Most Australians dont want the carbon tax

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by dumbanddumber, Sep 13, 2011.

  1. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    I dont know about you guys but the majority of people at my work and most of my mates donot want the carbon tax and think it will do little to clean up the environment.

    What about your workplace or friends?
  2. kika

    kika New Member

    Sep 11, 2009
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    my group of friends and i are in favour of a carbon tax. its a small start to beginning to lessen our pollution and encourage the long overdue investment in clean energies and products.

    we will poison all life on this earth if we do not start to live without such waste, over-consumption and pollution.
  3. Adultmale

    Adultmale Active Member Past Donor

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Most people I speak to think the carbon tax will do absolutely zilch for cleaning up air pollution.
    Most people I speak to agree that there are far, far better ways that will have a bigger and more immediate effect on pollution than a carbon tax.
    There is a lot of anger over Gillard and Swan REPEATEDLY assuring Australians before the last election that if elected they WOULD NOT be introducing a carbon tax. They are in power under false pretences.
    The right thing to do would be to take it to an election. The right thing for the GG to do would be to refuse to sign of on it until after the next election.
  4. Oxyboy

    Oxyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Except for the better half and a couple of others i'd say 95% of the people i know and work with don't support the tax or Fanta Pants.
  5. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    This is not the case, even if we are just more aware, doing more research, more debate then something has been done. It will however have the affect of reducing carbon emissions, maybe not what is predicted, but then again maybe more.

    Oh there is, we could all think a little about what we do. We, you and I and all the others, if we would just wake up, look at how much we waste.
    LPG, natural gas, solar panels, solar hot water, RECYCLE.

    There is a dozen threads in here where this is fully debated.
    1: It is pretty well proved that it is NOT A TAX.
    2: They were elected, which ever way you look at it. They have legal and legitimate control of the house, the opposition had exactly the same opportunity. Winners grinners, losers weepers.

    Every time something goes before parliament that people don't like they say "Take it to an election", things happen every day that someone doesn't like, nothing would get done we would forever be having elections, we have too many already.
    As for the GG thing, yeah right lol, lets not have a government, just get the GG to read these blogs and sign off on what is said here. LMAO
  6. axialturban

    axialturban Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2011
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    They werent elected, they formed government after the election through negotiation. Im not disputing they are in power, but lets not mislead ourselves into thinking people 'elected' the ALP.
  7. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Ok if I was to ask a thousand people if they want to pay tax (of any sort) most if not all would say no.
    If you asked them if they should pay tax, the majority would say yes.
    If you asked them again but to think about it, most would say yes.
    If you asked them if they thought their taxes were being wasted most would say yes to a degree.

    Our system unfortunately is run by humans, you know them, you and me. We can be naughty, we lie, we cheat, we use and abuse. The object of a "free" society is that the "norm" will prevail. It does, we have a health system, albeit it has loads of problems. This is my particular area of interest as I worked in the public health arena as a HSM for 10 years leaving after having a break down due to what I witnessed.

    We don't pay too much taxes, it is just we are not getting the value for them.

    We should have some sort of penalty for polluting, yes this should be passed on to the consumers. We need to use less, waste less, take more care of our finite resources, our planet and it's ecology.

    Maybe if we all got together for the good of our children and grandchildren we could come up with "the solution" rather than piece meal solutions that try to pander for each little faction with self interests.
  8. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Hey DominorVobis

    How will a carbon tax clean up our act???

    A carbon tax allows a company or polluter as Juliar calls them to remain on the same carbon foot print as long as it buys carbon credits to offset its surplus.

    Now isn't that stupidity i ask you, in some cases the big polluters will always exceed their carbon foot print but all will be right because they have brought carbon credits so on paper they look like they are remaining at a status quo or reducing their carbon foot print in reality nothing has changed.

    Why should Australian be penalised with a carbon tax when our contribution to man made global emmissions is around 1.5% ot the total thast 1.5% out of 100%.

