Islam has replaced communism.

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by billy the kid, Sep 7, 2016.

  1. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Centuries ago. That's the point. For Islam, its current news, that's the point. Why are these religions developing differently? I would suggest that a careful examination of the respective differences between Muhammad and Christ could hardly be more stark. Hence, 21st century Christianity is very different than 21st Islam.

    If you want to test this theory, plaster a large occupied church with anti-Christian posters and you are very likely to walk away unharmed. Then try the same at a large occupied Mosque, then report back to us on your respective experiences.
  2. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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  3. lunecat

    lunecat Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Not far in distance, but I have no idea of how that differs in culture, as I have only visited Dundee once. Edinburgh (Mid Lothian) that borders East Lothian is very different from East Lothian!
  4. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Well, I guess all you can do is hope that your place does finish up like Luton or Dewsbury...
  5. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    With victimology you get dhimmitude..they go hand in creates the other..

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    mortimer says
    January 24, 2017 at 12:39 pm

    Christine Williams correctly exposes the ‘PUNISHMENT THEME’ of the leftist agenda. It amounts to HEREDITARY GUILT or RETROACTIVE RESPONSIBILITY BY RACE. In other words, those born white are responsible for every injustice committed by white people in the past and DESERVE to be punished for the sins of their grandparents back in time for TEN GENERATIONS or more!

    This victimization of modern white people for real or alleged crimes committed hundreds of years before their births is CLEARLY UNJUST and CLEARLY ABSURD and OFFENSIVELY STUPID.

    This level of stupidity and illogic is promoted by lawyers and even judges who should know better than to give into the emotional call for WITCH HUNTS based on specious ‘INHERITED GUILT’. They overthrow justice.

    There is no such thing as the mythical ‘social’ justice. There is only ‘JUSTICE’. The concept of ‘social’ justice (equality of outcome based on race quotas) clearly means espousing the UNJUST concept of ‘INHERITED GUILT’ which mainly targets recently-born white young people for discrimination and victimization.

    citycat says
    January 25, 2017 at 12:36 am

    Unreasonable fear of Islãm.
    One should see a shrink not get witch hunted.
    So the horror has to be described as holy horror.
    People being slaughtered in the name of Islãm is holy and right, it says so in the holy Qur’an.
    Women being used as sex slaves is good and holy.
    Women being beaten for the unholy crime of refusing sex is good and holy.
    Homosexuals being thrown of building is good and holy because they are not producing babies for Allah.
    Women being buried up to their necks and stoned to death is good and holy.
    Christians who don’t pay the jizya or convert are killed, which is good and holy, it says so in the Holy Qur’an.
    You have read the Qur’an, haven’t you, i presume you who advocate the advance of Islãm have read the Qur’an, you have, haven’t you? Read the Qur’an.
    Have you read the Qur’an? You should, it’s so holy, we all love it. We love the Qur’an and Allah, and the holy prophet.

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  6. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    He's starting to clean house already.
    I said years ago that America needed a hero, a superman, and Obumma wasnt it.
    Trump is.
    Americans sing and dance in the street.

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    The Trump administration has frozen Obama’s parting gift to the the Palestinians.

    Former US President Barack Obama, in his waning hours, quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA), which Congress had been blocking.

    The Trump administration announced it is freezing the move.

    The State Department is reviewing the last-minute decision by former Secretary of State John Kerry to send $221 million dollars to the Palestinians.

