It's not the rich that take your money without asking

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by venik, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    That's hilarious. Underemploy? What's underemployed? Oh, right, it's when someone doesn't have the job they, and perhaps their mother, think they should have. I remember a lot of people who were really not bright but were convinced that they had problems because they were so much smarter than everyone else.

    Taxes? Right, we get that back in services. Of course we do. It's not used for income redistribution, is it? The graft and incompetence is not really out of control. No, we pay taxes and get that back in services. In a pig's eye. And, while we at it, what about taxes that don't even bring in more money and are just designed to punish some and reward others?

    And then there is civil forfeture when the government seizes property from innocent citizens and keeps it. It's disgusting.

    The visceral hatred of "the rich" is jealousy. That's why the socialists' dream is to make everyone poor. Well, except the politicians of course.

    Maxine Waters is right though. The government is the enemy of the people.
  2. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ok, underemployment is having workers in almost slavery conditions. Underemployment is having workers earning the minimium wage that isn't enough to live. Underemployment is what are doing many corporations, and mainly in their externalization of the services.

    Underemployment are the conditions that worked the workers of Zara(Inditex) in Brasil.

    If the rich become rich only by their means, and not without exploting the rest of people, maybe they would be more respectfull. How many rich become thanks to illegal activities? For example how many great corporations of England come from the Opium Wars in China? THere are many corporations.

    It is the fact.

    And about taxes, the taxes are destined to give services to people, in different forms.
  3. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Because they get away with paying little or no taxes and think it's fair that the rest of us don't have access to those types of loopholes.

    and it's not all rich people we hate...just ones who pay off politicians to furthure their own personal agendas.
  4. daUSSNIPA

    daUSSNIPA New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    The rich don't actually take anyones money. What they do is have them work for thier for just enough for necessities and just enough to keep you going and get your through. The rich people in this country abuse the labour of this country and every other and the usury involved in gaining thier riches is rigged for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. Why do you think a terrorist would attack he WTC. For real think of some good reasons. If you can't find one you are blind and enemy to me.
  5. daUSSNIPA

    daUSSNIPA New Member

    Aug 22, 2011
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    Dont hate a rich person for being greedy and creating poverty. Yes the rich create and sustain poverty in every nation paying workers just enough or less than the poverty line.

    Hate the people who stand by and let them with thier stupid opinions and the idea that there is no such thing as greed or that its not a problem.

    The real problem is the people. If the people had a backbone and were united they would strike until they were paid at least $21 per hour minimum in Canada and the USA. This would allow more people to reach a point where they can have what they want here comfortably and also make a mark in the world where suffering is far greater and they are given far less but its worth far more.
  6. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    Greed creates poverty. Not simply being rich.
  7. XLR8TR

    XLR8TR New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    Due to a proper working free society and is only normal for the rich to get richer due to it a crime to make profit?
  8. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    You have a computer, without "greed" that wouldn't exist. You don't need a computer or internet. You're a victim of your own hypocrisy. Compared to 150 years ago you are filthy freaking rich, compared to today's ethopia you are filthy rich. The only reason you aren't farming 12 hours a day, gathering during winter, and freezing your ass off in a cave. Is because you have more than you "need." If that's a bad thing, be my guest and get the hell out.

    You make less than you think you deserve, because if you ask for more someone else will take your previous price. That is the market price of your labor. If a company cannot get a market price for labor, it cannot compete with other companies. If every laborer made 22 an hour minimum, everything would cost 2x as much and your violent revolution would accomplish nothing.

    Socialism was created to trick feeble minds into enslaving themselves so the rich can stop working for their wealth.

    You're in a socialist country whether you accept it or not. You've made no argument against that except "no."

    Then kill them, why don't you? Surely enslavement is defensible by murder. We could use another 3rd world country for outsourcing. That's exactly where you're going without rich people. And It'd be nice to have one more example to look to for socialism failing.

    Every year I see socialists raise the "poverty line." Ironic that it must be raised because otherwise socialists would have nothing to complain about, and it's their enemy whom is raising it. Would the homeless person I see every now and then in the coffee shop, have a freaking laptop if it weren't for rich people?

