Israel supports the Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL)

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by ForumPoster, May 7, 2016.

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  1. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    Those of us who read jewish newspapers have known for a long time that Israel supports the incredibly evil terrorist organisation known as the Islamic State. For example, we find the following article in Haaretz:!

    The Islamic State has raped, enslaved and killed countless Syrians and Yazidis, but according to Haaretz, this is "refreshing news" because it means that these savages are only interested in fighting Israel's enemies.

    Then we have the following article in which a senior Israeli officer says that the West shouldn't fight ISIS because his country needs these terrorists:!

    As if that's not enough, Times of Israel has published an article in which Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon says that he prefers the Islamic State to Iran:

    What's your opinion on this matter? Do you agree with Ya’alon who says that Iran is worse than a terrorist organisation that has raped, enslaved and killed countless people? What do these jewish articles say about the values of "the only democracy in the Middle East"?
  2. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    Jewish leader praises ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people

    Chief rabbi Dov Lior who, among other things, says that it's permissible for jews to kill non-jews, including children, has praised the ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead because, in his mind, the French are antisemites who collaborated with Hitler in WWII and therefore deserve to be punished:

    P.S. When I started this thread, the title read "Israel supports...", not "srael supports". Something must have happened to it.
  3. MVictorP

    MVictorP Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    This is a truth I have been claiming for months, but somehow it is not the bit of news that's popular here, in the occidental medias.
  4. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    This is a bit of a slander and Israel as a Democracy and free speech would allow someone like Moshe Ya'alon to voice his opinion.
    As far as Haaretz Paper is concerned this has become such a rag that only the anti Israel crowd can find solace in its pages.
    I would not be surprised if this humiliating <supposedly Israeli> paper is run by far left contingent of supposedly reporters.
  5. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Let us work on the subject matter now that you have divulged that you knew about it for months... Get me the proof of this slander so I can verify that what you state has some value... From now on without your appropriate proof this will reflect only the hate you have towards my country!
  6. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    Hebrew articles are often mistranslated in the English edition of Ha'aretz. It's not a trustworthy - to say the least - source for news on Israel.
  7. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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  8. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    The anti semitic drivel on this forum sinks as low as it gets. You will notice the article quoted does not state the state of Israel supports ISIL anywhere. But hey now Haaretz is "Jewish". Its Jewish you know. Its a circumsized newspaper.
  9. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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  10. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    I never said that I'm a jew.

    I've often heard people say "Swedish newspapers" even though these papers don't have blond hair or eat meatballs. Seriously, don't you realize how ridiculous this argument is?

    Since you like posting in my thread so much, why don't you try to explain away the fact that an influential jewish leader, chief rabbi Dov Lior, praised ISIS terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 130 people? Or is it more comfortable to simply attack the person who brings this information to the forum's readers?

    P.S. If my English is bad, it's because I'm not a native speaker. Please keep that in mind.
  11. MVictorP

    MVictorP Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    These are all lip service and/or rumours of West Bank infiltration for ethnic cleansing purposes. Do you have something tangible Isreal did to counter IS, like a blockade, economic mesures, strikes or assassinations, you know, the kind of stuff they commit on Palestinians?
  12. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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    Interesting, how is Israel circumcised? You do call it a Jewish State do you not?
  13. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    According to the US government, the Islamic State is a much bigger threat to world peace than Iran. Jews and pro-jewish Americans often say that Israel and the US share the same values, interests, objectives, but this thread proves them wrong.
  14. Le Chef

    Le Chef Banned at members request Past Donor

    May 31, 2015
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    I looked up this Dov Lior chief rabbi and he sounds like a nut, not at all representative of the Israeli government or the average Israeli. He's very old and so he may even be suffering from senility and paranoia.

    Anyway he didn't exactly "praise" ISIS for the attacks on Paris. He was saying that the goyim (?) who died there deserved to die for what they did to the Jews 70 years ago. He's obviously a deranged fanatic; I doubt that many of the Paris victims of the 2015 massacre were even alive 70 years ago.

