WE, THE JEWISH PEOPLE, CONTROL AMERICA. AND THE AMERICANS KNOW IT." -- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon October 3, 2001 (IAP News) http://rense.com/general45/sharonsinfamouscomment.htm is he anti-semitic?
The Liberal Anti-Zionist Arab & Islam lovin non-Practising Jews or the Chupacabra Scarce Far Right Pro-Zionist 2 A supporting Pro-Life Neocon Jews ?
i would imagine AIPAC would be a good place to begin your investigation...that will no doubtingly lead u other places. http://www.aipac.org/
As a snippet without a reference nor even a reference to an actual time or place, this seems suspiciously like a hoax somebody made up for some e-mail spam chain. And even if the quote actually happened, obviously Peres there didn't believe it to be true. Personally, I think that while the Jews do have disproportionate influence in politics, they don't "control" the US. And even if AIPAC didn't exist and Jews weren't overrepresented in media, I don't know that US would have substantially different middle east policies. Most of our alliegences and trouble over in that corner of the world occured because of the cold war and started prior to our being friends with Israel. That said I do think we ought to start putting much more serious pressure on Israel when negotiating the situation with the Palestinians.
Yeah , let push negoiations with Hezbollah & Hamas & Al Qaida & The Taliban & the Waziristan War Lords & Pakistani Islamic Fundy Generals & ...
Check this cat out. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ETEuWZXdx0"]A New Vision for America - YouTube[/ame] [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPLKA7tRx8s"]Israel's Master Plan - YouTube[/ame]
No....its manatees.....manatees control America.... from their underwater lair near Orlando...... It is a well known fact that manatees control the media. Look at how the media portrays manatees- implying even by the name Man-atee that they are human. When is someone going to do something about the Manatee conspiracy?
You are right .It is a very nasty and obnoxious thread . The question that is rarely asked is "how" and "why " it is that Jewish people are so extraordinarily clever and talented and gifted . I doubt there is much good research on the matter , but it is my life belief that the Jews are the most gifted race on the planet and by a long way . Part of the reason comes directly from their history , home life and through community checks and encouragement . They never cease to amaze me , and there is so much other ethnicities could profitably learn from them . I add that I have 0% Jewish blood and that I have no agenda or unstated affiliations for this general testimonial .
I'm just a Southern Baptist for Judaism but I do have one physical prerequisit covered to be Jewish...
Put down that "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". It didn't make sense in it's day and it doesn't make sense for today, Jew baiting is quaint but it does get old please give it up soon or I shall surely swoon.
I despise all religion but at least Jews like porn. That's a plus in my book. I also like the Jesus mocking skits they do on late night, hilarious. .
I wanted to post in this thread, but the Zionist Overlords wouldn't allow it. Take off the tin foil hat. You people are cooky.
Nothing like using a goosestepping site like rense for jew hating lies. The average IQ of people at rense is well below room temperature which is why they get away with crap like you posted. Next you'll be informing us that the holocaust was really nothing more than a holohoax. http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_article=373&x_context=7 These quotes originated with the pro-Hamas American group Islamic Association for Palestine in an Oct. 13, 2001 press release, which claimed its source as Israeli radio Kol Yisrael: According [to] the Israeli Hebrew radio, Col Yisrael Wednesday, Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and turn the US against us. At this point, a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying . . . I want to tell you something clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it. Elsewhere in the press release, the quote was repeated, albeit slightly altered to: we control America. CAMERA received confirmation from Kol Yisrael political correspondent Yoni Ben-Menachem, who reports on Cabinet meetings, that he never made such a broadcast and that Sharon never made such a statement. For more on the misquote by Georgie Anne Geyer, read CAMERA's Syndicated Columnist Georgie Anne Geyer Uses Fabricated Sharon Quote. The misquote also appears on many anti-Israel and hate sites.
Finally someone else who is aware of the manatee invasion!!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one. But seriously do people realize they sound like the above when they come up with these stupid ideas? There are people who seriously believe Jews control America it's obsolutely rediculous
Sure it is all well and good to rag on Jews and whatnot. I personally haven't met any Jews that really irritated me. Muslims on the other hand? Well, my deployment was enough to clear that up for me. The religion is a whole other story, just like Islam in my eyes. It ought to be crushed, and wiped from the earth. Islam and Judiasm do not work and play well with anybody, both despise Christianity. Which frankly boggles my mind. Rather than let somebody else make up my mind for me, I decided to look up stuff on google. I found two odds pieces of literature, there were more to pick from but these served the point the best. http://www.haaretz.com/news/nearly-300-congress-members-declare-commitment-to-unbreakable-u-s-israel-bond-1.266652 http://www.viewzone.com/dualcitizen.html Now take these articles with a grain of salt. They don't come from major news networks. But at the end of the day, why do we give credibility to major networks who have covered stuff up or purposely not reported important stuff in the past? Credibility lies in the fact checking friends, once you gain a reputation of honesty then you gain true credibility. I digress... Anyways, apparently a significant chunk of congress has dual citizenship with...drum roll...you guessed it! Israel! No wonder we have been killing their enemies for so long. Dual citizenship in political office should be a bar to election. You ought to pick a country to be loyal to and stick with it. Regardless of the citizen ship most banks have significant Jewish influences. Banks buy politicians. Come on guys, this isn't some ancient Machiavellian scheme. The writing has been on the wall for the better part of 50+ years. It is in plain sight.