    Godwin says
    January 25, 2017 at 12:57 pm

    This has shown Obomo to be a stealth jihadist. In his final hours. he still wanted to betray America.

    georgesorossuckspeen says
    January 25, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    He was/is practicing Taqiyya. No doubt about it. If he left the Muslim faith why wasn’t a fatwa issued against him? He would be the only muslim in the 1400 year history of the cult that left and didn’t have one issued against him

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    Too numerous to post..
  7. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Baby abuse, child abuse, adult abuse...the religion of peace..its got it all..
    and guess what...after all that they play the victimology game and create dhimmitude...
    and guess what...theres more..while this is going on, they are full of lies and deceit, aka taqiyya,
    but we have to embrace them...
    Oh did I forget the FGM and the other daily female abuse...aahh well..lets all be friends....pft
  8. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Well it looks like the Canadian Government is full of dhimmitude also.
    But the question still remains, why are there so many websites which could be
    called "anti-islamic"
    Shouldnt we all be embracing islam, and loving one another.
    Maybe there is something wrong with course not...
    Press play for a six minute fiery spiel on this petition to reject the blasphemy law
    in Canada which will protect islam from criticism and islamaphobia.

    And follow it up with this one...from the 11minute mark...another fiery girl...
    Strange she speaks about closing their borders....well who woulda thought...
  9. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Vlad says
    January 26, 2017 at 1:28 am

    Is it any wonder???
    Fake religion,
    Fake scientific accomplishments,
    Fake mathematica
    Fake hate crimes,
    Fake moral compass,
    Fake Word of God
    Fake koran
    Fake prophet, ((*)(*)(*)(*) be upon him)
    Fake, fake, fake
    Fake ad infinitum

    Florida Jim says
    January 26, 2017 at 10:36 am

    CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper is a foul man who lies daily and Islam gives him the approval with something called Taqiyya , which gives muslims the right and duty to lie about Islam to avoid repelling people.I know no CAIR person whom I trust. They are terrorists and should be deported at once.

    marina says
    January 26, 2017 at 12:20 pm

    CAIR should be dissolved. Their Caliph Obama is gone so now they will come up with ridiculous crap. Not that they were better before under their great Caliph.

    steve brown says
    January 26, 2017 at 1:22 pm

    Ibrahim Hooper’s assertion that muslims are faking hate crimes because of Islamophobia is like a serial killer claiming that the reason he keeps killing people is because people keep blaming him for killing people. After all over 90% of the worlds acts of terror are committed by muslims. Trump must classify CAIR and the rest of America’s jihad supporting Islamic associations as, ” Enemies of the State”.

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    Muslims drive to fake "hate crimes" because of islamaphobia...a term which they invented to gag
    free speech, which includes criticism of islam...laughable...absolutely laughable...
    All the while the same old the victim (victimology) create dhimmitude...
    and all the while lies and deceit as approved by Mohammed himself (taqiyya)...
  10. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    AFDI President Pamela Geller noted: “As violent Leftists rioted in Washington on Donald Trump’s inauguration day, our AFDI correspondent Laura Loomer was there. Laura also attended the Women’s March the next day. At both, she found the opposition to Trump to be angry, arrogant, confrontational — and unwilling to confront facts that disproved their positions, particularly on Trump’s opposition to Islamic terrorism.”

    Geller added: “This was true even of Democratic Presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, who sneered at our correspondent and accused her of ‘hate’ for standing up for Muslim women.”

    The video shows that women’s marchers repeatedly showed that they had no idea of the grim reality of life for women under Islamic law — polygamy, beatings, honor killings, genital mutilation — and no interest in hearing about it. For them, Muslims are an oppressed class threatened by Trump; jihad terror and Sharia oppression just don’t matter to them. This tragic indifference is compounded by the fact that a principal organizer of the Women’s March was Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour. Sarsour is openly pro-Sharia and has numerous links with the terror group Hamas.

    Concluded Geller: “These encounters show something very important about the Trump-hating, America-hating Left: it simply doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

    mortimer says
    January 26, 2017

    Leftards support Islam, Sharia, veiling and Islamic gender segregation. At the same time, they support rights for women! Ha, ha.

    Even more, they are arrogant about defending Islam against those who criticize it! Can there be a more perfect example of KNEE-JERK, undying support of ‘THE PARTY LINE’?

    These Leftards haven’t even the smallest desire to think for themselves. Moreover, they are ready to persecute anyone who dissents from the Leftarded CAUSE OF THE MONTH.