    But again, it's unfair to tar Israel collectively with the wild outbursts of one crazy old man.
  15. Le Chef

    Le Chef Banned at members request Past Donor

    May 31, 2015
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    Iran is an advanced industrial society with a nuclear program of god knows what level of advancement. That's why it is more dangerous to Israel than a bunch of nuts driving around Syria in pickup trucks.
  16. MVictorP

    MVictorP Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Israel plays the US like a puppet in ME affairs. They have influence at about level of US governance, any US governance.

    I didn't hear of a massively powerful American lobby in Israel, to which every elected Israeli Prime Minister has to make a pledge to as soon as elected, like AIPAC in the 'States.
  17. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    This "deranged fanatic" isn't some random mental patient in Tel Aviv, he's a chief rabbi, i.e. an influential religious leader. That's the problem.
    I've seen the ridiculous claim that Iran wants to "exterminate the jews", but that's nothing more than zionist propaganda. The Iranians just want to live in peace like normal people, and the international community knows that.

    Did you notice that Israel was virtually the only country that opposed the Iran nuclear deal? It's always Israel that stands in the way of peace.
    Now this is a great post.
  18. Le Chef

    Le Chef Banned at members request Past Donor

    May 31, 2015
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    Ridiculous claim? Zionist propaganda? You can't be serious. Here are reportedly some (just some) of what Iran's leaders, and leaders of its proxy militia, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, have said about Israel:

    Mohammad Khatami, the former president of Iran: “If we abide by real legal laws, we should mobilize the whole Islamic world for a sharp confrontation with the Zionist regime … if we abide by the Koran, all of us should mobilize to kill.” (2000)

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: “It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.” (2001)

    Hassan Nasrallah, a leader of Hezbollah: “If they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.” (2002)

    Nasrallah: “Israel is our enemy. This is an aggressive, illegal, and illegitimate entity, which has no future in our land. Its destiny is manifested in our motto: ‘Death to Israel.’” (2005)

    Yahya Rahim Safavi, the former commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps: “With God’s help the time has come for the Zionist regime’s death sentence.” (2008)

    Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, Khamenei’s representative to the Moustazafan Foundation: “We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary to replace [sic] Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust.” (2010)

    Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the commander of the Basij paramilitary force: “We recommend them [the Zionists] to pack their furniture and return to their countries. And if they insist on staying, they should know that a time while arrive when they will not even have time to pack their suitcases.” (2011)

    Khamenei: “The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor and it will be removed.” (2012)

    Ahmad Alamolhoda, a member of the Assembly of Experts: “The destruction of Israel is the idea of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and is one of the pillars of the Iranian Islamic regime. We cannot claim that we have no intention of going to war with Israel.” (2013)

    Nasrallah: “The elimination of Israel is not only a Palestinian interest. It is the interest of the entire Muslim world and the entire Arab world.” (2013)

    Hojateleslam Alireza Panahian, the advisor to Office of the Supreme Leader in Universities: “The day will come when the Islamic people in the region will destroy Israel and save the world from this Zionist base.” (2013)

    Hojatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary Guard: “The Zionist regime will soon be destroyed, and this generation will be witness to its destruction." (2013)

    Khamenei: “This barbaric, wolflike & infanticidal regime of Israel which spares no crime has no cure but to be annihilated.” (2014)

    Hossein Salami, the deputy head of the Revolutionary Guard: "We will chase you [Israelis] house to house and will take revenge for every drop of blood of our martyrs in Palestine, and this is the beginning point of Islamic nations awakening for your defeat." (2014)

    Salami: "Today we are aware of how the Zionist regime is slowly being erased from the world, and indeed, soon, there will be no such thing as the Zionist regime on Planet Earth." (2014)

