Leftists are decrying free speech as a threat to democracy after Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced Thurs

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by XXJefferson#51, Apr 14, 2022.

  1. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    NYT Slammed Over Stealth-Edited, Race-Baiting Musk Smear

    "It’s official, apartheid South Africa suffered from too much free speech..."

    "After the 'paper of record' began catching flack for their race-baiting smear (and perhaps after a call from Musk's legal team), they stealth-edited the article to add distance and suggest that musk may or may not have been influenced by South Africa's history (but either way he's a white guy who grew up in South Africa 'so make of that what you will')."

    "Look at what the NYT considers bad and dangerous:"

    "How do they come to the conclusion that apartheid South Africa showed "the dangers of unchecked speech"? The apartheid government DEFINITELY censored the news and intimidated dissenters into silence. Yet the NYT argues that apartheid South Africa needed LESS free speech?"

    Indeed. Have conversations with your Left wing friends, without pushing back and very quickly they will start telling you just how critically important it is for free speech to be censored.

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