    They are just like the old Stalinists.

    Richie says
    January 26, 2017 at 4:04 pm

    Leftists are at their core communists, and as such despise the west and the freedoms of the west. To leftists, even atheist leftists, Islam is an ally- It is a case of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. Leftists hate the US, capitalism, democracy and Israel- Islam hates these things too. Leftists fail to see they are the very first ones Muslims would hurl from a rooftop

    IQ al Rassooli says
    January 26, 2017 at 4:26 pm

    Women’s Marches Against Trump

    On January 21, some women’s rights groups organized “Women’s Marches” in many cities across the Unites States and around the world. The rallies largely targeted recently-inaugurated U.S. President Donald John Trump.

    One of the most prominent organizers of “Women’s Marches” is Linda Sarsour who is the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” who spoke at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.

    Linda Sarsour is very active on Twitter. She is pro Sharia law and a couple of her tweets even have a seditious tone to them where she glorifies Sharia law and hints at it taking over America whereby Americans will have interest free loans.

    The reasons why Linda Sarsour is one of the instigators are:
    DJ Trump declared he will only allow Muslims coming into the USA after they are fully vetted
    DJ Trump has declared TOTAL war against ISIS. No holds barred
    DJ Trump has promised to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel

    As far as Linda Sarsour is concerned DJ Trump is the enemy of Islam obviously and conveniently forgetting that Muslims and Islam are the enemies of EVERY human being on Earth who is not a Muslim called Kuffar/ Infidels (currently 80% of none Muslim humanity). In fact Muslims had been active warring enemies of the American Republic since 1776.

    As a Muslima, Linda Sarsour suffers from the debilitating mental disease that plagues ALL Muslim called “Blame the Victim” Syndrome.

    Dear Americans not a SINGLE female among the hundreds of thousands demonstrating against President Trump at the behest of Linda Sarsour and others has two brain cells of logic because under Sharia EVERY female on Earth is just one little step higher up the ladder of evolution than Domestic Animals.

    There were many speakers and participants. There was Madonna who wished she could blow up the White House. Another was the actress Ashley Judd who read a poem in Washington D.C. that asked why “tampons are taxed when Viagra and Rogaine are not”.

    While Madonna and Ms Judd talked about their distressing erroneously perceived tragedy, thousands of Yazidi women, girls and children were being forced into sexual slavery in Iraq and Syria at the hands of Islamic State (ISIS), and available for purchase at sex-slave markets.

    Dear Infidels/ Kuffar, please be aware that Linda Sarsour wears the hijab and is attired in the Islamic manner and on several occasions in pictures and on Twitter she raises her index finger as a sign of TAWHEED (Allah is one) of ISIS . This means that Linda Sarsour is fully SHARIA Compliant.

    Since she is Sharia compliant, Linda Sarsour therefore is FORBIDDEN from ever being loyal to the American Constitution because it is not from Allah’s Sharia nor to none Muslim Americans (called Kuffar/ Infidels; 97% of Americans)

    Furthermore, since most probably at least 90% of those demonstrating around the world are NOT Muslims but are Infidels/ Kuffar, they are therefore supporting the Muslima Linda Sarsour and Islam the very enemies of ALL none Muslim humanity; their own mortal enemies.

    There are pictures of Western women condemning Trump’s alleged misogyny in association with females in hijab declaring their Islam, the very NEMESIS of women’s rights. These female demonstrators are the usual clueless Useful Idiots who are available at the drop of a hat in their hundreds of thousands to fall over the cliff like lemmings the instant the objective is vilifying males.

    These alleged ‘feminists’ are literally aiding and abetting the very organizations in the USA and outside that would replace Western Civilization with either leftist fascism or Islamic Sharia. Not a single female amongst them could actually articulate the purpose of their ‘movement’ in any coherent and rational manner.

    The greatest tragedy of all is the fact that there is not a single prime time TV station to bring these leaders to the show and debate them because almost the entirety of the American media is itself either clueless about Islam or in lock step with it.

