To me, ranked choice voting is just another way or method to get people to finally vote for one or the major party candidate. Take 2020 Georgia if we had ranked voting. Final Georgia Results was Biden 49.47, Trump 49.24, Jorgensen 1.24, Stein 0.05. Ranked choice, Stein would be the first to be eliminated. I would estimate 80% of her vote goes to Biden, but still not enough for Biden to attain the 50% plus one threshold. Then in the next round, Jorgensen is eliminated. Say 70% of the Libertarian voters go to Trump which Libertarians have a habit of voting for Republicans over Democrats, the final results would have been Trump 50.12 to Biden’s 49.88. Ranked choice would have provided a different winner. But wait, 65% of those who voted third party said if the choice was between only Trump and Biden, they would have stayed home and not voted. Stein and Jorgensen received 1.29% of the vote, but if the exit poll was correct 65% of those 1.29 wouldn’t have made a second or third choice. Left their ballot blank which means they decided not to vote in the final rounds. You would be adding only 0.45 to Biden and Trump instead of 1.29. But without the 0.80 voting in the later round, Biden’s and Trump’s total would rise by approximate 0.4 points come the 2nd round without Green’s or Jorgensen’s additional 0.84 votes. 20% of third party voters said they’d vote for Trump, 15% for Biden if no third party choice was on the ballot, the rest wouldn’t have chosen a 2nd choice or 3rd choice. Without those 65% making a 2nd or 3rd round choice, adding those who did, the final outcome would have been Biden 50.06, Trump 49.94 if I did my math correct. If one is assuming everyone will make a 2nd and 3rd choice, you have one result there. But if the exit poll was correct and many refused, you have a different winner. The problem with ranked choice voting is it still boils down to forcing third party voters to end up voting for one or the other major party candidates down the line. Not doing so, negates your original vote for a third-party candidate and isn’t counted as being against the two major parties, it plain isn’t counted. Ranked choice voting is just another method of forcing people to vote for one or the other major party candidates. Maybe not in the first round, perhaps not in the second, but in the later rounds for sure. There’s a reason many people vote third party, they don’t want neither major party candidate, with ranked choice voting, you’re forcing them to choose between two candidates they don’t want. Now I do love Alaska’s jungle primary just as I love Georgia’s jungle primary for special elections. It’s the ranked voting I have my qualms. If Ranked voting was used here in Georgia for 2020, I’d have chosen Jorgenson number 1, left the other choices blank which means my vote ceased to exist, was thrown into the trash, discarded, burnt for the remaining rounds. But that was my choice wasn’t it.
Specious argument. The Infrastructure bill is only now reaching the funding to programs stage, whereby the programs are just getting started. The bill spans a period of 10 years, so your argument has no bearing on the value of the program. No policy improving and repairing infrastructure can prevent a particular disaster, but the infrastructure repairs, maintenance, and improvements can put a dent in the frequency of those disasters. So what, you are arguing that we shouldn't repair and maintain our infrastructure? That makes no sense.
Your statement is consistent with what a bigot might say. Please clarify to this forum that you are not a bigot.
I like rank choice voting. But, America will never be a parliamentary system. The current two party system is the result of the founding fathers not establishing parties at the outset, which left society to coagulate, organically, as one party on each side of the spectrum.
Funny. Who said the only one who cried over Hillary's loss were Wellesly girls? The photo is from Hillary's campaign watch party. So if there's a bigot here, it isn't I. Now take down that defamatory accusation, s'il vous plaît. These "racist/bigot/sexist/transphobic!" slurs getting thrown around in this forum are tiresome.
So sad. "We wanted Hillary, not Trump!!!" Yeah, so you said. Go cook up a Russian collusion theory and you'll feel better.
You still have not listed anything that it actually accomplished. Your posts sound like a wife coming home and saying, "I spent a lot of money shopping today." and the husband asks, "What did you buy?". The wife responds, "Wait and see. There will be deliveries over a long time"... Hubby, again, asks "What did you buy?"... Wifey, again, says... "Wait and see"
No it isn't. It's a response to P. DaSilva who claimed that it was only girls from Wellesley College who wept for Hillary when she lost. See above.