Why do people ignore the Congressmen who are both human and Manatees? Why does the mainstream media cover up the Manatee conspiracy? And are the Manatees Israelis too? Clearly the Manatees are succeeding in their dastardly plot to find gullible humans to use as their dupes to blame all of their deeds on the Jews and the Muslims and the Mormons and the Masons....
Wow, I didn't expect that. I bring a well thought out response to a statement, and I am confronted with this? The statement in the very beginning of the thread is a fabrication, I just looked it up, it is overly misquoted and thus deemed as a fact by those who despise the Israelis. All because they do not fact check. Kind of like the fiasco regarding Jefferson banging his slaves a while back. It was a Jefferson relative with similar DNA, but not the Thomas Jefferson we all know and love. Cultural "facts", or popular "facts", are not facts. They are opinion bloated out of control with much media publication. That being said, having a chunk of our congress, the same body that declares war and writes laws in this country, having dual citizenship is more than a slight eyebrow raiser. It is cause for major scrutiny regarding their true allegiance. I expected a more well thought out response.
What exactly makes you think that I was not serious about the growing Manatee conspiracy? Do you think that I am mocking the entire thread perhaps because I find the whole topic worthy of mocking? Well it is true that facts do tend to get bloated out of control. For instance I have never heard that it was a Jefferson relative, but that it could either have been Jefferson or close relative. That being said- I have heard this claim before- and it is based upon what? I am guessing that the author is: a) using his interpretation of the Jewish Law of Return and b) assuming that anyone with a Jewish sounding name is jewish. So what makes you confident that these people are indeed dual citizens? What makes you confident that the others are not. For instance, which of the Congressmen with Italian sounding names are dual citizens? What about the ones with Irish sounding names? And why are you only concerned with those who you think are dual U.S. and Israeli citizens? As far as I am concerned all this 'concern' about dual citizens is really just another expression of promoting Jewish conspiracy theories.
I think that if you read the articles I linked you may have answered your own questions. Now I will admit, I haven't vetted this conspiracy fullly. Frankly I don't have the time to do that. But I will look into it further given time. Something add up, others don't. This has nothing to do with Jew hating or other nonsense based on race. Israel is all fine and dandy if you ask me. I just think that if they was to kill somebody, they should do it themselves and quit asking us to give them permission or do it for them. Israelis do not need our help, they need our absense in the region. Let them do what slaughtering they need to and let it be done and over with. The Jewish supremacy conscpiracies? Well, if this happened in America, it is likely to have happened elsewhere too. So I will direct my gaze towards canadian and european politics to see if I can find any other signs of overt organized Jewry. And if there are similarities then I think the conspiracy will have gained more credibility based off of additional occurances. What makes me confident that these men are infact dual citizens? Well, unless all of the media outlets are wrong and fabricating things then it is probably true. As for the "Law of Return"? I am unfamiliar with it and will look it up. Why am I concerned with Jewish dual citizenship? Well frankly I am suspicious of any dual citizenship. Call it a personal choice. That being said, I don't see many of our forces promoting an overtly Irish agenda. If they were I'd be all over that too. But I am not seeing it. However to entertain both sides of the argument, I am not looking for it either. People will generally find what they look for. I am looking for truth. And there may be some legitimacy to this particular round of research. Time will tell.
No major network has so much as looked at it, or if they did they quickly un-looked at it. I did some more prowling. Nothing but missing or broken links. Or an utter lack of links on the topic. Granted it isn't a popular issue so I can't logically assume they will cover everything. They only cover that which sells good advertising time. They are a business afterall. That leaves us with only pirate media and other alternative media which unfortunately leaves us in the area of speculation. Many of these alternative sources aren't very good and citing sources but very good at spewing whatever thought crosses their minds at the time. Some are, but the sources they may cite may be just as murky when regarding the validity of their claims. This is unfortunatley the side effect of journalists not fact checking before they post. Me thinks something is going on. But it would be nigh impossible to prove it. What is going on is not exactly clear. But again, I'll have to turn my gaze to Canadian, European, and perhaps Russian politics as well and see if I notice any similarities. Care to join me? It ought to make for some interesting research. Certainly a trackable pattern can be found if there is one.
When he was listing names it occured to me that, except for names like Shaniqua and Kanisha and maybe some other made up stuff, every American name traces back to some other country. I think some people take it too far. But AIPAC is a real thing, their purpose is to be a pro-Israel lobby in the US, and by all accounts they are very good at what they do. I think they're usually competing with the NRA and AARP for being considered the most influential lobby. And they are over-represented in media, finance and federal politics. However that's only an issue if their loyalties are to Israel not America, and I don't think that their religion or last name alone is sufficient to prove that. Oh goodness. Yes they do. Historically they'd have been overrun by Egypt in the Yom Kippur war, and today they'd be in deep doo-doo if the US pulled our financial support and UN veto. Well, I guess if you're looking for some full blown one world government illuminati thing than that might be a good use of time. However in the more down to earth sense, there just aren't so many Jews in other countries compared to America. Like a lot of groups, when they wanted to escape persecution this is where they went, mostly settling around the est coast. They make up over 10% of the population of New York. Which I suppose might actually explain their presence in finance and media due to those being largely centered in New York. Anyway, if you're going to have a jewish version of a "good 'ol boys" network, it's bound to be a lot more prevalent in the US. And I don't know if they even bother having things like AIPAC in other countries. What do you gain by influencing Canada or spain? What can they do for you in the UN or on a battlefield? If someone with deep pockets in Canada wanted to help Israel, they'd probably do better sending more money to an AIPAC endorsed US politician or super PAC.