He is a civilian in the real world. He is not in any army thus a civilian. In the civilized world we try terrorists in our court system,we do not try them in military courts when they are not in the military. The UK has prosecuted a few terrorists and none have ever been tried in a military court and that would go for all of western Europe as well.
No he is not. Just because some dumb Americans say it is does not make it true. We all just laugh at America and its totalitarian regime. Places that use military courts to try civilians include Egypt under the dictatorship they have there,Hamas in Gaza,Israeli in west bank and of course America. Civilized countries try terrorist in civilian courts.
He committed crimes against us and he's subject to our laws. He's an unlawful combatant and will be tried as such by military tribunal.
Just another nail in the coffin of American freedoms and rights. Do not come crying to us when they are dragging off American citizens to be tried in military courts. Anyway in the civilized world we will continue to give people a proper trial in a civilian court and a jury of their peers. The world is laughing at you lot everyday.
Oh he'll have a fair trial. No problem with that. At our expense no less. Then he'll have an injection. Again, at our expense. Then we cremate his useless arse and toss the ashes in the Atlantic.
They are already looking the other way as Obama opened up the brand new precedent of executive ordered extrajudicial assassinations of citizens of the United States.
What specific criminal actions are you referring to? Actually they prematurely terminated his tribunal to determine that. So right now, he's not even classed as en enemy combatant, let alone an unlawful enemy combatant.
That quote of yours clearly refers to the crossing of enemy lines. KSM was captured in a residential raid in a non-belligerent country.
Also have a look at this: "The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples" That's what's prohibited in common article III.
Yep,they are not too bothered about executing people without trial or giving fair trials to civilians.
Oh, he'll get a fair trial before a military tribunal followed by lethal injection and an uncerimonial burial at sea.
Meh, I think he should get a regular civilian trial under the regular criminal statutes. Giving him a military tribunal elevates his cause to that of a war between legitimate "sides". He's not on a legitimate side. He and his terrorist friends should be treated like the common criminals they are.
Your statement is a contradiction. There is no fair trial when a civilian is tried in front of a military court,to get more of a fair trial he would have to be tried in a civilian court and then I do not believe that he would get a fair trial just because of all the news paper/TV news/media articles that have been out about him over the years basically stating for a fact that he is guilty.
At first it looked like it would take 22+ years to get the evidence to take him to court. They really shocked the world with their super efficient 11 year time span.
I'm sure any manipulation of the truth that may occur during the mockery, I mean trial, will be 100% transparent as well.
How many of those Americans who are griping have petitioned their congress person to have him tried in a civilian court? The question in the OP is "what are you doing to help KSM"? Please try to stay on topic.
The court officers will probably have a good card game while it happens. It's not like they need to pay attention to the changing rules.
911 is a number; this makes no sense.. I asked you, what SPECIFIC criminal ACTIONS did KSM do.. e.g. What did he actually, specifically do. It's not a hard question. That's also a non response.. Whatever you see in your crystal ball is irrelevant, the fact is you were wrong about his unlawful enemy combatant status.