    Hossein Sheikholeslam, the secretary-general of the Committee for Support for the Palestinian Intifada: "The issue of Israel's destruction is important, no matter the method. We will obviously implement the strategy of the Imam Khomeini and the Leader [Khamenei] on the issue of destroying the Zionists. The region will not be quiet so long as Israel exists in it ..." (2014)

    Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guard: "The Revolutionary Guards will fight to the end of the Zionist regime ... We will not rest easy until this epitome of vice is totally deleted from the region's geopolitics." (2015)
    I suppose that "the Zionists" could have made up all those quotes. Is that your position? Or are the Iranians just joking around?
  19. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Saudi Arabia Said to Arrest Suspect in 1996 Khobar Towers Bombing ...
    Aug 26, 2015 - In June 1996, a truck bombing killed 19 Americans at the Khobar Towers barracks near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Credit U.S. Navy, via ...

    Read on, click on the links and see how Iran was involved in the two bombings
    BUENOS AIRES, July 21&#8212; The Iranian government organized and carried out the bombing of a Jewish community center here eight years ago that killed 85 people and then paid Argentina's president at the time, Carlos Saúl Menem, $10 million to cover it up, a witness in the case has said in sealed testimony.
  20. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    Actually, it's a fact that the "Western" media use fake quotes to smear Iran:

    Read the rest here:

    Meanwhile, jews are actually murdering Iranian scientists:

    Israel teams with terror group to kill Iran's nuclear scientists, U.S. officials tell NBC News!'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran
  21. Le Chef

    Le Chef Banned at members request Past Donor

    May 31, 2015
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    The "Western" media is pretty broad, but just so I understand your position, you are claiming that all of those quotes provide above are fictitious? No Iranian of any prominence in the Iranian government said any of those things?
  22. ForumPoster

    ForumPoster Banned

    May 7, 2016
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    Not necessarily. I'm simply saying that it's difficult (at least for me) to determine which of these quotes are real and which are fake since we know for a fact that the "Western" media have used fake quotes in their attempts to smear Iran. But even if most of them are real, it still doesn't prove that Iran is about to invade Israel.

    My main point here is that the Israel defenders lie when they say that Israel and the US have the same values and objectives. Virtually all Western countries agree that ISIS is a much bigger threat to the stability in the Middle East than Iran is, and no Westerner with a functioning brain thinks that Iran is going to invade his country (whereas ISIS has already declared war on the West and is murdering its people).

    The senior Israeli officer that was quoted in the Haaretz article in the OP said that the West shouldn't fight ISIS because his country needs these terrorists because they are fighting against Israel's enemies. This is absolutely insane &#8211; from a Western perspective. From a jewish perspective it makes sense. I mean, who cares if ISIS has murdered, tortured, raped and enslaved countless Christians, Yazidis and Shi'ites? Who cares if ISIS is swamping Europe with its suicide bombers? All that matters is that Israel is safe.
  23. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    I found the following illustration that might interest you and friends.

    Muslims Take Thousands Of Innocent People, Brutally Butcher All Of Them And Throw Their Bodies Into A Giant Pit. To Entertain Themselves The Muslims Take Human Beings, Blindfold Them, And Then Fire Their Guns Above Them, The Victims Run While Still Blindfolded And Fall Into The Pit And Die

    2016-05-16 18:32:39-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    ISIS terrorists in Iraq slaughtered thousands of innocent people and tossed their bodies into a giant pit. One of the cruelest things done in the massacre is when they put blindfolds on their victims, fire above their heads as to frighten them, and then whey would run they would fall into the pit and die. [&#8230;]

    The British Government Bows To Islam And Condemns Donald Trump For Fighting Islam. Now Trump Responds Back &#8220;I Do Not Care Just Keep In Mind I Do Not Forget&#8221;. The Donald Phenomenon Exposes The True Colors Of Liars Hypocrites And Politicians