    Ladies and gentlemen, I have repeatedly asserted that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of Muhammadan Islam are called: Knowledge! Knowledge! Knowledge! & Knowledge!

    Because the worst nightmare of Muslims is to DEBATE someone who knows Islam better than they do and who can literally pulverise any and all of their arguments.

    For most of the last fifty years, so called ‘feminists’ wilfully and unconscionably IGNORED the plight of millions of young Muslim girls who suffer Genital Mutilation and or early arranged marriages to much older men. These ‘feminists’ are BRAVE burning their bras, their underwear and declaring their agenda ONLY in Western democracies knowing full well that they are safe.

    These women are ‘feminists’ only in their warped and cowardly minds because in reality they NEVER stood up to be counted in support of at least 750,000,000 OPPRESSED Muslim females around the world.

    All their protestations will add to naught because their purpose is IGNOBLE and will not start any meaningful movement.

    Donald J Trump will prove them and ALL his detractors not only Wrong but prove them to have been Intolerant, Immoral and Unjust.

    IQ al Rassooli
    Kafir & Proud!
    MAGA & DTS!

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  11. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Amazing how politicians can be suckered in by the religion of peace....

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    Theresa May recently boasted about having banned me from the country, and likened me to violent jihad terrorists. I was actually banned for noting, quite correctly, that “[Islam] is a religion and is a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers…” That is what May thinks is the flip side of jihad terrorism. Meanwhile, May’s Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain. The UK Home Office recently admitted Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact that he has said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest. Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination of the above.” May’s government also recently admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Meanwhile, it banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are persecuted from entering the country.

    What does Theresa May think is going to be the outcome of all this? Does she think that by admitting jihad preachers such as Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri and jihad terrorists such as Jamshid Piruz into the U.K., while banning foes of jihad terror, she will pacify her restive and growing Muslim population, and obviate the jihad imperative? Does she really believe that if “Islamophobia” is stamped out, Muslims will see no need to respond with jihad?

    Imagine how surprised she will be when she has managed to silence every last critic of Islam and jihad, and jihad will still rear its bloody head in her green and pleasant land. But it boggles the mind to think she could be this stupid in the first place. Is there no one in the British government with sufficient knowledge and courage to take the Prime Minister aside and explain to her that jihad violence arises from imperatives within Islam itself, which will not be blunted, calmed, or discarded in the face of kindness from infidels?

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    Theresa May is selling the UK one big dump.....
  12. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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  13. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Well, its all happening in sunny, downtown, peaceful Heilbronn, Germany, the land where the media
    is muzzled by Merkel, the dhimmi who still thinks islam is a religion of peace...
    How gutless is that..a 70 year woman takes in a refugee, and is murdered..
    Just waiting to see a jihadist go into a gym full of kick boxers and footballers and weightlifters
    and have a go at them...wont happen...too gutless...

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    linkdavej says
    January 26, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    Notice in these attacks that after the murder they usually steal any and all valuables. This proves that they are more than ideological warriors, they are criminals and thugs. But I guess we knew that.

    Also note how their victims are most often elderly, unprotected or someone like the priest whose throat was cut in his own church. And very often ganged up on by multiple “youths”, all demonstrating the conniving cowardice of Islam.

    Was this guy “vetted” when he entered the country? Apparently not, or this just proves that you cannot reliably vet anyone who is under orders to deceive, who has multiple identities, false documents and may present themselves as “a child” even if clearly an adult.

    Anne Smith says
    January 27, 2017 at 9:49 am

    Except that the Germans who welcomed him and his comrades into Germany displayed signs saying
    “They are not dangerous, they are in danger”.

    Got that wrong, then.

