some light on why the jews want a multi-cultural society (written by a jew): Why do Jewish groups in the USA encourage minority immigration to the US, and discourage it in Israel? I have been doing much reading, and it seems there is a double standard - as if only Israel can be ethnic nationalist and homogenous, but the USA must be multicultural - does not make sense The Jews talk of distilling in their children a pride of the jewish race, and support for the jewish nation. They also make no secret that they want their children to marry other jews. What if I talked of distilling in my children a pride of the white race, and support for Europe? What if I talk about 'awareness' of the white race and our peoples achievements? "The Chabad Center is dedicated to providing the joys of Judaism to the entire Jewish community and strengthening Jewish awareness, pride and continuity for our present and future generations." The "multicultural" or "diversity" agenda pushed by the Jewish Establishment -- in all it's forms, including the massive non-white immigration policies, anti-white affirmative action hiring and education policies, or the anti-white propaganda in the public schools and universities designed to instill a guilt and self-hate complex in whites -- has one end goal: the cultural destruction and ethnic fragmentation of the white race, to forever crush the source of any future anti-semetism. Nowhere is this "multicultural" orthodoxy and anti-white propaganda more prevalent than in the Western Jewish-controlled public schools and universities -- where young whites/Europeans are relentlessly and quasi-religiously indoctrinated into a false view of history where whites/Europeans are the primary "oppressors" and "villains" of history, and non-whites are the "noble victims" of history. Along these lines, non-whites are taught to take pride in their ethnic and cultural heritages, while whites are taught that is "evil" for them to exhibit racial loyalty or take pride in their ethnic and cultural heritage. Taking this ideology to it's end, in which whites bear the primary responsibility for the major problems and social ills of the world, the Jewish "solution" to this "problem" is the abolishment of the white race -- which the Jewish Establishment is now not afraid to openly state. For example, Jewish professor, Noel Ignatiev, has established a Journal at Harvard that calls for the "abolition" of the white race: Jewish influence has taken over the schools, and effectively controls the televission programs. Any person or organization deemed "anti-semetic" is criticized in classrooms and TV, and black-listed from appearance in the media. Jewish influence has gone so far that being labled a "racist" can ruin careers, especially in the film industry, academia, or government. The most dangerous threats from jews are probably their infiltration into school and colleges, dominating positions of power in the media and film industries, and their huge presence in the large investment banks. It is well known that Goldman-Sachs was founded, and continues to be run by Jews. It is estimated that nealry 40% of their upper level employees are Jewish. Goldman-Sachs was one of the only investment banks to greatly profit as the mortgage bubble burst. Despite large profits, Goldman-Sachs recieved $4.3 billion from the US government in a bailout, then sent the tax money to 32 separate corparate entities, including many overseas banks, hedge funds and pensions. This is not just an American phenomena; 3 of the 4 billionaires in the Ukraine are Jewish (Victor Pinchuk, Igor Kolomoysky, Hennadi Boholyubov) despite the fact that Jews make up approximately only 0.5 percent of Ukraine’s population. Millions of russians live in desperate poverty in that country. There are plenty of online pictures of blonde little Ukrainian girls sleeping in the gutters. Many of them are abducted off the streets and sold into sexual slavery. (update: ukraine now has 7 billionaires as of this writing- yet another jew has been added to the list, what a surprise!) There is also the very unsettling cooincidence that five out of the twelve members on the Federal Reserve Bank board are Jewish. If all the different races in the USA had an equal chance of being on the board, there would only be a 1 in 326,128 chance of all five members ending up jewish. The five members of the reserve currently are Ben S. Bernanke (Chairman), Donald L. Kohn (Vice Chairman), Kevin M. Warsh, Randall S. Kroszner, and Frederic S. Mishkin. (this information is from 2 years ago, might be different now) Should we be worried? It would probably just be paranoia to suspect them of siphoning off a tiny fraction of the money that passes through the system (which would still be billions) to fund organizations that promote multiculturalism and zionism. The reserve system operates under a tremendous ammount of secrecy. You would think with the ammount of money they are entrusted with, the USA government would be allowed to do an audit on the organization. Every other corporation on the stock exchange is subject to audits. I think you get the general idea... Of course, the ADL is trying putting out propaganda saying that "jewish control of the federal reserve is a myth." No, we should not hate the jews, but we should definitely be concerned about a small, but very powerful and influential, number of them. Understanding Hate Against Jews So this topic has inevitably brought forth "the jewish question". This is somewhat of a conspiracy theory that the Jews are trying to undermine the germanic race and take control of society. One really cannot blame those that think this view is ridiculous and silly. However, the idea is not merely a complete fabrication, and it is not without factual support. Basically, what readers must understand, is the function of the idea of "jewish power" within the framework of "race-conscious" ideology. The white male lower middle class feels economically threatened. Rather than identifying with the group of "economically oppressed", they identify as a racial group, and believe the main threats to their livlihoods come from other races. Thus, what many consider to be economic oppression by the wealthy, is instead seen as "jewish control". Readers must also understand the economic structure that leaves the lower middle class more vulnerable to competition and declining neigborhoods from poorer minorities. To simply dismiss race-concious people as "ignorant" and "racist" is itself a lack of understanding about the sociological problems found in society. This is not at all to see that "jewish power" is a complete fiction. For several complex reasons, small groups of jews are able to consolidate a very disproportionate ammount of wealth and influence in different societies. On the other side, it would also be ignorant to assume that most of the wealth is in the hands of jews, or to think that the jews control most of the media (although they do however have surprising influence in the media in the USA). There are many legitimate complaints against the jews, but they are not a serious threat, and certainly much less so than the threat of illegal immigration. In summary, the truth about whether the jews are really trying to control society is not at all simple.
