Sometimes the sheer comedy makes this all worthwhile. McCain and Romney were nominated because they accumulated the most delegates during the primaries. Even if we assume that millions of communists crossed over and voted for them in the Republican primaries, we'd have to wonder why these communists would go to the trouble to nominate someone most likely to dethrone their revered king. Certainly if I were to vote in a Republican primary, I'd vote for the most glazed-eyed bible-pounder running. In hindsight, I suppose if Romney had won and started implementing the same program he ran in Massachusetts, the TP Republicans might have been less likely to stonewall a white, Republican President, and we'd have seen Romneycare nationwide with all states cooperating. Maybe we'd have seen sensible raise-taxes-cut-spending compromises rather than stupid sequesters. Almost surely we wouldn't have seen blowzos threatening to shut down the government and default on existing obligations. This nation would have been much better off as a great big Romney Massachusetts Generally good policies well implemented trump superior policies mindlessy killed out of personal hatred.
These were American laws People evolved when they started to wipe their asses with them.
That's the "we'll do anything a white guy says even if he's an idiot but we'll do nothing a black guy says even if he's a genius" theory. It seems to be true as far as the racists like McConnell are concerned.
I agree with you on Foreign aid. We should have never given foreign aid to any country. I likewise agree with you on the subsidies for corn and subsidies for purchasing automobiles period. As far as operation head start, I think that is a critical program and an investment for the future of America. Taking away the cellphones is just another way of giving people an excuse not to work; short term its a viable solution for people to possibly find work in this country. With the monies saved from foriegn aid and subsidies, we'd have more then enough to support head start and phones with plenty left over.
McCain won 22 States by wide margins but they were the ones that didn't matter.
24 Head Start grantees and none complied fully with Federal Head Start or State requirements to protect children? They failed to conduct criminal records checks, recurring background checks, document criminal records checks, checks of childcare exclusion lists, or checks of child abuse and neglect registries. What exactly are they doing with the $9.2 Billion we give them? Please go to the OIG report in the first quote and scroll down to the photos. After observing the photos and reading the report I think a full financial audit of the Head Start program is in order.
History shows we get the tax increases and never the real cuts. Besides,the senate wouold have had to vote on any "cuts". Reid would never go for that. It was a game,on both sides. Tired of Obama being the perpetual victim at the hands of his enemies.
I pretty much agree with you, if only by using hindsight. At the time, the supercommittee looked like the real deal - handed considerable legislative power, faced with real penalties for failure. But looking back, I agree it was a game on both sides. Both sides knew there would be no compromises, both sides knew the penalties were pretty trivial, the whole thing was a charade. Even the market knew it was a charade. But it's also true that the whole game wasn't Obama's masterminded prestidigitation. Sure, it was a waste of time. At that point, anything would have been a waste of time. Recall that this all took place AFTER the Republicans came close enough to defaulting on the debt so that the US's credit rating took a hit. And the market DID notice that. What ends up being kind of comical here is that, for whatever reasons, the Obama administration has been just another boat entangled in the political Sargasso Sea. It's accomplished essentially nothing for 3 years, and the Republicans have accomplished about the same. The voting public expressed disgust with Congress - and then went out and returned almost exactly the same Congress in 2012. Now they're expressing even more disgust. So what?