    Julia is going to penalise every Australian and reduce our standrad of living , she is going to penalise Australian industry which means jobs, and all because we are contributing a whoping 1.5% of man made global emmissions.

    The other thing is the really big polluters, US, India, China etc etc say they will not have a bar of this carbon tax so why tie both our arms behind our backs when they will not?

    Also after two years the Australia's carbon tax will roll over into a world ETS which will be run by the United Nations and Wall street. We will be sending out billions of Australian tax payers money to fund carbon credit farming from these lot.

    Adult male is correct there are far better ways to clean up our act without paying prostitutes on top.

    If our government was fairdinkum about cleaning up our act they wouln't be handing us over to foriegn powers no the tax money could be put to much better use here in our own country instead of shipping it of to these pricks.

    Their only interset will be farming carbon credits and seeling them to us, they couldn't care less about Co2 or the environment.

    Julia and Swan hav sold us out big time, but then again they are the puppets and must do what the puppeters tell them to do.

    I was a labor supporter from day one in the work force BUT not anymore thanks to Julia i will never vote labor again and niether will my family.

    Every time the labor party has been in power they have done more damage to the Australian people than any other parties combined.

    I would prefer the liberals with all their crashing and bashing of hospitals schools and public services than Julia she makes me sick everytime i hear her voice.

    Better ways to reduce our carbon foot print is by the government forcing the polluters to upgrade in the latest technology,

    1. scrubbers
    2. electrostatic precipitators
    3. filter bags
    4. Carbon sequestration

    You see if we did all these using the latest technolgies we would be the cleanest polluters in the world, but of course private industry will not upgrade or spend more money unecessarly even if it means the Earth will eventually be destroyed, they just want thier quick buck.

    The other thing is if Julia will be pumping billions of dollars into the big polutters to help them out, why shoudl the big polluters slug us.

    They are already being compensated.

    What labor has done, that is o sell us all out is unforgivable thast why i will never vote for them again.
  9. acro

    acro Newly Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    chance to pass a carbon tax law = 1 / average IQ of the nation
  10. Theresa C. Hales

    Theresa C. Hales New Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    :sun: Good morning, regardless whether or not Ms. Gillard made the statement no carbon tax under my watch. I am sure a lot of Polly’s have made other statements and wish they haven’t made them. All politicians made many promises; made many assurances ;) that is the way of all governments. That being said the policies being place on the table now is for the benefit for all Australians in the long run :) Tax, tax, and more taxes as long as it is for the benefit for all Australian’s I am all for it, because all those who pore out poisons into the atmosphere have for years have not been made accountable and now they are being made to. There are too many things out there for me to mention, I am no scientist I am however one of the many people that may or may not be effected by the pollutions in the air today. I feel very sorry for those people who live closer to the all those polluters. Stating the obvious we should make sure that those who make the mess should clean it up… I guess I am a bit of a:cynic: when it comes to all politicians these day, I do hope that one day that punishments will one day fit the crime, and pollutioning the air that we breath is a crime. Have a good day TCH
  11. Oxyboy

    Oxyboy New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Worst 1st post in history.:omg:
  12. The Lepper

    The Lepper New Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    Nearly all of my friends and family support the carbon tax. Nobody cares too much about Gillard going back on her word. It was a hung parliament. An exceptional circumstance and deals had to be made to form government.

    I don't like Gillard, but I like Abbott even less. The man is a fool.
  13. AllEvil

    AllEvil Active Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2009
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    1/100 = 1%

    Call me crazy, but that doesn't sound right.
  14. Makedde

    Makedde New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    I'd prefer Gillard for the next ten years if Abbott was the only alternative.
  15. The Lepper

    The Lepper New Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    I know how you feel.
  16. Makedde

    Makedde New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    Thank heavens someone does!
  17. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    It already is, people are more aware and most people (except capitalists) are trying to do something about it. Discussions on solar, wind farms, natural gas etc have never been stronger. Business is looking at ways of cashing in on the carbon credits (which is the objective, as capitalists are more interested in money then clean environment we need to bribe them to do anything)
    Why not, aren't we polluting, do we just follow all the sheep (something liberals are used to), shouldn't we as a world leading country LEAD.