    2016-05-16 21:49:03-04
    A girl (bottom C) holds a placard during a protest called "Not in my name" of Italian muslims against terrorism, in downtown Milan, Italy, November 21, 2015. The placard read: "I say no to violence". REUTERS/Alessandro Garofalo - RTX1V63U
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    By Walid Shoebat If you want to understand the real nature of hypocrisy and godlessness than this article is for you. Donald Trump says that he will not forget the insults from the Muslim loving British politicians and tells David Cameron and the Muslim mayor in London that for their insults, he will not have a good [&#8230;]

    Muslims Make New Law: Christians Cannot Sell Anything Unless They Take The Mark Of The Beast

    2016-05-16 23:26:46-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Pakistan are already telling Christians that they cannot sell anything unless they take the Mark of the Beast, that is, the Islamic Shahada that states that there is no god by Allah and Muhammad is his me ssenger. I did a whole video on this antichrist evil: The most horrific [&#8230;]

    DENMARK: 17-year-old Danish victim faces charges for using (illegal) pepper spray to fight off a Muslim migrant rapist

    2016-05-17 03:20:57-04
    Posted in General

    By BI: The rapist who pulled her to the ground and tried to undress her fled the scene without any charges. Is she being punished for going outside alone instead of in a group as Danish police have recommended to girls who don&#8217;t want to risk being raped by Muslims?

    DONALD TRUMP doubts he will have a good relationship with the British PM because of David Cameron&#8217;s outrage over Trump&#8217;s proposed ban on Muslims

    2016-05-17 03:26:23-04
    Posted in General

    By BI: What&#8217;s more, in response to the new Muslim Mayor of London&#8217;s claim that Trump&#8217;s views on Islam are &#8220;ignorant,&#8221; he says, &#8220;Let&#8217;s give him (Khan) an IQ test&#8221; and &#8220;tell Khan I will remember those remarks.&#8221; SKY News David Cameron still believes Donald Trump&#8217;s plan to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the US is &#8220;divisive, stupid [&#8230;]

    UK: This is what happens when half your town turns into a Muslim ghetto

    2016-05-17 03:36:56-04
    Posted in General

    BY BI: This used to be Nelson, Lancashire in England. Today, at least 50% of the town&#8217;s 30,000 inhabitants are Muslim. This is how they celebrate the paedophile prophet Mohammed&#8217;s birthday. Actually, this is how they celebrate everything. Any wonder why &#8216;White Flight&#8217; in the UK is rampant?

    TEXAS: Are self-hating, ignorant Christians and Jews begging to be beheaded in Austin?

    2016-05-17 03:55:47-04
    Posted in General

    By BI: Austin-based churches and synagogues call for an end to justified anti-Muslim backlash. They claim to be &#8220;deeply disburbed by the rise of Islamophobia.&#8221; (They are deeply disturbed all right) My Statesman Commuters might have noticed something very different on a Sunday morning ride down the Drag &#8212; about a half-dozen red and white signs raised [&#8230;]

    Christian Man In Hiding For His Life As Thousands Of Muslims Are Hunting To Burn Him Alive Because He Had A Video Of A Christian Apologist Criticizing Muhammad On His Facebook Page

    2016-05-17 05:05:53-04
    Posted in Featured

    The trouble started when Imran Masih, a 25-year-old Christian from Pakistan, let his Muslim &#8220;friend&#8221; borrow his cell phone for a call. His &#8220;friend&#8221; saw that Imran had a video critical of Muhammad on his Facebook page. In response, the Muslim called up two of his friends, jumped Imran, and beat him into a bloody [&#8230;]

    Hundreds Of Middle Eastern Christians Are Being Threatened, Sexually Molested, And Assaulted by Muslims In &#8220;Refugee&#8221; Camps And The EU Is Turning A Blind Eye To It All

    2016-05-17 16:02:50-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    No matter where Islam goes it will never have peace with Christians, ever, because peace in Islam only comes from becoming a Muslim. In yet another low reached by the European Union, Chri stian refugees- actual refugees fleeing actual Muslim violence in the Middle East- cannot even be safe in the refugee camps because Muslims are [&#8230;]