Oh look, assumptions about me and my viewing habits. Despite the fact that I live in Germany and don't actually get cable. Look, I'm sorry, but sometimes it just gets really hard to take "conservative positions" seriously, when they're so blatantly wrong with little to no regard for reality. Are you seriously comparing a slight increase in government spending with the systematic oppression and murder of an entire populace? The fact is that republicans are just dead wrong on a lot of positions, and they've taken their minority of support and abused the ever-loving (*)(*)(*)(*) out of it. And a lot of the positions taken, while they may appear sensible to republicans, make republicans look like insane idiots to the outside observer. Case in point: Look, can we all agree that this statement is not only stupid, but borderline insane? If it weren't for posting history, I'd assume this person was a troll, because that's how dumb this statement is. One does not gain political respect by replacing opponents with (*)(*)(*)(*)ing Disney villains in one's mind. Pretending that Obama is a puppy-and-baby-eating socialist antichrist is dumb. But of course, it's not just a shrill minority of republicans who have a patent on being wrong. Also the more serious republicans can be totally wrong. Case in point: "Socialism" is a word with a fairly specific meaning, and it is abused constantly by those on the right to try to connect Obama with political regimes which barely counted as socialist to begin with and which have about as much to do with what the democrats are pushing as the republican party platform has to do with the party of "Bündnis 90: Die Grünen" (the german hippie party). Beyond that, Greece's turmoil specifically and Europe's more generally was not simply brought on by a large debt overhang or "socialist" (the term you're looking for is "social democratic") policy. The problem had largely to do with the complete failure by the ECB to allow breathing room on currency, and an insistence on austerity in an economy completely starved of aggregate demand. Hell, in some cases (like Spain) there wasn't even a serious problem with government debt. What's more, comparing government debt of a small, in some ways still developing nation like Greece to government debt in what is quite literally one of the only superpowers on the world stage is completely flawed in more ways than I'd like to list. But still, you're arguing rationally, which puts you far above most republicans on this site. Unfortunately, the republicans aren't just wrong in their rhetoric, their actual arguments are often completely wrong. When it comes to economics, for example - it's hilarious how they've effectively completely shifted the debate from the real issue (we are at high unemployment and operating far below economic capacity) to a far less important issue, and yet still have the balls to (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) about how Obama isn't doing anything about unemployment - oh, and they're blocking a bill which is liable to put a hell of a lot more people to work. Or, you know, they were saddled by retarded baggage. How many democrats do you think went out in 2008 explicitly for the sake of not having Palin anywhere near the white house? Or just for "not another four years of this (*)(*)(*)(*)" after Bush? And let's not forget that most "real conservatives" that showed their faces in the 2012 primary became laughingstocks almost instantly, on account of being (*)(*)(*)(*)ing nutters. The sad part about this is that most people who hate on McCain actually prefer Palin. Which belongs quite cleanly in the previously mentioned category of "completely (*)(*)(*)(*)ing crazy".
The sooner the Grand Old Party dies the better. I would just as soon have the democrat authoritarians than their mirror images the GOP canidates of late. Time for the libertarians and Tea Party to decide how we sink or swim. Atleast their will be a obvious difference other than what we have had during my lifetime. While I must admit I do not like being allied with many of the conservatives on here. Through destruction comes opportunity. The fact that so many democrats care so much about the future of the GOP let's me know we ain't losing much by letting it die.
Good Lord.......McCain needs to retire or (*)(*)(*)(*)......he is an embarrassment to the Republican Party...
Well said.....when you have "the other party" telling what you need to do to win elections.....and the leaders of your party sign off on that "strategy" really have no political party at that point........
Both liberals and conservatives don't like him. He's like the unwelcomed uncle at Thanksgiving that has all the money and power in the family. I believe the term he uses is "Maverick", but to me it may as well be Carlos Danger.
Exactly. Lib Republicans who have been in Washington for decades know who their real friends - lib Democrats. What a laugh.
No. The Mayor doesn't agree with false statements. One doesn't respect King Obama, Fascist, Racist and Traitor, not in the least. Pretending he's not a traitor is idiotic. Do try to pay attention to what he's really done, okay? Don't run around pretending some guy born in Kenya, raised as a muslim in Indonesia, who's raised by America-hating socialists, wants to do what is best for the United States. The traitor campaigned that he was going to "radically transform" America, and we all know what happened when Germany paid no attention to Mein Kampf. Yawn. Only by neo-fascists, neo-commies, neo-nazis, and others that want to pretend the religion they follow is different from the excuses the other socialists of years gone by have done. As it should be perfectly clear, the Mayor, like the Master of Sinanju, does not waste time cataloguing other people's foolishness. You want to feel that communism is different from national socialism is different from fascism is different from Maoism is different from "real" socialism you go right ahead. As an American, the differences in the various cults of socialism are as meaningful as trying to figure out if King Obama is a Shiite, a Sunni, or a happy little girl. From the Mayor's view point, it's all crap, compared to liberty.