    Doh, is 1.5% out of 100% good to see you did your maths.

    by the way, 1.5% isn't much I know. When my wife had cancer she had a 5% chance of recovery .. she didn't however so it may as well have been zero.

    ANY REDUCTION IN CRAP IN THE ATMOSPHERE, LAND or WATER is GOOD, regardless of global warming. We do not need most of what we buy or have now for God's sake, why on earth do we need more.

    The fact that we can go to Woolworths and by a toaster or jug or whatever for round $10 is disgusting. We do all the polluting so we can have a crappy cheap toaster that won't last a year and will end up a pile of toxic plastic waste in some land fill.
    Heard it all about jobs, good scare tactic but getting a bit old around the tooth. For years, every time anyone tries to do anything to curb the destructive capitalist machine that's the first cry, GARBAGE. Nothing that people have complained would cost jobs has ever come about. (Except us buying imported cloths cars etc and losing all the jobs here due to our greed for cheaper goods)
    Good, we will be the world leaders not just sheep following blindly some leader with no leadership.
    Love conspiracy theories, gives the morons something to say.
    What Adultmale or anyone else does is not my concern as long as it's legal and consensual.
    Aren't all politions, and that's our fault, we allow the media etc to rule our thoughts, if we paid more attention, became more active the back room boys would lose all their power.
    Would never label myself, I follow policies not some party line.
    Love to see some examples to this very very wild claim, or maybe you should add "In my opinion"

    I would rather a hundred carbon taxes if we got better health and education, look up Abbott's time as health minister it's frightening.

    Government forcing polluters to upgrade, if that happened you guys would be winging just as loudly, just using a different tack.

    Good, democracy at work, see you will get your say.

    As long as Abbott never gets to be the Prime Minister this country may have a chance to face the Global Financial Crisis that is looming, I believe that that we have seen so far is only the tremors before the main storm.

    I believe it will be like nothing we have ever experienced, I believe if we do not manage it properly it will change the way our lives, especially those of our children forever, and God I hope I am wrong!
  18. Adultmale

    Adultmale Active Member Past Donor

    Jun 22, 2010
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    Dominor, mate, if there is a devastating economic crisis coming you had better hope to God that we have a Lib/Nat government when it hits.
    Howard and Costello saw us very neatly through several overseas recessions and economic meltdowns during their time in office. Despite several of our major trading partners being in recession the Johnny and Petty show paid off Labors $98 billion debt they were left with and put $60 billion in the bank. They gave our asian neighbours a couple of billion to help them out when their economies went into melt down and they finished the rail line to Darwin.
    So far the Rudd and Gillard circus has spent all the money and started borrowing more and started indroducing more taxes.
  19. DominorVobis

    DominorVobis Banned at Members Request

    Aug 23, 2011
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    Nearly any one would do, except Abbott, that would be a disaster in itself, wow just read what he has said in the past, he is a foolish man and would lead us in foolish directions.

    By the way, I am not alone in my belief, many very smart economists also believe the same thing. The little hiccup we had was just a tremor, the financial players have no concern for anything except making those dollars, they don't care if they bring down countries, superannuation funds, whatever. As long as they get their millions in commissions. One guy sent hundreds into bankruptcy so he could pocket a few million.

    That's why I am not putting my money into banks, but into trees. I can sleep under a tree, eat it's fruit, warm myself by it's timbers. What does the bank do besides screw me?
  20. dumbanddumber

    dumbanddumber New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    Hey Domino

    I'm all for cleaning up our act, so dont get me wrong on that one.

    The carbon tax will do nothing except reduce our standard of living.

    Ok some examples are,

    Keating floating our dollar, why should we be tied behind the greenback?

    The GST Keatings idea!

    The destruction of the unions, Keating-Hawk.

    The destruction of Pyramid, John Cain.

    Privatisation of Telstra, Commonwealth bank, Keating - Hawk.

    Taxes - Labor

    etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc...............................

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