    Muslims Ambush Fifty Christians, Slit Their Throats And Slaughter All Of Them

    2016-05-17 16:33:45-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Congo ambushed fifty Christians, slitting their throats and slaughtering all of them. I did a whole video on this evil: According to the report: More Christians are being targeted and slaughtered by an Islamic terror group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a predominantly Christian nation in Africa. [&#8230;]

    Obama Establishes A New Islamist Government In Libya Paving The Way For The Muslim Caliphate And Armageddon

    2016-05-17 20:18:45-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    By Walid Shoebat Obama&#8217;s government two weeks ago just shipped to Libya a new government via a boat. Now the U.S. and other world powers are prepared to help train and arm forces from this new unity government in Libya to supposedly help fight ISIS which has spread rapidly in the turbulent North African nati on. As the L.A Times puts [&#8230;]

    Muslim Refugee Tries To Molest German Teenager At Train Station, She Turns Around And Beats The Pulp Out Of Him

    2016-05-18 06:35:49-04
    Posted in Featured

    17-year-old Dilaria Zajarskaite was one of the thousands of German women sexually assaulted in Cologne on New Years Eve. She was not molested once, but five times that night, and the Muslims even tried to kidnap her. She and her friend went to the police and begged them for help, but they wo uld not help in [&#8230;]

    Christian Orthodox Russia Turns Its Back On Muslim Iran Refusing To Arm Them Against Israel

    2016-05-18 14:06:36-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    By Walid Shoebat The commander of Iran&#8217;s ground forces, Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, said Iran would like to have Russia&#8217;s T-90 main battle tank. But Russia has no intention of selling tanks to Iran, the chief of the federal service for military-technical cooperation Alexander Fomin has said. &#8220;Such deals might be possible only when [&#8230;]

    Muslims Desecrate Christian Cemetery And Attack The Holy Cross

    2016-05-18 17:10:37-04
    isis cross copy
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    By Theodore Shoebat ISIS terrorists in Syria desecrated a Christian cemetery and attacked the image of the Holy Cross. This is just another example of the antichrist, iconoclastic spirit of Islam. A video of this was released: 61572.mp4 According to a report: A member of the Islamic State has desecrated a Christian graveyard in Syria, [&#8230;]

    Eighty Muslims Realize That Islam Is Of Satan, They Accept Christ As Their Savior And Get Baptized

    2016-05-18 17:31:08-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    Eighty Muslims in Germany are said to have realized the falseness of Islam and accepted Christianity, as we read in one report: Close to 80 Muslims at a refugee camp in Hamburg, Germany, have been baptized into Christianity despite the ongoing physical and sexual abuse that Christian converts face at such camps in the Western [&#8230;]

    That Scumbag Secretary of State John Kerry Wants To Start Another Arab Spring And An Islamic Revolution Throughout North Africa And This Time Its In Morocco

    2016-05-18 17:53:01-04
    Posted in FeaturedGeneral

    By Walid Shoebat The U.S. is cooking up another Arab Spring, in Morocco out of all places, just as it is doing in the next door nation to Morocco in Libya. It is using human rights abuses against Islamists as an excuse. The Moroccan king Mohammed VI slammed the U.S. State Department&#8217;s report on human rights [&#8230;]

    Phone: (877)832-7200
    - Sister Site: Rescue Christians
  24. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Firstly, I.S. is neither "Islamic" nor a "State". It is a collection of emotionally disturbed, disaffected fanatics from around the world who are either atheistic misfits or anarchists of several religions only some of which are Islamic.

    While Israel is not the only supporter of the IS, it has the most to gain by:

    1. The Balkanizing effect that the IS / Daesh is having on the Region setting the stage for Zionist Regional hegemony as outlined in Israel's Oded Yinon Plan. Since Israel's survival is almost entirely dependent on its rogue nuclear arsenal and waning U.S. largesse, it looks to the East for the appropriation of natural resources with or without the consent of a weakened, factionalized Islamic Mid East.

