You probably should learn what science actually says about what the Big Bang would predict before making such foolish claims.
You are hilarious! So we can recognize our own handiwork. So what? But your logic is so badly flawed it makes my head hurt. I'll tell you what, if you ever get a MRSA infection, tell the doctor that you don't need some fancy new treatment since the whole idea of an organism changing is against your beliefs. Instead just get some amoxicillin and you'll be fine, right? Or better yet, forego all this science claptrap and pray to your god to save you. You sit there on your computer enjoying all the comforts that science has given you, yet compare evolution, the cornerstone of modern biology, to witchcraft, while claiming that some supernatural being created everything and your only proof is a book of dubious origin. Like I said, you make my head hurt.
WooooW! What Bible have you been reading. Get a Bible and read the first 11 chapters. - - - Updated - - - I await your explanation and evidence of observation.
Two years of college and not working in any scientific field except to write articles, those are her qualifications.
Science and evolution are not even closely related. Most of those scientific discoveries are founded by people who believe(d) the Bible's account of Creation. Don't EVER get an MRI done, the machine was invented by a CHristian and the machine may just be magic and not real science. - - - Updated - - - The typical dodge to avoid the impossible. So evolution just began with nothing there before it. You are the comedian.
If you cannot observe and explain what is all around you, then I certainly can't help you. Unless you're making an appeal to authority, this doesn't dispute anything she wrote. You're not seriously suggesting that they got their ideas from the Bible, are you? Biological evolution doesn't care how life gets started, just how it changes.
Okay, you are getting boring. You can't even keep track of your posts, so no wonder I have to keep repeating myself.
We must have really backed you into a corner, you are more incoherent than usual. It doesn't matter how the universe or even life got here. Once it was here, it evolved. Get over it.
Even setting aside the question of how interlocking blocks would exist by chance, any "tower" that was more than about twice as high as its base at its narrowest point would get knocked down in short order, either by the earthquakes or by falling blocks. and there is this much to be said for it: it's not a millionth as retarded as the idea that the universe wasn't intelligently designed. That's certainly an advantage from the perspective of those who are repulsed by the idea of a God who can't be objectified. Why anyone else would find that advantageous I have no idea.
with the tiniest research you could've discovered Calla Cofield has a Bachelor of Science (BS), Physics and Space Sciences from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst...I don't know of any universities that have two year degrees...
inventions such as MRI's are made possible by physics...physicists lay down the possibilities, others(engineers/inventors) apply the knowledge...
We agree, this scientist who believes in Creation, invented the MRI using laws of physics because he understands those laws better than you or I do, and still he believes the Bible account of Creation. He and I agree on that, you don't. How many MRI's have you invented?
This is nothing like a lottery. Unless the number of tickets was close to the same as the number of atoms in the universe. The probability of life arising and then an almost infinite number of lucky chances, are zero. Someday someone will be able to work out the math on it, but it would take more computing power than we have yet.
That's probably just the echo you're hearing. Other than his middle name being "Christian", do you have any evidence that Paul Lauterbur believed in creation? - - - Updated - - - If you rolled a billion-sided dice, what do you think the odds are of a number coming up?
Ok, so even if the number of tickets was close to the same as the number of atoms in the universe it is still POSSIBLE to win it. Improbable is not the same as impossible. Even if there is a 1 in 10[SUP]100[/SUP] chance of happening, there is still a chance so that fact that we are here just means we won, we hit the winning ticket. Also, you didn't answer my question. How do you think life arose on Earth?
Ok, so my analogy sucked. Fine, I'll admit it was a failure. Actually, God told me that evolution is true and the Bible is false.
Evolution has been proven by those more knowledgeable about the subject than me, but you are blinded by your fear that it is going to disprove your god, but as I have told before, there is nothing to afraid of. If God is truly omnipotent, He can use the Big Bang to create the universe, self-replicating molecules to create life and natural selection to evolve the first simple forms of life into all the diversity we see today.
and why not you have as much credibility as 2k yr old magic book...start a new religion, you can be UBER DARK DAIMON high lord priest, direct conduit to god...
He really posts to really CRAZY S#!# when you get him pinned down by logic and facts doesn't he? LOL!!! This type of REACTIONARY POSTING is pathetic in it's nature and even worse to read. Thing is no one has any proof either way....but this guy is going to keep making up his own facts until the cows come home as long as any other member uses FACTS AND LOGIC debating with him. I propose...and this is just a suggestion but I think a good one....I propose when certain members are IDENTIFIED over a period of say a MONTH....of continually posting in an irrational, illogical manner and where such a member MAKES UP THEIR OWN PSEDOSCIENCE NONSENCE or perhaps just makes things up about well known and data proven REALITIES......that we should all do this within the membership..... #1. First WARN the member...whether you think it won't do any good or not....that if they keep posting in such a MAKING UP THEIR OWN will simply ignore them and encourage other members to do the same. #2. If the member posting false data laughs at you and persists....SIMPLY IGNORE THEM COMPLETEY....but don't use the Ignore Button as such people probably GET OFF over another member placing them on ignore. #3. Ever time from that moment on that you read other IDIOCIES and easy to prove FALSE DATA posted by such a member in question....provide NOTICE via Private Message to a members own CIRCLE OF FRIENDS...and other members they enjoy talking with. #4. Keep a watch upon how this effects the manner of False Posts and Illogical Debate usually coming from such a member and if they straighten out.....GIVE THEM ANOTHER CHANCE. #5. If such a member BLOWS THAT CHANCE.....inform your own irle of friends and other members of how suh a member BLEW THEIR CHANCE. #6. If Chance Blown....notify member in question that THEY BLEW IT!!! Then inform them you will no longer interact with them uon any level.....AND STICK TO THIS PROMISE TO YOURSELF!!! #7. Inform your circle of friends and other members what you have done. Now I am the first to admit I have engaged a few particular members who will NEVER ADMIT that what they post has no logic and no evidence and not even the tiniest bit of proof to back up their assertions during our debates. At first I enjoyed being able to disprove their idiocy but now I see....after this goes on Month after Month....such False Data Posting Members simply begin TO BOG DOWN EVERY SENSIBLE DEBATE.....CAUSE NEW JOINING MEMBERS TO LEAVE THE FORUM AS THEY DON'T FIND IT FUN....AND CAUSE OTHER MEMBERS TO FOCUS TOO MUCH TIME UPON CORRECTING SUCH A MEMBERS IDIOCY AND PURPOSEFUL FALSE DATA......and that just wastes not fun....and bogs down sensible and logical debate for everyone. So...I am going to BE A LEADING EXAMPLE AS OF NOW!!!! I will attempt to practice what I have posted and will follow Rules #1 through #7 of the....LOGIC AND FACTUAL DEBATE GUIDELINES....OR....The LFDG....or verbally reconstructed to allow a person to remember the..............................LEFT DOG RULE. Anyone having any suggestions....let me know. AboveAlpha
you don't need to know why something works to make it technicians know nothing of physics that make a car work but they can build you an engine and make it brother brain damaged at a young age didn't finish the 7th grade but he can and has built a car from scratch all without knowing anything of the physics involved.... I can't help but notice you sidestepped the issue of your poor research on Calla Cofield, is that typical of creationists,you don't like the answer so you ignore it? ...yes it is, very typical...
i prefer the ignore button...he hasn't reached my ignore level yet...I'm more tolerant of religious delusions I understand they have their irrational beliefs and they can't admit their failure without destroying their belief .... eventually I'll get bored and move on...