Communism is always oppressive unless it is voluntary. Always. And when people have the freedom to opt out of something that does not benefit them, the stability of your system is severely compromised.
Marxist for beginners indeed... Only liberals could desire to perfect stupid... Marxism is a failure, and for good reason.
Umm.. yes... the govt did pressure (force, coerce) the banks into giving out risky loans.... And there are many more examples than just the one listed below...,0,0,0
you are correct, Dispondent. The countries who have market-driven (capitalist) economies are doing best. The countries with socilaist policies are doing worst. Check this out!
presumably there would be one driver for every car that gets in to an accident...? so, those unsafe roads where tens of thousands die every year don't bother you..?
I'm sure they have reasons, but that is not relevant... we aren't discussing the merits of free market anarchy.
What has Obama done so differently from other US presidents? So capitalism is where the majority of people are poor and live on less than a couple dollars day? Albert Einstein wrote an entire article on why he thinks socialism is better than capitalism. That tells me all I need to know. Ad Hominem. Of course.
No. Chances are they were doing something dumb. More people drive on those roads and don't get hurt than those that do. Now unless the road has a monster that pops up every time a car drives over him there's no reason why a person that isn't driving at a reasonable speed would crash.
As opposed to government which capitalizes on power and cripples everyone with expenses and selective barriers of regulation. I don't think what you say would happen will happen. Competition works in roadways as well as anything else.
Yes, I know. Most people have such narrow imaginations. It's why they think they, and everyone else, needs to be nannied by a leviathan government. The answers are out there. One just needs to look. Sure. If they were private roads, you'd be blaming the owners fast enough. Good question. According to these economists, in a study in 1989, the CAFE standards caused between 2,900 and 3,900 deaths in a 1989 model year. Liberty. The freedom to follow one's own conscience peacefully without interference from busybodies, do gooders, powermongers, warmongers, eugenists, paternalistic know-it-alls and the thugs they employ to push their morals and their programs onto everyone else.
What has obama done so differently you ask?...Ad Hominem The list would be so long it might just, as P. Lotor said, reach the moon... unconstitutional and one of the most controversial law in united states that will affects larger then any other. He has increased the debt to ridiculous levels, passed a stimulus bill that has done nothing to help the economy, only has made inflation, degraded the image of the united states in the world community. Has lied more time than any other president, has fundamentally transformed our country into a more socialistic, government controlled nation, increased taxes, appointment perhaps the most incompetent board in history, and 3 years into his term and having an allied congress for 5 years, still blames the previous president and administration for his failures. Not just petty, but a lie and shows his incompetence. And no, capitalism is where people earn according to how well educated they are and how hard they work, as well as how smart they are to get through...which is what the united states was originally based upon. Albert Einstein is correct about some things and entirely wrong about other things. He has already been disproven many times on many of his scientific theories also. I just gave a small quote of common sense that the majority people understand, accept, and agree with. Ad Hominem???That was just so wrong that It just seems that way.
You do realize that Norway is a huge welfare state, don't you? Not that I like or dislike the idea of welfare.
But hey, Norway is highly productive materially, so it's still better than a less "productive" nation, even if it sucks otherwise. Amiright? (Directing this question towards people who always point out "productive" nations and how socialist or capitalist they supposedly are, and making it out like that matters in the grand scheme)
I skipped through most of it. Not gonna try and argue with you. But back to thread. Marxist > everyone right of me. me > marxists.
I am not gonna discuss fascism on here as it is nothing like socialism/communism. I have discussed some stuff on the poll. See my quotes from Lenin in 1917-18 and my relies to SPB. In fact socialism is about the liberation of the individual and their development to a higher level. Socialism is not just about central planning, it is about everyone becoming involved in the decision making. Mass participation. The central planners would make the big decisions, but others would be made locally. Again, see my quotes from Lenin. I will come back to this topic. That is not my argument. Lenin and Trotsky would have done things differently to Stalin, but ultimately socialism is not possible in an isolated country, especially a backward one. It is about Marxism and socialism, Marx and Engels called themselves communists and today we use the word socialist. 30%. That is less than half. sheer nonsense. As regards the government causing the crisis, see this off topic though No good just trotting out the standard, meaningless right wing lines. Read the thread, try to understand it, then come back with a proper argument. The fact that capitalism can never work in a 'pure form' is largely irrelevant, apart from the fact that it actually destroys the views of the libertarian right. You are trying to say Stalinist Russia must have been socialist because capitalist America has state intervention (usually on behalf of the rich). It is a nonsensical, simplistic, debating forum line trotted out with no understanding of the subject. Hmm, lot of short posts not really related to the topic as such. Oh well.
Don't you get it yet? marxism is about the collective, you, as an individual are meaningless, simply a cog in their machine. the most ironic aspects will not ever be seen, but (*)(*)(*)(*)ed if they wouldn't be hilarious.