    It is noteworthy that only Iran & Russia have committed serious resources to fighting the IS / Daesh[1]

    2. The spontaneous advent of the ruthless, Israeli supported I.S. has served Israel as a tremendous P.R. bonanza further galvanizing "informationally challenged" individuals as to the fraudulent notion of a "Demonic" Islam

    3. The rampages & global fixation on IS has served the Israeli government as a welcome diversion from its systematic Ethnic Cleansing of historic Palestine. While Zionist dominated Major Western Media are eager to dwell on attention (and rating) getting beheadings, incineratings etc, the Israeli Government is free to starve [2], mutilate, incinerate, suffocate & poison Palestine's native residents with internationally banned WMDs like N.D.U., D.U., Genotoxic ordinance & D.I.M.E. bombs[3], [4], [5] & more conventional U.S. supplied weaponry.

    Of one thing we can be certain, the U.S. supported Zionist Colony, its early & current IDF, Zionist Terrorists have dismembered, burned, poisoned & systematically exterminated far more Native Residents of Palestine than the spectacular & highly publicized I.S.

    This should concern loyal Americans because unconditional US Government support and multi $ Trillion [6] funding of Zionist Ethnic Cleansing has played an enormous roll in Islamic - Western hostilities, cost thousands of American lives, hundreds of thousands innocent Mid East lives & continues to cost the U.S. wasted $ Trillions so badly needed at home & for more benevolent endeavors around the world.

    [1] “US rejects Iran's offer to cooperate against Islamic State”
    EXCERPT “ The US has rejected a proposal from Iranian officials regarding cooperation between the two nations in fighting against the Islamic State (IS)”CONTINUED

    [2] “The Israeli Campaign To “Starve Palestinians Into Submission Is A Crime”

    EXERPT “ Anyone who denies their effects is simply lying and either stupid or of a criminality level that exists so far beyond the pale of decency and truth that they deserve being taken out behind the barn and humanity put out of the misery he represents.

    ---- DU contamination is irreversible and the effect is prolonged for many generations. A contaminated man will pass it to his spouse, who will then pass it to her child and that leads to his or her child and it goes on and on. The most calamitous aspect of DU contamination is the birth of stillborn or disfigured babies."CONTINUED

    [4] “The DIME Bomb: Yet another genotoxic weapon, Part III”
    EXCERPT “ Since early July, Israeli forces have been using a new weapon in the Gaza Strip that inflicts strange and deadly wounds....
    .......DU & NDU bombs are converted to micron-sized particles that sicken and kill and murder the next generation in the womb.”CONTINUED

    [5] “Medical personnel claim Israel tested new weapons during attacks on Gaza”

    EXCERPT ". “I saw more than a dozen bodies that looked normal, with no marks or wounds. But when we touched them they were slippery. If you tried to pick them up, the flesh fell off like jelly. We had to roll them in blankets.”

    . “In previous wars, we could treat most of the wounded,” says Dr Skaik. “This time, the number and magnitude of wounds was far greater. One third were dead on arrival.”

    Hospitals closed
    More than a dozen ambulances were destroyed – “51 per cent of all major clinics and hospitals were damaged, and 27 per cent remain closed because of damage or lack of personnel,” says Anders Thomsen of the UN Population Fund." CONTINUED

    [6] “The Real Cost Of US Support For Israel – $3(*)Trillion”

    [6] “The Costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: $3 Trillion”
  25. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Hello, Mr. Grau;
    I read you are an American Vet and wonder, IF you have heard of or perhaps seen Media Education Foundation’s new documentary:
    "The Occupation of the American Mind: a Film That Palestinians Deserve"?

    Read full article here:
    I wouldn't mind seeing the film, although, I need not to be woken up... I have read enough to know what is going on in Palestine.

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