Maybe humans created a god or gods so they would think they had a purpose. The reality is that you cannot prove a god or gods do exist. The reality is that you spend much time trying to prove the unprovable. Whether one believes in gods or not, the world, life, doesn't change.
Just because one does not have a full understanding of something, does not make it true or untrue. I do not have understanding in mechanics, yet some people do.
The difference (and here's where your analogy breaks down) is that the accuracy of a mechanic's knowledge will be made clear when the machine he is working on either functions or does not. There is no such test for religion. Anyone can talk out of their ass about "a generation is 1000 years" or "a generation is 2 years", and there's no way to determine the veracity of any of it. Occam's razor would indicate that everyone is just making stuff up and there is no objective "right answer".
Actually.... I think that Occam's razor ... .when applied to a high number of the astonishing phenomena that can be observed on earth...... strongly indicates that a greater plan is being worked out than the greatest human intellect could guess at.
So said Nietsche Never claimed I could. Some seem to think they can though which is what I responded to. That would depend on how one looks at things. IMO, the world could change for the better is it accepted, and lived according to, the teachings of Christ.
Sure you have, and several times like in this post. So, you would eliminate about half of the freedoms one enjoys. In your POV, the Constitution actually limits ones freedom to associate, or to even speak, as he wills in public. I would say you have a very limited amount of "insight", and I doubt from your writings you have the insight to understand what I am speaking of. "My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust? If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I, who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such a violent reaction against it?… Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if i did that, then my argument against God collapsed too–for the argument depended on saying the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my fancies. Thus, in the very act of trying to prove that God did not exist – in other words, that the whole of reality was senseless – I found I was forced to assume that one part of reality – namely my idea of justice – was full of sense. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never have known it was dark. Dark would be without meaning." ~ C.S. Lewis
Humanity is now facing decisions similar to opportunities faced, according to some books, by our ancestors about four or five millennia ago. We now are close to being able to click a genetic switch and humans could live to be many hundreds of years old. We can soon create Artificial Intelligence that in many ways would resemble a super hero......... or super villain of Marvel comics and movies. Logically........ it is best to term ourselves Agnostic rather than Atheist because how could we possibly know whether or not, millennia or even millions of years ago...... another civilization may have became so technologically advanced that they created four dimensional space - time...... as the lowest energetic level dimension..... much like a hologram...... as a testing ground that people had to learn from before going on to the higher levels.
I have seen evidence that a Christian.... or Messianic Jew can take the last drops of a bottle of olive oil....... fill it up with warm water so that the oil floats and flows fairly well..... consecrate that olive oil plus water into the name of Messiah Yeshua / Jesus...... splash that oil around the foundation of their house or the tires of their car....... and the spiritual, emotional atmosphere in that building and car will be altered....... (It would not surprise me at all if a Breslovian Chassidic Jew got similar results by consecrating oil plus water into the name of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov...... who in my opinion was guided by the Messiah even if Rabbi Nachman did not know him by the same name that I know him by..........) Can this be done for entire city blocks? Yes... that was done in Cali, Colombia, that was once the murder capitol of the world until some Charismatic Catholics, Pentecostals and Baptists got together and did this....... actually from a helicopter if I remember correctly...... that may have been in the film Transformations I or II? Our words have more power than we tend to imagine...... the music that we listen to is powerful as well...... I have Stingray The Light playing in the background here......
Yes, and wouldn't it be appropriate for those who believe in the teachings of Christ to finally do so???? When will they start? NO one needs to know the 'teachings of christ" to live a decent narrow minded, stifling and ignorant it would be if we had to live under one person's opinion and/or rule...many people advocate decency and kindness, now if we could just get Christians to listen
Trump wouldn't let a dark skinned Middle Eastern man into this country so Jesus better just "appear" here and hide out so he's not deported
Why oh why, do we have to keep discussing these patently un-provable, sado-authoritarian stories for gullible kiddies, whilst there are real issues in the world needing our attention.
Wish I knew, and they certainly did not prove they were by voting for Trump. Then too, when will non-believers begin to live up to the morals they claim to have without the teachings of Jesus? Tell me how the non-believer is any more moralistic? Hitler? Stalin? Trump? Each person needs a guide by which to determine what is moral, and what is not. Without such a guide we are little better then animals, and ISIS proves such is the case. In fact, one could say that the country has been in a moral decline since the war on Christianity began. Not to say the country was perfect, that would be foolish, however, it was much better then the secular society we are seeing grow today.
Yes the war on Christianity has been very dire for the countries whole. It has enabled people to exalt themselves above Christ and God, and foolishly yet acceptably put evil in place of good, and good in place of evil. This is written it will happen, and it is. Those who have put evil for good and good for evil, will be blinded and won't even see what they have done. This is sort of a judgment in itself. Keeping them from seeing what they are doing and allowing the evil to do as they desire. It is the acceptance of evil that is pushing the world to the brink of the final war, and rightfully so! And most cannot even see it, rather argue with anger and hatred (evil), and from that hatred and anger it merely grows stronger, eventually reaching a point of no return, and forcing everyone to choose a side (heaven or hell). Most will be just fine with hell, for the path to the kingdom is narrow, and the path to hell fire is wide. At the age of reason, one no longer needs a guide. For one could of never been taught right from wrong, yet at the age of reason, they will most certainly know without any outside influence. A serial killer/rapist does not go around telling everybody what they do, for they know it is wrong, thus they hide it.
No, but saying Jesus would be lying. Jesus will reign with a rod of Iron, it will be Him doing the deporting.
Then Christianity must be failing Your idea that people like Hitler/Stalin/Trump represent all non-believers is ridiculous at best.(Hitler was raised Catholic, BTW) I don't believe in make believe entities and I do not cheat subcontractors, don't cheat on my taxes, I treat others the way I would like to be treated, give aid to the poor and believe in helping the less fortunate, believe every American should get health care even if they're poor, I pay my bills, do not drink and drive, don't do drugs, mind my own business, don't try to make life harder for others, ....all of which put ME head and shoulders above many "Christians" I know.
Maybe, but it is never helpful to mix up reality with authoritarian fairy tales. It can only lead to faux truths.
He'll deport himself ? Gee, that "rod of Iron" thing sounds pretty terroristic....and who exactly will he deport ? OH, and WHERE is he? He was allegedly supposed to be here in 2017....back to my original question , where is he???
Those who have the mark of the beast and not the mark of God, will be deported. Yet before that, they will see the kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven, to get a glimpse of what they will miss. They will beg for mercy and to be let in the gates, and utterly denied, as they have denied Him.