    Jaladhi says
    January 26, 2017 at 3:28 pm

    The modern day jihadis are terrorizing non-Muslims in their own homes. This is the modern day jihad holy wars that their “ideal man” Mo conducted 1400 years ago and Muslims have been doing it ever since. After the fall of Ottomas Muslims more or less stopped it since they knew they will not succeed. Now with help of modern day Wes(our own government, media and academia)t, they started the jihad again and the West has no clue what is going on. West thinks it is only a law and order problem. How wrong are they! Forget this nonsense of millions of “peace loving Muslims” throughout the world. I have news for the pundits of the media – they are all with the holy jihadis. How many of these peace loving Muslims have ever come out against jihadi murders and take any action against their murdering fellow Muslims. None!

    Time has come to take a strong action against the jihad going on in the world! Or it will be too late for our own survival!!

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  14. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Aah well Scotland, after Canada passes its anti islamophobia laws, it looks like you're next..
    Maybe you need another Braveheart...or someone...

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    Here we go again: forcing upon the Western public a bogus term that moves toward the criminalizing of speech critical of Islam, in keeping with Sharia blasphemy law. “Islamophobia” is a bogus term, as we have shown many times here at Jihad Watch. It is intended to beat down and silence valid critics of Islam.

    jayell says
    January 28, 2017 at 11:31 am

    Now, surely if the good citizens of Edinburgh want to rid their city of the scourge of ‘islamophobia'(sic), the most obvious course of action is to remove the scourge to which it is a reaction?

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  15. lunecat

    lunecat Active Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Maybe you missed a "not" in your post? The last thing I wish for East Lothian is that it ends up like Luton or West Yorkshire.
  16. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Christianity is not a religion of peace...The proof is in the pudding of those that claim adherence.....
  17. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Well, I suppose islam is an honourable religion/ideology, so I guess it only stands to reason that
    a father can murder his daughter in the form of an honour killing.
    All he is doing is obeying the koran, which commands that honour killings should occur in
    these circumstances.
    How sick is that...murder your own daughter because she talked to a non muslim man.
    Obviously muslim women have to marry muslim men to increase the muslim population.
    Muslim women must obey islam, or they die..simple as sick..
    The men..well they can marry whoever they please.
    The religion of peace and honour at work..

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    Walter Sieruk says
    January 28, 2017 at 11:22 am

    First, all people with a basic understanding of the clear difference between right and wrong will acknowledge that this vicious and deadly Islamic tradition what is called “honor killing ” is not only wrong but evil heinously murderous . Second, there are some decent but naive Westerners who just discovering about this brutal malice-filled homicidal Islamic custom called “honor killing ” will be horrified and shocked at his monstrous Islamic evil and then ask “Just how can a Muslim father murder his daughter or a Muslim brother murder is sister and do it also with religious motive ?” The answer to that question is found in the Bible. For the Bible teaches that there are some men who are extremely heartless,unfeeling, cruel, callous and dangerous because they have had ” their conscience seared with a hot iron.” First Timothy 4:2. [N.K.J.V.] The :”hot iron ” in this case is Islam.

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  18. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Dont see any seventh day adventists/jehovahs witnesses/pentecostals/etc going around killing people old mate......
    Im talking about today of course, not the stone ages...
  19. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    But “kafir” has a far more nuanced and difficult meaning than extremists apply; the word comes from an Arabic root often used to imply burial, concealment or camouflage. A “kafir” isn’t an infidel, in fact. He’s not someone who just isn’t Muslim, either. A “kafir” is someone who actively, with malice and ill intent, denies the truth, even though in his heart of hearts he knows it to be true. But for reasons circumstantial, existential, psychological, or otherwise, pretends otherwise….

    IQ al Rassooli says
    January 28, 2017 at 3:31 am


    It is BEST to prove that the ones using the accusation of ‘islamophobia’ are actually STUPID not knowing what it actually means. So try the following with these morons~


    Islamophobia is a neologism used to refer to an irrational fear or prejudice towards Muslims and the religion of Islam.

    Islamophobia means IRRATIONAL Fear of Islam or Muslims

    The term has achieved a degree of linguistic and political acceptance which is utterly at odds with facts and reality.

