So were those hearings a major let down? Or what?

    The elephant hath labored mightily and delivered unto us... a mouse.
  14. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    boy, I am so happy about those Benghazi hearings, finally the crush of Chicago corruption is being flushed out like the filthy rats they are. they haven't been able to fix Chicago since I was but a wee tot, growing up in Chicago 50 years ago, and yet they seem so pure...... and honest...

    imagine that fifty years of corruption gives birth to alinsky clinton obama governors in jail.... 500 hundred murders/year right in their own backyard .

    if chavez was castro without brains, 0bama is clinton without brains.

    those reverend wright chickens are coming home to roost.

    I hear obamvich is looking for a friendly country to self exile to.

    miss hillary was busy getting awards today, while looking for new ways to stick her old boss in the back... :roflol:

    bozo the vp joe biden is heading to iowa next week.... to take a peek....

    the filthy rats are leaving the sinking 0drama ship.

    A great day for America indeed.

    roses are red violets are blue, so long 0bamas, and the Clintons too... :cool:
  15. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    another one bites the dust, said the tortoise to the hare... lol :roflol:

    ABC news no less, gawd that's embarrassing, that's going to leave a mark... birth certificate is next, have a nice day Fogbow Frankie.... :wink: :cheerleader: :roflol:,d.dmg&fp=81e11ceecdd1f2a1&biw=1344&bih=642

  16. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    So the latest crime stopping info is that stuff undergoes revisions before publication or interviews. Stunning. Maybe someday ScottE will get around to watching any single Episode of the West Wing for this and even more shocking revelations.

    Which just goes to show what a complete bust yesterday turned out to be.

    Oh and ScottE, I don't know why you are laughing about the Irish Economy. Its in the (*)(*)(*)(*)ters because we copied the American economic system, copied your economic Property boom with even lower buisness taxes than you have, and then went full austerity and didn't get a stimulus and we are still refusing to raise our corporation tax rates. In short, we are a poster child s to why the GOP economic plan will (*)(*)(*)(*) you over.
  17. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    you're starting to sound panicked... I just asked about your economy. if you weren't so defensive, I would have asked about Belfast. when I was growing up there was always conflict, and things seem to have gotten better, I was going to ask you as an expert, what your perspective on that was, the ira and such.

    as I said, you are all nicer on the radio than you are here, or that other forum. so take it easy on the st*rs.

    and I know every episode of the west wing, front to back.

    but it is fun to push your buttons from time to and the other 0bots...:wink:
  18. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Uh no, your the one that now wants to pretend Wednesday never happened by throwiing out a nothing distraction that debunked by 2 seconds of thought. And you are trying to Pretend I'M Panicked?

    But then the people trying to manufacture a controversy out of this are pretty panicked too I'll bet.

    And did you know that 13 Benghazis happened under Bush, and nothing was said about them? Stunning, isnt it?

    I wonder how many revisions the statements on THOSE went through? :D Oh yeah Fox never reported much on them so you don't have a clue about them.

    And I'm amused by your attempt to refocus on Cutter. Its ironic that YOU want to say that when someone that says something that is later proven incorrect then everything they say is suspect. YOU wanna look in the mirror? As for suddenly pretending to be nice on my economy, you wouldn't fool a baby with that BS, loser. And I know jack (*)(*)(*)(*) about Belfast, Never been there, its not part of my country and never will if I have anything to say about it.

    Its really sad that you are giddy that people are actually replying to you.
  19. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Another smear coming in. This saying that Hillary Clinton was...

    ... unladylike and a tomboy. Nothing like a bit of naked sexism from our GOP to round out a frankly pathetic week.
  20. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    you really are pathetic some times. like 0bama and minions, you are increasingly desperate. I invite people to look at the way you all treated that nice miss Deborah at keven Davidson's oboter hate site.

    she seemed lovely, and all she wanted to do was ask question and have a nice conversation. you all have gotten so ugly that you don't even know when you are being so nasty. why should someone go there if that's always the case ??

    and you do it here. you know i'm a big boy, and I've been called every name in the book, many of them here. but at least here there is always one or two moderators, that see things for how they are. this is a free exchange two way forum amigo. just because all of you are good at ridicule and intimidation doesn't mean it's right, or the best tactic.

    so when you all chew up and spit out a nice person like miss Deborah, you are the losers, and the readers too. now we'll , thinks or feels never get to her what she says, because it's more important for all of you to be dogmatic and right, all in the name of preserving a guy that even you don't really know much about.

    yes there is something to Benghazi, and yes there is something about 0bama's past, and people are beginning to see that. and if you believed in your position, you wouldn't
    to have to change my quotes, then attribute them to me. another example of a cheap shot.

    finally, when we talked to each other on the radio, your personna was way different than here, you almost seemed nice. that tells me something right there. maybe you should look ahead at where you will be after all of this. politics is politics, but when you mistreat people like you all did, and with "doctor" conspiracy's blessing, like miss Deborah, nothing is gained, and that is disturbing for most normal folks trying to learn about their "president".... whom I think is engaged in all sorts of cover ups, and filthy politics, and whom I still believe was born in Kenya.

    my pursuit of the truth has nothing to do with you. I am trying to unsettle the American government's executive branch, so peon players like you are just sport for me, a way to have a little fun and sharpen my skills. i'm after the big fish mr. surranis, you are just one of many distractions along the way.

    so think about that, and that tolerance that you preach mr. surranis, when someone nice like miss Deborah says "i'm never coming back here" as she did at Obama conspiracy .org
  21. RCRadioShow

    RCRadioShow New Member

    Aug 7, 2011
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    It was inevitable that the Republican morons in Congress would latch on to something during Obama's second term to begin impeachment talk. It appears the cupboard is so bare all they can do is latch on to Benghazi. it will not go anywhere since it is an entirely fabricated "crisis" by Fox News but it will give them something to talk about. You really have to question the sanity of people who take such talk seriously. I am talking about you Jame Imhofe.

    I think they are still made that the media had so much fun with Romney in the debate when he trotted out the Fox News talking points and they made him look like the jackass he was.
  22. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    he's got more integrity than you will ever have. maybe you should step out of your little radio booth, finally man up and tell us your name, "radio" coward.
  23. WongKimArk

    WongKimArk Banned

    Mar 25, 2011
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    So true, RC. The Republicans are still stinging over that one. This article from the Atlantic talks about it:

    The Republicans are pathetic.
  24. scott e.

    scott e. New Member

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Lincoln was a republican.

    he insisted Obama had not called Benghazi a terrorist attack

    another lie, 0bama in the rose garden, the next day did not say "Benghazi was a terrorist attack" check the transcript governor.

    better yet,

    around 4:20

  25. Suranis

    Suranis New Member

    Apr 1, 2012
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    Yep, that's why you've been banned from here at least once, and had every one of your pathetic threads tossed in here.

    I see you're still sore that Wednesday turned out to be such a damp squib, even with Fox cutting away whenever a DEMOCRAT had a question or comment. Yes I'm sorry that your big hyped up moment that would finally blast the thing out into the open turned out to be as explosive as a flower. "Hi I'm a whistleblower that... wasn't actually there and missed the call from Ambassador Stevens because I was watching my favorite TV program. And I spent the night making phone calls asking people what was going on. And I THINK if we had planes nearby the Libyans would have gotten all scared." Wow, I've had more scandalous stuff on my dinner plate.

    You're just sore that you are part of the 47%.

    As was George W Bush. That balances things out. And how about those Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich characters, huh?

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