I did not say they were the 'only' ones who cried over Hillary's loss, I said that, or rather, I was referring to the public images, videos, of the girls at Wellesly college, Hillary's college, were who you were probably referring to, since they were the only published videos and images I know of, and it is likely that is the basis for your gross exaggeration. Besides, it is not a statement consistent bigotry, yours or mine on on that particular point, so your point is moot. However, this comment by you on the photo: This chick looks like a dude Because it wasn't expressed in a more courteous way, it appears to be the kind of snarky remark a bigot would say. Which is the reason I asked you clarify if you were, or were not, a bigot, which is a reasonable request given your discourteous statement not respectful of a woman who appears, in your view, less than feminine. Asking you whether or not you are a bigot does not equal calling you one. You made the remark consistent with what a bigot might say, the photo doesn't speak. I repeat, no one called you a bigot. I just asked you for clarification on that point, given the discourteous remark you made that is consistent with bigotry.
I've never seen such disingenuity combined with such transparent cunning. You obviously were calling me a bigot, in veiled terms to avoid censure by the mods, though it doesn't even make sense: against whom was my claim (that one of your Wellesley girls is obviously a man), am I supposedly bigoted? Women or men? You know, it's really fine, though. People who want to be offended and who do not share my views will follow your lead and conclude that I am a bigot (thanks), and all because I expressed disgust with people OF BOTH SEXES weeping over an electoral loss.
Anyone that disagrees with a left winger, a liberal, or a wokist is either a bigot or a racist.... the issue of disagreement is immaterial. Only insulting labels count.
I see the revisionist history that JFK was somehow a conservative has made its way in to this thread. Fact is, JFK was a proud liberal. He was the Liberal Party nominee in 1960.
And yet, can you imagine any liberal today saying his famous words "Ask not what your country can do for YOU... ask what YOU can do for your COUNTRY"? Can yo you EVER imagine any liberal saying anything like that... TODAY?
The closest I can think of in recent memory was President Obama cautioning milennials not to refuse to engage with the other side "because you're so woke." Hillary said something oblique about people in motorized wheel chairs needing to get up and walk, but on the whole, Democrats are rights obsessed and not duty obsessed. I do wonder why that is.
Bone spurs? I assume that is a Trump reference/ Trump was excused from service by a mandatory board of SIX military physicians that had to sign the paperwork. No civilian doctor could sign anything. You may be a vet, but you have no idea how a military medical board works. And when the subject was the WORDS of JFK, that had NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH TRUMP... your emotional fixation and focus on Trump, when that has nothing to do with the conversation... is quite telling.
Which "loons" have more influence over their party do you think? I'm pretty sure they're all self-interested. What do you mean he's "looking" at them? What's your point here? Well, for two years under Trump, Republicans had unilateral control of Congress and the White House. Did they pass any "unregulated capitalism" policies?
This isn't an inquisition, so I won't answer all of that, but the loons of the Left are more dangerous to the kind of society I want, one where people aren't walking on eggshells, aren't shouting down comedians for making politically incorrect jokes, aren't making it unsafe for conservatives to speak at universities, unsafe for conservative justices and senators to go to restaurants. There are probably an equal number of loons in each party, but I don't worry about the right because they at least believe in free speech. I think Justice Sotomayor would be treated more respectfully at red state law schools than Justice Thomas would be treated at Stanford Law Certainly the former would not be heckled.
I take what you say at face value, and i expect to be treated the same. I do not second guess, or assume you mean something other than what you say or write. That being said, sometimes people unwittingly say things not realizing how what they say will be taken. It's a grey area, and I'm always willing to give the benefit of the doubt, whcih is why I ask for clarification. No one is call ing you a bigot, but if you want to make sure people don't think of you as one, do not say crap that bigots tend to say. Ignorant people unwittingly say things consistent with bigotry, though they might not be bigots. I always give the benefit of the doubt, which is why I query before I accuse. If you can't accept that at face value, then this conversation is over. .
Well then it sure sounds like the Republican party is your 'political home.' You THINK? There are only three certainties in life: death, taxes, and what you say here.
I'm just trying to better understand your position. Can't you explain what you mean by Warren Buffet "looking at conservative Republicans and Libertarians?"