    The difference between the poor and the rich is saving money, and working hard. Unless ofcourse you live in a socialist country, then theres also taxes and everyone around you in your way.

    Wealth is absolute, the wealth in the world has increases exponentially since the dawn of currency. The bronze age of capitalism. You reject all it's given you, and wish to turn the clock back towards hunter-gatherer society. Let me tell you, you don't need a government or a revolution to do so.
  9. maat

    maat Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Tell me where there are soicalist communities in America. This is a free country. Maybe you can be the founder of a nationwide socialist community centers chain where participants freely sign agreements to live in your Utopia. Hell you can name it Utopias of America.

    Get every liberal and socialist together. Everyone can have their paychecks go into a general fund which pays everyones housing(all structures the same with exception to size by family), you can all eat in cafeterias for free, all have universal healthcare, and after all bills are paid everyone will get an equal allowance.

    You can create businesses that serve your membership, hopefully, many of your members will own current businesses.

    This way you can have your Utopia without shoving it down my throat.
  10. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Almost slavery is like almost pregnant. None of your defitions are accurate.

    1. employed at a job that does not fully use one's skills or abilities,
    2. employed part-time when one is available for full-time work,
    3. not utilized fully."
    Random House Websters Unabridged Dictionary.

    I realize you're a liberal but you still dont get to make up defintions as you go along.

    Everyone who has complained to me that they were underemployed said, and meant, the job they could get was beneath them. For a lot of liberals, apparently any work is beneath them.

    Question: Are deadbeats on the dole underemployed?

    And, gee, I don't know. How many homo sapiens became rich and famous by their ancestors destroying the neanderthals?

    Your post loses on every point.
  11. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    A certain hotel empire heiress is coming to mind. Hmm and who's wedding happened recently. Maybe we need a show called "Meet the Benevolent Prudent Rich". Don't get me wrong I know quiet a few, however, I also know a few hundred very arrogant "old Money" rich who you would think had earned every penny by crushing coal with their teeth, rather then by beginning their lives in the right cot.

    Actually we do, they are "Undercover Boss" and "Secret Millionaire". Two shows that should be compulsory for every CEO.
  12. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    That's why we have taxes silly, so the greedy will pay their fair share, not that they do. The governments are employed by the rich, to help them create further wealth, and to manage the work force by careful manipulation of taxes, policing and social welfare. They employ the government to lead the people to believe that everyone can get there. Just like you say, but hay they can't, it's a pyramid structure. The system by it's very definition needs 99% to be subservient to the 1%.

    Capitalism is one part of the evolution of our society, before that was feudalism and before that tribalism.

    Growth, ask any butterfly, needs us at some stage to cast off our old form and develop into a new form.

    Capitalism was fine as long as there was some way of inputting free fuel (money) into the system.

    Someone here made a little world of 3 people to explain recession, so I will take the liberty of giving you my view of capitalism, please correct me anywhere you see I am wrong.:lick:

    Mr A Sells a raw product and buys a completed item
    Mr B Transports a raw product and buys a completed item
    Mr C Manufactures 6 completed items and buys a completed item
    Mr D Transports 6 completed items and buys a completed item
    Mr E Sells completed items to Messrs A, B, C, D, F and puts one away for himself
    The Prime Governor, Mr F taxes Messrs A, B, C, D, E and himself

    Now for this to work, Messrs A, B, C, D, E and F all need to make a profit.
    Think about it for a minute and you see we need to input something for it to work.

    In the past, Mr A got his product for relatively nothing, mining, harvesting or farming.
    Messrs A, B, C, D, E and F all had access to free, again relatively free labour, slaves, sweatshops etc.

    Now what happens when we loose that free input, we are starting to see it happen now. We are inventing free input to delay the final demise of capitalism. Real estate, internet companies, entertainment companies are ways of creating gold out of thin air. This money is funnelled into the system like blood, transfusing temporary life into an aging and dying system.

    Our present concerns are due exactly to that, what if we all want to cash up?

    If we sell or factories we can get cash because the buyers will buy bricks and mortar, They will buy machines, they will buy raw materials. But will they buy "Good Will" only? Would all the Google investors be satisfied with a few thousand sheets of code back for their money?