    Let us firstly deal with the FACTS:

    1 Muslims are the only group on the face of planet Earth who show their anger, their destructiveness, their Hatemongering and their Warmongering on TV, in Print, in their Educational System and in their Speech against ALL other belief systems be they Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu or Animist

    2 They are the only group who manifest their Hate and Anger while holding their holy book the Quran in one hand and Guns, grenade launchers, swords and daggers with the other.

    3 They are the only group who while demonstrating their hatred and anger shout and call upon the name of their god with their TERROR VERSE

    ” Allahu Akbar”

    4 They are the only group who in the “name of Allah” slaughter UNARMED and innocent civilians by the sword, suicide bombings, beheadings, blowing up planes, buses, trains etc etc

    5 Of all the acts of terror and AGGRESSION in the world today, Muhammadan Muslims have the pride of being the number one in at least 55 countries in the world on FOUR continents.

    6 Muhammadan Muslim law, called the Sharia’, discriminates unreservedly against the following:

    a) All females (even be they the followers of Muhammad
    b) All UNBELIEVERS such as Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews etc
    c) All Homosexuals
    d) All sects of Muhammadan Muslims who do not follow their methods

    7 Muslims BURN and destroy the holy places of other religious groups such as Churches, Buddhist temples, Hindu shrines and synagogues without remorse.

    8 Muslims show nothing but UTTER CONTEMPT for the beliefs, property and lives of all those who do not believe as they do

    9 Muslims massacre, mutilate, rape and destroy the lives and holy places of other Muhammadan Muslims who do not follow the same path.

    10 Muslims in the Western Democracies, while hiding behind their Freedoms of Speech and Belief, declare in public, in the media that they intend to turn the Christian Democracies into replicas of their DEPRAVED belief systems.

    11 Most Muslims in the world – the so called ‘Silent Majority’ – RARELY demonstrate against these inhumane, depraved and sickening acts and behaviour conducted daily in their name and in the name of ‘Islam’.

    12 One can understand and sympathize with those Muhammadan Muslims who live under Islamic governments and live in fear of being in the opposition, but those who live in Democracies HAVE NO EXCUSE WHATSOEVER in showing their disapproval, disgust and anger at those who are allegedly bringing Muhammadan Islam in DISREPUTE.

    Not ONCE in the last THIRTY years have any of them DEMONSTRATED anywhere in the democracies against the alleged Radicals/ Extremists shouting:

    NOT in Our NAME!

    13 It is one of the great ironies of history that it was Muhammad himself who said :
    “SILENCE MEANS CONSENT”, hence the silence of the followers of Muhammad in the West does mean that they CONSENT to what others are committing in their name and in the name of Muhammadan Islam.

    In fact and in reality, they have no choice since those that the media ERRONEOUSLY call ‘Islamic Radicals’ are actually the truest believers in the faith of Muhammadan Islam since they are ONLY following what the QURAN itself commands them to do in hundreds upon hundreds of verses:

    To force into Conversion, to Hate, to War, to Subjugate, to Slaughter, to Plunder, to Rape and to Enslave ALL those human beings who do not believe as they do. That is the remaining 80% of Humanity.

    If all the above items which any and all sane human beings are watching on TV, reading in the newspapers or listening to on the Radio DO NOT JUSTIFY being AFRAID of ISLAM, what DOES?

    Therefore it would be IRRATIONAL not to Fear Islam and or Muslims thus rendering Islamophobia as a contradiction of terms; an OXYMORON

    Muhammadan Islam IS RADICAL, it has no SHADES.

    IQ al Ibn Q Rassooli
    Kafir & Proud!
    MAGA & DTS!

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  20. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Trump's ban has brought the conflict between republicans and democrats to an almighty head.
    It has brought the conflict between muslims and non muslims to a head.
    Of course, this has been worsened by Obama the muslim and his attitudes towards
    protecting muslims throughout the world.
    On the other hand we have Merkel and May cowtailing to muslims like the dhimmis they are
    and ruining the UK and Germany... France and Sweden are already cactus...

