now that I prefer to demonstrate up close and personal, are you trying to give me a reason? Every trougher out here has been impeached countless times and exposed not only for their lack of knowledge but also for what they really are LOL
Why would anyone test for unicorn poo? There is no reason for anyone to suspect thermite or explosives. We saw the actual event live or on televison and can identify the destructive device used. And screw Erik Lawyer and George Nelson. They are playing games ith you. You do not do a reconstruct of an aircraft when the cause of the crash is known to be controled flight into terrain.
They don't need a reason; it is in their genes. They look at apologists as a sign that their enemies are weak. And they are right about that.
Diploma Dumboes try to hide the worthlessness of their education by claiming that whatever way "educated" speak is the new standard. That proves once again that if we don't pay people to go to college, they aren't worth anything. College means working without pay, so it is for amateurs.
who wants to deal with educated speak when there is so much newspeak required to run a government? LOL - - - Updated - - - yeh they are a figment of the imagination LMAO another egg u macated post
yeah unlike the OCTA'S,YOU have looked at BOTH sides where all they do is read the 9/11 commisison report and - - - Updated - - - yeah for reciting the "official" BS story of the governments,a mind isnt needed for that.Its needed though to see that it was an inside job.
which is the level of the mind someone has that believes in the governments version. - - - Updated - - - No they only do that with you official conspiracy theory apologists.
He wont do any research on that of course since he only sees what he WANTS to - - - Updated - - - yeah thats what the democrats and the republicans are since they serve wall street and the zionists instead of us.
So since Bush's grandpa or whatever, was a Nazi that means that he was? My dad was a construction worker. I am not a construction worker. There are several people who have grandparents who owned slaves, does that mean that they, themselves, are slave owners? Truthers have the dumbest arguments. Good to see 9/11waij is back with the normal stupidity that he spews. *Stands up and gives ovation* It's like the IQ in the room just dropped a click.