    So we panic, we take our promissory notes to the store .. the first in line get the raw materials, great they can make whatever they want, the second in line get the machines, great they will go see the first in lines and will be ok.
    The third in line get the bricks and mortar, they will ask 1 and 2 if they want to live, work and play inside out of the weather.
    The next in line burn the code to keep warm, the rest ... Well they are preparing to ATTACK

    This is just garbage
  13. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    The honourable, The Prime Governor, Mr F is addressing the nation.
    "Good evening fellow Someplaceonians, at the present we are on the verge of a Global Financial Crisis, but don't PANIC. We are announcing a release of funds, which for want of a better name we will call the 'Band Aide Package'

    This financial stimulus is to show you everything is OK so don't go and ask for your money.

    Our apology to Mr G, now Mr A has his harvester he wont need you, but we will look after you, we have arranged for a charity to bring you bread each week.

    Oh and Mr H, Mr C is now sending his raw materials off shore for manufacturing so you're redundant, but don't worry, go stand behind Mr G"

    Thank God cheer the people

    Mr A joins Mr C and Mr F for dinner, they shake hands.

    Mr G buys a gun.
  14. Robodoon

    Robodoon Banned

    Jun 2, 2010
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    but it is the super rich who own the government.

    Our founders tied to warn us!
  15. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    The government Hire Mr H and give him a gun.
  16. venik

    venik New Member

    Aug 31, 2009
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    No, this is the basis of capitalism:

    Tribe A has 200 great spears
    Tribe B has 200 great baskets

    Tribe A trades Tribe B 100 baskets for 100 spears, and both are now wealthier as it is better to have 100 great spears and 100 great baskets than to have no baskets and 200 great spears. Wealth is created out of thin air, by individual or institutional demand. You can trade into wealth, or you can manufacture into wealth. The best is both, first manufacture then trade the fruits after you've saved alot.

    Currency is simply a universal note which can act as any good of any amount. So that you can "trade" 100 baskets with someone who has no desire for 100 baskets. First you sell the 100 baskets for 50 gold coins, then you buy the 100 spears for 50 gold coins. It makes trade easier, encourages it.

    The reason we are in debt is not because we have to pump money in has nothing to do with the fundamentals of capitalism. First we do it to create inflation, to ensure people are spending and investing rather than stockpiling money. But we might also want inflation to make our debts easier to pay off, in the case that we spend more than we collect. This is not needed, it's simply bad practice. We also pump money in because politicians get more votes for spending money, and because they even found some creative economists who say it promotes growth and heals recessions. This is more of an excuse to spend money and get votes than it is to help the recession. Many universities have proven over and over again it doesn't work, and makes the recession worse.

    Most countries have a national debt because polticians are not voted into office to balance the budget, they are voted in to spend money on the voters.
  17. speedingtime

    speedingtime Banned at Members Request

    Jul 8, 2011
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    There's no argument to make because Spain or any other country in Europe is clearly not socialist.
  18. hoytmonger

    hoytmonger New Member

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Taxes are immoral and the only reason the government can collect them is through their monopoly of force. If taxes were voluntary nobody would pay.

    What's garbage is the leftist/ statist view of society.
  19. Anikdote

    Anikdote Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    I don't know that liberals (by that I assume you mean democrats) hate the rich, but it's simply not the demographic most likely to vote for them (democrats).

    For actual liberals, the problem isn't with the rich, but with the concentration of wealth in the hands of less and less people every year.

    It can be argued that, despite this, our wealth continues to grow and even if the wealth is in the hands of fewer people's hands those are the bottom are still better off because of it.

    Regardless, I think this should answer your question.
  20. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Hear hear. Why do you lefties support government plunder?
  21. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    false, sir.
  22. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    The rich don't pay less than the middle class. That's plain silly.
  23. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    yes, their "science" "math" and "education"
  24. Truth Detector

    Truth Detector Banned

    Jan 5, 2010
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    Liberals don't hate the rich, they merely parrot idiot DNC rhetoric in an effort to deflect from their failures.

    After all, they CARE more than everyone else dontchyaknow. :mrgreen:
  25. P. Lotor

    P. Lotor Banned Past Donor

    Oct 25, 2010
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    sure they do, because sharing is caring (especially when you're sharing other people's time and money!)

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