Your comments really are ridiculous! You mean. . .Liberals are "BOLSHEVIKS?" Come on. . .even for you this is beyond outlandish! Unless you want to compare all Conservatives to Nazis? Why are you trying so hard to look like a fool? I don't believe in conspiracy theories. . .but obviously you do. . .at least you love to "create" some new ones! Go have fun with your little friends, okay?
Most of my dealings with them are "20 Marlboro please mate?" "there you go, that will be........." For some reason I never felt inclined to start the conversation of by insulting their religion, I cannot think why!
Your argument was that left wing people are less likely to kill than right wing people, so I asked you to explain the Bolshevik Revolution. Care to try again?
Nope. . .I do not care to go back to an event over a century ago that is in any case a FALSE equivalency to what is happening today. I prefer to stay on topic. However, you seem to want to get off into lala land! And. . .yes, look at the RECENT (let's say, in the last 40 years) story of mass shooting. . .and tell me that most mass shootings have not been carried out by either Christian extremists (so called "pro-life" people) or White Supremacists.
The left wants to kill a Trump. No surprise; the left is violent. They also killed President Kennedy.
The "motto" is promoting Rubio and Cruz... two candidates with poor personality, lack of leadership and surely easy prey for Hillary Clinton. Liberals are the main ones inciting hatred against Trump... they know that Trump will mop the floor with Hillary on the next elections.
Really? Cruz? He's argued before SCOTUS several times and is a champion debater. Klinton does want to go against Cruz in a televised debate.
I feel sorry for all the girls who are named Isis.
We are just trying to find out if freedom is what they are coming here for...and for the bad ones in the bunch are not coming here to force their beliefs upon us.
He's never come close to saying such a thing, but if he did - I'd support it, and help build the camps myself. Given what muslims have done to non-muslims in the mideast for 14 centuries since the paedophile dogcatcher mohammed arrived on the scene, they are lucky they'd be shipped back to the mideast in one piece.
What has he said that was either? After 9/11 muslim immigration was slowed to a crawl, the FBI was all over mosques and muslims, and the leftwing media did not screech about it then, nor did any of the pundits/elected officials. Trump says we should again review muslim immigration, and it is suddenly "fascism"? Ugh, get real.
That sounds about what one should reasonably expect from the evil that opposes Trump. So there's no surprise there. They said the same thing about Reagan and GW... .
For the intellectually terminally lazy, its a lot easier to scream "that source is nonsense!" or "that source is propaganda!" than it is to offer a rational, original creative thought.
Dah... as the dust comprising the remains of those murdered in the WTC by Islam, still hung over Manhattan, I was in Yahoo's old Washington Watch Chat room... and as a daily contributor, I was well familiar with the Left on that and other similar forums of the day. As I read the posts of the usual Leftist suspects and their feigned outrage... I said that it would only be a matter of time before each of the Leftists present and the whole of the entire international Left, were formally aligned with Islam. Basing that upon the certainty that it was the policies of the Left that made that attack possible; which of course, was a conclusion that history would soon bear out. So it's no surprise that in the wake of the most recent attack by Islam upon the US... an attack which was made possible as a direct result of policy established by the Ideological Left, it warmed my heart to see the Left first denounce Christian calls to prayer for the Victims and the following day, to see the Leftists in the US Federal Legislature invite others to join them in a Muslim Mosque in a show of solidarity with Islam. These calls to murder another American defending American Principle... is just more of the Leftist same. But it always helps when they pull this crap, because it demonstrates why: THERE ARE NO LEFTIST AMERICANS! But hey... In fairness to them.. nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis. It simply can't be done.
I believe the Japanese internment was a HUGE mistake, but believe that all muslims should be deported from the US, including muslim citizens, with their citizenship revoked. Does the fact that those two thoughts can be held by the same person olbiterate your sense of well-being, purpose, and cognitive awareness? I would not allow a single muslim to enter the US for any reason for 10 years, at least....
What a load of misinformed bunk. When Obama decided to stop Christian immigration from the middle east, I don't recall such outrage.
Well if it by Muslims or hispanics he deserves it! His speech and attidue towards an ethnic group and religion may have consiquinces. Would i condone it no. However, i did notice his rhetoric turned up a notch after black leaders did not endorse him