It's Started - Talk Of Revolution.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by frodo, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    A decade is a nano second in world History the Depression economically started in 2008-9 it is now expressing itself Politically.
  2. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Regulation of the National Labour Market ,is so yesterday its Total Unregulation or Deregulation by Global economic forces that have smashed the National Boundaries of US Imperialisms Home Market,

    Why should the working Class defend the US Constitution that defends their intrests NOT?

    What's in it for a Worker confrounted with a Trans or Multi-National Corporation halving their livelihood and their families very existance,in defending the Nation that defends them NOT?

    Workers should ask, not what they can sacrifice for the Nation ,but what the Nation does for them ?

    The rest of the Global Proletariet sides with the US worker in time of great need .And says we will defend a Workers Government in the US and nothing else.

    Stand Up the Greatest Militant Working Class on the Planet ,lead the struggling humanity to freedom ,overthrow the Capitilist Government that is rotten to the core.

    We are in the same trench,against the Trans and Multinational corporations turn to us not any Government.

    Global General strike against Depression and War,May1st 2012 International Workers Day,when the tide of Global Class war is turned,
  3. RtWngaFraud

    RtWngaFraud Banned

    Feb 16, 2011
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    0 the end of the Bush Presidency, just as he exited. I know you Foxers like to blame everything on Obama but, he hadn't even gotten in there at that point.

    What Bush did for a decade doesn't matter to righties. Got it.

    You people are absolutely and categorically retarded.
  4. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    I think if America does spill into another civil war it will be much more immense than the 1st one and will be much more divided as you will have states completely separate from each other and war against opposing thoughts and establishing alliances with states who they see eye-to-eye with. You will also have a problem of the federal government, its agencies, and the US armed forces.

    Who would the Armed Forces fight for? Would they still follow the command? Would the majority of conservative members fight for their beliefs of the Constitution and not the orders of their superior officers (if they differed)?

    Within the states would the National Guard stay in tact or would it fracture into smaller militias who ally with others? What about paramilitary and civilian militia groups establishing?

    I truly think that if America fractures again it will be devastating. So many internal variables, but then threats from external foes.
  5. ModerateG

    ModerateG New Member

    Apr 4, 2011
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    Without reading anything in this thread, even the first post (lol) I can safely say anyone who seriously thinks this has a chance of happening is out of their minds.
  6. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    It is non-compliance with the US Constitution that violates the interests (inalienable Rights) of the working class, not the compliance with it. The problems are not with the US Constitution but instead with our government that doesn't follow it. That is where the Rights of the Worker (Individual) are being violated.
    KSigMason and (deleted member) like this.
  7. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The British believed this as well in the early 1770's when there was talk of revolution in their American colonies....
  8. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    I for one are no fan of Bush ,If you want to know where the retard Bush got his Perspective from then you have to go back to Reagan ,Bushjr particularaly is still to have an original Idea ,he was a an idiot and still is ,jimmy Carter s dog had more brains ,as does my left toe ,so if you think me a supporter of the Tea\Republican Party think again ,now for obama well lets use the Gulf Oil Spill as his Highlight in a less then mediocre Presidency ,oh all the hoopla about the first Black President has vanished ,Just another Capitialist Politican thats all nothing special just CUT CUT CUT Government programmes.

    When is GITMO going to be closed BTW ,his first year is over BTW,he may well win a eandslide by Default look at the opposition it is infighting ,divided and stupid to boot.

    Yes Obama by default ,

    If anyone thinks the Tea\Republican Party is United ?? no one thinks that do They?

    Divisions in Ruling Parties signify fractures in the social base the Tea\Republician Party is about to Implode ,this will be accelerated by the coming election lose ,no people remember Bush and not to fondly.

    My call Santorum verses Obama ,Obama by default and an Imploding Tea\Republican Party split .Yes the **********s are that stupid.Whatever the outcome its over for the TeaParty in its present alliance with the Republican Rump.
  9. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Almost word for word ,and a pretty good indicator of approaching revolution or civil War.

    Which ever form it takes fractured America will take place the process has been taking place for a while.
  10. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I don't believe there is any foundation for a violent revolution but certainly hope for the evolution of our government to force it back into compliance with the US Constitution.

    I can see this being accomplished with a single amendment to the US Constitution which would require a unanimous decision by the US Supreme Court related to the Constitutionality of any law or government action. If all nine Supreme Court justices cannot agree that a government action is Constitutional then it should be unconstitutional. We simply don't need any law or action of government that is of questionable Constitutionality and this requirement for unanimous consent of the Supreme Court provides the greatest protections to the People as well as removing most political considerations related to the Supreme Court.
  11. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Armed insurrection to overthrow the Government is the easier option then Unanimity of the supreme court.

    What you are purposing cuts across the executive political and judicial separation which is bedrock for functioning democracy.Of course that separation is purely nominal as it presently stands ,as both the Executive and Judical arms of the Government are just that 'of the government"not "the people"in fact against the 'People".

    The constitution of the US which represented the Revolutionary strivings of the people of the US in the 18th century ,has outlived its usefulness in the 21st,for instance there were no such thing as the industrial Working Class .Its very existance is not even a thought at the time of writing ,its not some capitialist conspiracy ,just historical fact.

    As far as 'Evolution "is concerned ,it is not some quantative based process of addition on addition ad infinitum,Evolution contains within it Qualatative breaks transformations ,regressions and historical extinctions.

    The US constitution is in the dinosaur catagory,as is the Nation that gave rise to it .

    Its not some retoric of communism ,its the development of history economic ,political and cultural,no national economy anymore to sustain a national constitution.

    Trans National corporations understand the myth of the national Borders,they fly in and out of the 'Lives of nations as they see fit 'and the governments deregulate whatever national economic identity that is a fetter to the movement of globally mobile capital.

    The US Constitution never can deal with Globally Intergrated Financial,Industrial and Commerical Capitial ,freed from the maintance of any Nation .

    Revolutions don't come out of prosperity they come out of economic Depressions.

    Is the current crisis a double dip recession,deep recession ,U curve ,J curve ,W curve Variety .

    Please don't hold your breath ,for the "Recovery"those "recovery things will have about as much life as the half-life of Americum the man made element .[measured in Nano-seconds]

    There is never going to be 'sustained recovery of any national economy"

    Economic Depressions which is what we all are going through Globally,resolve themselves either through Revolution or War.

    Sorry not through 'Reform and a bit of roundtable talkfest"What are they up to with the European 'discussion of the crisis 'number 6 talkfest was the last count for 2011.

    And they ended with the UK storming out ,Germany calling for the 2 teir EU,and Italy now having an unelected IMF Government.Well thats a formula for stability, NOT!

    All those think tanks of all the 'Learned 'Professors of economics,Politics and History all the Universities and no answers coming anytime soon .

    Why is that?

    granted the present Governments are lets say from a historical perspective ,not all that smart,but Capitialist rule has never been dependent on the Intellectual Capabilities of its political arm alone!

    Luckily for it ,other resources are availiable ,so why this constant Talkfest about crap?

    Humans are not stupid ,we all know the government is lying to us all the time,we just haven't decided what to do as in' Political action' how will we respond .

    Sorry,i can not agree that the next period is one of incremental reform of Government Constitutions .

    All bets are off ,when you allow the cutting of workers wages by 50% in the USof A.

    If that employer cuts the wages of his workers by 50% and gets away with it,does that give him a competitive advantage ,thus putting to his Market Competition either do the same or deeper cuts to wages or go out of buissness.

    Thats how the Capitialist Market system works isn't it?

    Its based on lowering costs of production to remain competitive?

    Has been for my entire existance as a worker.
  12. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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