Yes it is. You said so yourself. If somebody did that to my son, they'd be looking for a body, but let's not let some self-appointed "minister-of-acceptable-humor" dictate to us what we are or are not allowed to joke about. Child-rape is not funny, but some jokes about it are. Accepting that fact is a key to a deeper understanding of the human psyche.
Finally, some good news for Penn State fans. Thanks to the recruitment efforts of the Penn State mascot, Penn State now has 5 commitments from future football players across the country and all are at the top of their class in terms of ability and talent. They have all given verbal committments to come to Penn State and will soon sign with the team.....or I should say their parents sign for them.....once they finish their last year of middle school football programs.
That's cool. But the next comment that you make that addresses the posters rather than the subject will get you ejected. Just so ya know. Jerry sez the best thing about 29 year olds is that there's twenty of 'em.
I have great respect for those who think this thread is unworthy a reply.Undoubtedly there is really little room if any for levity regarding this ugly,despicably unfortunate example of true life. If what happened was made into a made for TV Movie it would sicken,as it should near every american. THE only reason I replied to this OP is that levity has a place in society.It helps to deflect from the true life ugliness that can so overwhelm in society that reason is lost.Like the movie - 8 MM - where a Private Investigator is called upon to find a missing girl who may have been used in a snuf film.Said PI was warned about dvelving TOO far into that world.The world of Porn where in degree it was like Dante's circles of Hell.Becoming more debased as one reaches farther into it's depth.And that it could result in madness or inability to return back to normalcy. Humor is a medicine.
and like all medicines, it can be abused and turned into a poison. I like your comment though about 'becoming more debased as one reachs farther into it's depth'...humor also can be debased and used to hurt rather than a form of cruelty, instead of a cure. and a comedian can lose his soul by delving into the darkness. I think of the more 'edgy' comedians that have killed themselves with alcohol or drugs...I rarely hear of 'clean' comedians doing that (in fact I cant' think of any). It would be hard to decide if the humor was a cause or an effect. Thank you though for your considerate response.
Life is not Easy.There are few givens.The battlefield is a Given. One either battles or loses ground.Comedy is not at issue here. Comedians ply their trade by being funny.Or appearing funny. Andy Kaufman was not funny.But he was a Comedian. What Jerry Sandusky did was so debased,sick and repugnant it need not be discussed.It goes w/o saying.Yet,that is what homosexuals do and groom for.In that it was only a matter of age and conscience. I steadfastly believe Homosexuals recruit youth,as that was exactly what Sandusky endeavored. Sandusky may have opened a Gay Pandora's Box.
For the love of @@## Ok gang, I will answer my critics as to why I started this thread. Simply put, the cover up sickens me, almost more than the abuse itself. You have a university that covered up the child abuse for more than a decade. Why? It was to avoid scandal and keep valued coaches on staff so they could win more football games and thus bring in more revenue. They then conveniently allow the scandel to go public ONLY after Joe Pa has won his fabled 409th win, making him the winningest coach in college football history. Whoopee!! So there you have it. An entire university was complicit with a seriel child molester, allowing him to repeat his acts time and time again all in the name of winning football games and bringing in revenue. So what has been done? Perhaps you think Joe Pa being fired is sufficient. It's not sufficient if you consider Joe Pa is older than dirt itself and they have been quietly trying to get him to leave for some time now anyway. Why? So they can bring in someone bigger and better to win more football games. In the interim, they are allowed to still take the field in order to try and win more football games and bring in more revenue. Of course, don't look to the NCAA to penalize them. After all, the NCAA wants Penn State to bring in as much revenue as they can to college football as well. Sickening. Of course, I have no power over the whole affair other than to laugh at them. For me, its a form of therapy in a world gone mad. It's like my pappy always used to say, if you can't beat them, at least try to humiliate them all!! They reeeeally deserve it.
As far as I can see, injest's comment appears to be an opinion on generic sick people, not specifically directed at posters on this thread. Are you a moderator here, GoSlash? Because your definitive threat of ejection appears to have a tint of what some people have accused Injest of in rending a negative opinion on child rape jokes. Perhaps a moderator could clarify.
You have lost the battle if you think this has anything to do with homosexuality. This is a sick post and moronic on its face.
This just in!! After the glorious Penn State win over Ohio State, with Penn State on the verge of a Big Ten title that would take them to the Rose Bowl, Ohio State is now looking for a head coach by interviewing members of MAMBLA.....that help them keep pace with Penn State next year. Penn State, the pride of the Big Ten!!
And when the much-more-frequent case of men doing this to a little girl occurs? Do they open "Heterosexual Pandora's Boxes"? Should we ban heterosexuals? Are straight men "evil" because some men rape little girls?
I'm sure somebody can explain "dark humor" to you in another thread. That's not what this thread is for, and further attempts to derail it will get you ejected.
Some of my best friends have been mortuary workers, rape counselors, and I personally have dealt with accident and crime cleanup, pulling living people off of rebar through their body ("You'll do ANYTHING to get picked up"), shotgunned brains of a friend off of a ceiling ("Gee, Adam's thoughts seem a bit scattered today!"), and worked up comedy club routines with a guy who had his harms chopped off by a train ("I laid there, and realized MY OWN HAND was flipping me off from across the track!"). I understand very well what "dark humor" is. My question related to the fact that this "joke" was NEITHER. The thread is yours. Enjoy.
According to Jerry Sandusky, the best thing about showering with a 10 year old: If you slick his hair back, he looks like he's 7.