    This is going to get ugly, very ugly....
  21. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Wel, if you cant get into America from the ME, come on over to Canadastan..our PM Trudeau
    wants all muslims, is keen to introduce sharia law and want to impose anti islamophobic legislation
    on the peasants. Trudeau says diversity is our strength..sounds a bit like Turnbull...

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    mortimer says
    January 29, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    PM Selfie Zoolander thinks that the cultural genocide of Canada is a strength, especially if Muslims do the genocide. Of course, Muslims don’t think that DIVERSITY is strength, Saudi Arabia doesn’t think it and that’s why Saudi Arabia doesn’t even want MUSLIM REFUGEES soiling its cities.

    PM Zoolander got his job merely because of his famous father, not on his merits as a ski instructor or drama coach.

    Dov Berrol says
    January 29, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    Time to put up a border wall between Canada and the USA, because Justin will be letting in plenty of jihadis and Arab supremacists in the next few years. And once they get across the unprotected border, their Muslim brothers in Detroit, Minneapolis and New York will be able to hide and shelter them with ease.

    Since the murders of September 11, I have never seen so many Muslims, Arabs and hijabs in every corner of Canada. The jihadis know Canada is a perfect target for conversion and imposition of Sharia law. And the French-speaking province of Quebec is taking in hundreds from French-speaking Arab countries like Lebanon, Morocco and Algeria.

    Better increase surveillance on the Great Lakes too.

    mortimer says
    January 29, 2017 at 6:17 pm

    Virtue signalling PM Zoolander spent his Christmas holiday with Islamic Agha Khan on his private Caribbean paradise island.

    Wow. I wonder what the Saudis and other Islamic dictators are doing to ‘help’ him and his party? Hillary got $25 MILLION from them.

    I wonder how much Zoolander is getting paid out of Gulf oil money to support their JIHAD AGAINST CANADA?

    End quotes.

    Canada is now screwed, worse than ever..
    Move over Merkel, May, Hollande, and all other incompetent dhmmi leaders, here comes Trudeau, welcoming
    sharia law and islam with open arms, and getting richer by the day....
  22. billy the kid

    billy the kid Well-Known Member

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    Quotes from link:
    Dave says
    January 30, 2017 at 8:35 pm

    saudis/OIC have been paying off media and politicians to make policies that benefit them and advances Islam and jihadi idealogy.
    This is another success that will further embolden the jihadis bcoz this proves terror works !

    Its been deliberate trojan horse program in action or “vicious snakes” as Trump kept warning people about

    Now that trump cannot be Iceland Police can Trump admin to grow some balls and treat the jihadis and Liberals like this they tried arrogance and got kicked in their ass and now they whine about “Trump is like Hitler”. LoL !

    roger woodhouse says
    January 31, 2017 at 2:19 am

    True.It is going to take a generation to wean the British back into the real world(if ever)due to the mind numbing years of leftwing propaganda they’ve been subjected to.The British people of 70 years ago is no more I’m afraid.America I salute you for not falling into the false world of liberalism and for electing the right man for the times we face.Dont look to Britain as any kind of help in the battles ahead.We are now a nation of sheep.

    Thelastvirgingoat says
    January 30, 2017 at 6:42 pm

    In order to keep this tradition going they will need to use Sharia guards with scimitars. Truly multicultural.

    Mark Swan says
    January 31, 2017 at 1:43 am

    Yep—Muslims drain the life out everywhere they are allowed.

    JMB says
    January 30, 2017 at 7:50 pm

    I assume that the last time this traditional ceremony was cancelled would have been during WW2 and this would have been more of an war time economy measure than any real fear of Nazi sympathiser in the UK at the time.
    Surely with a Muslim as the Lord mayor of London, that city should be entering a new world and era of celebrating peace joy and diversity, or has something gone terribly wrong?

    End quotes

    Too many negative comments about glorious, peaceful them yourselves if you want.
    And to those leftists that dont like the you think I really care.....

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