Yes. I'm sure that's the reason. It's not because it was put in the proper section. It's because the Jews own this board and are covering for the blacks who really are working for NATO under the guidance of Russia and North Korea.
Hilarious is a strange word to use considering an innocent woman was stabbed. Guess if she had been black, it would've been considered more serious, eh?
I hope this isn't off topic ... but as a Black Person, could you please tell me who these so called Black Leaders are, and why do I need to be lead by them? Also, who are your White Leaders? Maybe we can get those White Leaders and Black Leaders in a room together for a friendly Beer and solve all these fears People on People Crimes who happen to belong to a particular race. Cheers
Why the obsession of the Color of the person stabbed? Is the Woman more or less stabbed due to the skin color?
You're the one who thinks folks reaction is 'hilarious' -- why don't you tell us what makes it so funny?
We could start with Barack Obama. Until he allowed himself to be packaged and sold as a BLACK man, we had pretty much reached the point where skin color was seldom mentioned when describing another person. Let's all give a big bronx cheer to Barack for reminding us different pigments mean different agendas.
What's FUNNY is WHITE PEOPLE Playing The Victim ... In 2012. Sorry ... you're going to have to get in a really long line for Sympathy from me ... and the wait is around 400 Years. That's the Hilarious part if you didn't get it.
Are you upset? If so, what exactly are you doing about? Did you contact "your" leaders for organize a protest? Why isn't Fox News letting it's audience know? Why is Fox News so silent? Why Why Why ?
Which explains why you don't get it. There are "significantly more whites" yet whites are the victims 9 out of 10 times. The only way to explain that is that blacks are committing more crimes against whites than whites are committing against blacks.
I'll lend moral support to the inevitable white backlash, like you are doing with what blacks are doing nowadays. Oh, but I forgot, you're not a racist.
Since the white racists on Political Forum are so interested in documenting every single case of a black person murdering a white person it's only fair to show what their invidious racism leads to. White racists like people to believe that only blacks cause inter-racial crimes such as murder but that is far from the truth. According to the FBI's hate crime statistics African-Americans are 22-times more likely to be the victim of a race-based hate crime than a white person. 22-times more likely!!!
Why does it bother you that people are upset about the fact that innocent whites are being targeted and killed by blacks? And your examples are from 2010-2011. Any recent ones?
I am just as upset about innocent whites that are being targeted and killed by blacks as you are about innocent Blacks being targeted and killed by Whites. Your move ...
9 out of 10 interracial crimes between whites and blacks involve a black perpetrator and a white victim. You should be caring more. Judging by your "people" comment in the elderly Oklahoma couple thread, to you, these whites deserve what they are getting. I just wish cowardly black racists were brave enough to throw away their fake front of egalitarianism and just admit how they really feel.