Anders Hoveland- Quite eloquently put. I think you are dead on. That is what my research indicates as well. Jews seem to have a disproportionate amount of control and influence in many sectors of society. It is not always malevolent towards other, but it is never penalizing Jews either. Currently there exist no purely white countries. Some call this the "brown infection". Kind of funny but the facts cannot be refuted. What concerns me is the religious texts and how they think of the "goyim" which essentially what all non-Jews are in human form. Some of the scriptures quotes by the Talmud are fabricated to inflame various zealot groups and some are actually quite true. Judaism is apparently not a friendly religion if you are not a Jew yourself. It is interesting to note that every other ethnicity/race can have pride in itself, or some other racial interest group(such as La Raza for Mexicans) but when whites do it it is immediately plastered as racist or likened to some other form of hate mongering. Birds of a feather flock together. Diversity being a strength is one of the biggest lies I have discovered recently. If this were true, Muslims wouldn't mind Jews or Christians. And beautiful people would actively seek out ugly counterparts. As it turns out, homogeneous societies tend to have less crime than mixed societies. Interesting turn of events in research. Hence wealthy people have wealthy friends, poor people tend to have poor friends. Black people tend to sit next to black people, and so on and so forth. It would appear that there could be an agenda for Jewish supremacy by disrupting the natural order of things and destabilizing other races/ethnic groups to obtain the much desired supremacy.
No, not really. Just a kooky conspiracy theory and this is where this thread belongs. I may have to start focusing on the real threat of Manatees again.
So Jews control the US, and the US funds and allies with nations which are massively anti Israel, makes sense....
Sorry, but me thinks there is too much information at hand to simply dismiss the Jewish supremacy conspiracy and embrace the "Manatee" chase once again. You have had many links and sources given to you. Whether or not you choose to believe them is up to you. But the reality confirms them. I'll not worry for you then. You exemplify the behavior of an ostrish good sir. Hope that works for you. But I am doubtful.
I'm not certain about the Ariel Sharon quote in the OP. But there is simply FAR too much evidence that shows Jewish Zionism is controlling the world in a very devious way to dismiss. I believe the vast majority of the contents of this link... People are free to believe what they want no matter how much evidence they're shown, but I'm sure Zionists will get what's coming to them eventually if everything that's written about them is true. Because if it is, Hitler was a saint compared to these guys.
Leave Hitler and SAINT out of this sentence. It offends the sensibilties of persons who were murdered in WW2.
Granted, what Hitler did was barbaric, evil and simply wrong in the sense if the word. All that being said, I do not feel bad for the Jews in the slightest. I'll tell you why. They didn't fight back. They let themselves get identified, herded around like cattle and shipped off with zero information on destination or return. They should have known better. If you act like sheep, you will be slaughtered like them. Many innocents died because they wouldn't fight back. No pity whatsoever. Perhaps I would have some if I didn't know what they thought about the "goyim", or the other seedy history they have regarding slave trades. But given that I do, I believe I am decided. I am not goinng to hate Jews or anything of the nonsense that goes along with it. But I am defiinitely not going to assist organized Jewry in any way if I can help it.
Do yourself a favor and learn to read. I don't excuse a single murder on this planet. But what Zionist Jews have done (in my mind) is worse than 200 Hitlers.
Well, you would say that... you're a proud Jew, Zionist, Liberal, Democrat... your opinion is utterly meaningless on the subject.
No, not at all. Not to anyone who doesn't buy into conspiracy theories or who isn't an eager anti-semite.
Ashenlady, SFJEFF- Might I suggest you read the Talmud? Or perhaps do some searching on the slave trades in the past. Particularly on the "Barbary Pirates." I think you'll find some rather seedy thing that they have been up to. Most Jews are okay people, I know a few who are quite nice. What they think of me in secret is really irrelevant if you ask me. Their religion when organized and put into power seems to be quite unfriendly to all the goyim. Which is most of the world I might mention. Well, I think I'll retire from this thread unless something else of credit is presented. In conclusion I might add that Jews have been expelled for a multitude of reasons throughout history, and most nations have reasons for not liking them. The core reason being usury which apparently is the root cause of all of this nonsense. When in doubt, do research. Granted it takes time to get to truth but it can always be found. Find an online version of the Talmud or the Torah and read some. I did the same with the Qur'An and wasn't particularly pleased with what I found either. Amusingly enough the Bible has some rather dubious things in it as well. At the end of the day you need only ask yourself if something is evil or not, and that should be your guiding star...provided your moral compass is not malfunctioning.
see the other thread: