People are entitled to their opinion(s) However, note that I have looked into the ROOSD fiasco and the allegation that the towers could simply "collapse" as they did in response to damage from the alleged airliner crash & fire, is completely mad. The least probable outcome of the events ( even if the airliner crash were real ) would be for the tower to "collapse" as was observed.
More opinion based on incredulity...You've shown NO proof that it was impossible for the towers to collapse due to impact and fire damage.
There is such a thing as burn-out for the general population ..... oops! I participated in a street action not long ago and we were handing out flyers with info about WTC7 and some individuals would state "ya, I know about WTC7, now don't bother me, I'm busy!" People are reluctant to actually address the problem for all sorts of reasons but mainly I think that it would rock the boat big time to have the revelation, that is 9/11 was an inside job go mainstream, there would be radical changes in peoples nice cushy daily lives. I personally do NOT endorse the idea of a violent revolution, however, I am convinced that there are those who not only do endorse the concept, but relish the thought of being able to forcibly cleans AMERICA of these "crazy people". oops!
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