then why the dozens of threads and night after night of coverage on the news about one and not a word about the other?
I think we can all agree this Woodorf dude is getting the chair ... wether it was a racial-killing or 'jus nutha home invasion and slaughter of the inhabitants ... So please ... I have a burning desire to listen to you coddle Zimmerman in upholding his racial-profiled murder ...
actually NO, there was one guy arrested but there were more than one perp...and some of them COULD be some other race but we don't know, do we? cause there's been no coverage, no press 24/7 calling for action. The family itself is going around to law enforcement and begging for a task force.
well, it's not racist....if they had shot one shot in the middle of a fight..>THAT would be racism... breaking in...beating an old sick man til his jaw was broke, ribs were broke, shooting him in the head repeatedly with a BB gun (they found BBs embedded in his broken jaw) and raping a weak old woman then beating her to death in her bed...well that's not racism, they were probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time..
well let's see....could it be because this couple were in their OWN house, minding their own business, the blacks broke INTO the house to torture and kill them? Trayvon and Zimmerman were BOTH outside their houses and were in a confrontation...there is SOME difference of opinion on what happened and who instigated it? No one is debating whether the sick old couple confronted the blacks and forced them into their one is debating anthing INCLUDING where the other perps are!
a black murderer MAY go down for a murder more than one person committed..where they broke INTO a couples house and killed them Zimmerman may go down for a murder committed by one person in a fist fight...
As far as Woodorf is concerned, to bad the punishment doesn't fit the crime.... after what he did to that defenseless couple, all he'll get is a little prick in the arm....... Don't waste your time spewing your stupid comments about Z - OR M! - in my direction... I had stated a long time ago that since I wasn't there that night, I don't know exactly what happened - anymore than you do - so I'll wait for the trial. I'd hate to see you sitting on a jury.......
Inhest... How in the world is this the same thing? The got caught, and arrested. Did they claim self defense or something? Where they Let go? Did the police do a half ass investigation? How are the two related in any way? I just dont see it all. Two completely different circumstances, crimes, and events. Do you think that after every murder there should be a public uproar? What the hell is it?
evidence shows that he wasn't the only perp.....where are the others? where are the reporters? and Zimmerman was arrested that very night.
I agree this black dude Woodorf needs to go down on a death penalty ... as a racial killing with special (race-hate) circumstances ... the jury will agree to it and the judge will impose the death penalty ... Whitey here wants Zimmerman to sue Liberals after he walks ... This was your point ... yes ?
it's that kind of bizarre reasoning that turned me against the Democrat party...they have allowed the Progressives to completely take it over...
and you lefties call it being anti pc and you're supposed to scream and demand the mods ban the user... pot meet the kettle.
oh puleeze...this thread is here because I PUT it here and it IS a current event... get over yourself.
I think that if you are going to have 24/7 coverage and dozens of threads about a crime you claim is a 'hate' crime, then equal time should be given to OTHER 'hate' crimes. But instead, hate crimes committed by blacks are ignored while hate crimes against blacks are front page full time news stories. there has been NO coverage of this couple's murder and there are still people that have not been arrested and there has been little movement from the police to find them.
Why NOT teen killed in altercation with neighborhood watch captain? If it were a white teen killed it would have been: Teen killed by Hispanic Neighborhood Watch Captain. News at 11. And then people would have posted: I bet he's illegal! The media made him white because it sells more copy. They're responsible for this hysteria.
Man accused of stabbing random Dallas shopper No motive. Antowan Davis didn't know Martha Jones but went to housewares, unwrapped a butcher knive, walked behind her and stabbed her at a Target store.
Watch captains not arrested all over the US, sadly. Major cities are filled with innocent people being arrested and guilty people knowing the system well enough to avoid charges.
Could this possibly, and I know its a stretch to think it, be just a completely bat(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy person killing someone who happened to be white?
There's a lot of that going around. Well. it certainly takes that pesky hate crime thing off the table. heh?
Of course it could. I also wonder if the current concentration on black and white crime isn't just the media bringing it to attention for various reasons, Obama being President, the current Zimmerman case. How would we know?
You are going to love it when the HOA is sued for wrongful death in a civil action because of Gz's idiocy.. Won't affect GZ.. heck.. he was a renter.