Sorry I haven't got around to answering this post, I've been on vacation. Well I took a look at the link and got a good laugh. I think the best response is this XKCD comic: As my buddy Bill says, "Jesters do oft prove prophets.".
Are you going to be like sparky2 and just spout rhetoric and refuse the analyze the evidence? Here's some of the evidence that Sparky2 refused to analyze. Let's hear your analysis of it.
Just to clarify, Scott, and perhaps I will have to reiterate some of my earlier advice to you in the process; I refuse to become engaged with anybody, on any web forum, who so clearly and desperately needs psychological help. It's like arguing with a drunk, an addict, or a wee child. There's not much point in it. I am proud of you for learning big-boy words though. 'Rhetoric' is a seriously powerful big-boy word. It is a noun, of course, and it is pronounced, /ˈretərik/ . 1. The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, esp. the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques 2. Language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content Example: "all we have from the opposition is empty rhetoric". If I were to choose to lower myself to the 'nanny-nanny-boo-boo level of intellectual discourse, and actual argue with you over the moon-landing nonsense (or God forbid, the '911 was an inside job' idiocy), trust me, what I would destroy you with would not be empty rhetoric. The reality is, your delusional fantasies are not only false and beneath me (or any reasonably-educated person for that matter), they are idiotic. Fantastic. Absurd. Childish. Get it? Good. Now, step away from the computer, pack yourself an overnight bag, kiss your mommy goodbye, and check yourself into the nearest mental health facility. There is still help for you, and I have high hopes that you will recover and will become a productive member of society. They have come a long way in the arena of psychoanalysis, and they have some really good therapeutic drugs. I am pulling for you, and I will cross my fingers and hope that all goes well for you. :hugs:
..and if you are reluctant to go to a County Mental Health facility, I can understand. Listen; Just to show you how sincere I am (and bear in mind I have been a leader, counselor, mentor, and advisor at many levels for many years) I will reiterate my offer to counsel you personally. Just call me on my personal cell, any time of the day or night. 256-679-5567 I care about you that much.
People of normal intelligence can see what's going on here but I'd better post this info in case there are any young teenagers who are confused. (excerpt) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) They never actually discuss issues head on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (post #34) What we have here is a cornered sophist. When a government-paid sophist is cornered, he usually plays games and tap dances around until the issue blows over and then goes on as if nothing had happened. The proof that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Apollo moon missions were faked is crushing. Anyone who tries to obfuscate this clear proof just ends up looking silly so a lot of them just refuse to do it and tap dance around.
A cornered sophist? Not at all, but you tell yourself whatever it is that makes you feel better about yourself, Scott. Your happiness is what's at stake here, I guess. Since you firmly believe all this nonsense, and I (as an educated man of science and reason) am NEVER going to believe any of it, then let's narrow the discussion to your happiness, and how it is that we can achieve a higher state of it. First, tell me just a little bit about yourself. Happy childhood? How were your grades? Did other kids pick on you, and call you belittling names? These questions may seem a bit invasive, but trust me, if I am to help you at all I really need to know more about your background, and what exactly it was that made you what you are today. My concern for you is genuine, so don't put up walls, okay?
Heh heh heh. I just noticed, and I apologize for missing it earlier; Young Mister Scott actually referred to me as a 'government-paid sophist'. Scott, seriously? The Federal Government, which cannot submit or pass a budget for the past few years, can't balance it's own books, and drives us deeper and deeper into debt, which wastes our tax dollars on frivolous and useless pork projects and campaign-contributor paybacks, has the wherewithal to stand up a finance organization that PAYS PEOPLE TO GO ON INSIGNIFICANT WEBSITES AND LIE ABOUT THE 911 COVER-UP???? Scott. Really?
(This is me in a Hooter's restaurant in Johnson City, Tennessee, giving you the "Scott, really??" look.) View attachment 13991
I've seen numerous conspiracy theorists use this tactic as well. They try to prove that if someone doesn't believe ANY conspiracy theory then they are obviously somehow defective or a shill. The problem is the definition of the conspiracy. For instance, I believe the conspiracy theory about the Gulf of Tonkin. Problem is there are NUMEROUS conspiracy theories about the Gulf of Tonkin. Some say there wasn't even an attack. The whole thing was staged. I don't believe that. I firmly believe the initial attack happened as everyone says. Even North Vietnam admitted they attacked. The second attack obviously did NOT happen. Did the U.S.S. Maddox believe it was under attack again two days later? Yes. Others in the area had their doubts and rightly so. Did LBJ know it was a false report of an attack when he ordered retaliatory strikes 30 minutes after receiving a report about the second attack? Probably not, but it is possible. Did LBJ know the attack was false when he presented evidence to Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which drew the US further into the Vietnam war? The evidence would suggest he did know it was false or, at the very least, he knew there was a distinct possibility it was false, yet LBJ moved forward regardless. So the question shouldn't be "do you buy into any conspiracy theories". The question should be "do you think there is any truth behind any conspiracy theories".
The real people who need psychiatric help are people who've seen the proof that 9/11 was an inside job and still maintain that it wasn't. Here's a video they should watch. Hey Sparky- I asked you to comment on that video earlier in the thread and you never did. How about doing it now?
What is the point, junior? You, an admitted true-believer in madness & absurd conspiracy theories, (and utterly juvenile fantasies) have your troubled mind firmly made up. What would be the point in my going point-by-point in a debate with you? I am a credible and credentialed man of science. You are a disgruntled fellow posting nonsensical conspiracy theories on an obscure web forum. To be fair, I notice that you failed to answer my questions, young man. How was your childhood? Were you often picked-on? Were other kids mean and cruel to you? How was the dynamic at home with your mom? Did she support you, or did she dismiss your nonsense with a swat of her broad, clumsy hand? Did you feel cruelly put-upon? Do you feel a need to strike back at those who are in positions of authority? Do you resent those who have accomplished something, and who actually finished high school and college? Listen, I know that you will very likely bristle at the insinuations you perceive from these questions. But it is important that you respond, and honestly at that, to my queries. If I am to help you, I need to know what's going on inside your blurry, thoroughly-sad mind. I can help you, and (unlike the local shrinks and county counselors) my advice is FREE. I'm right here for you, buddy. 256-679-5567 cell
Ah, outstanding. A reasonable man of conviction chimes in. Watchman, I admire your brevity. Which conspiracy theories do you believe in, and do you have credible facts and truths to offer up in support of them?
You didn't quite finish. It is not a conspiracy theory if there are facts and truth that back up the conspiracy theory. Then again, if there are facts and truths that back up the conspiracy theory, it is no longer a theory and is just a conspiracy. Most conspiracy theorists will put together facts and then try to pretend this somehow proves the conspiracy yet cannot prove their opinions. A good example is truthers like to pretend Operation Northwoods somehow proves 9/11 was carried out by the government. Operation Northwoods proves that people are capable of dreaming up something like 9/11 and nothing more.
You're misrepresenting the truther position to mislead those who haven't done much research. I've never seen a reference to Operation Northwoods in which the person was saying it proved 9/11 was carried out by the government. Could you link to one? There are agents posing as truthers saying lame things to discredit the truth movement so, if you actually saw a truther say that, it may have been one of those agnents. The way the towers fell and the size of the craft that hit the Pentagon and the shape of its nose prove that the government planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks. Showing they are capable of doing so with the example of Operation Northwoods doesn't prove the government did it; that only shows they are capable of doing it as you said.
Interesting. Indulge me, Scott, and strictly so that I may know better how your mind works; Exactly how many Government people would you say 'planned and carried out the 911 attacks'? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? You are an expert on this subject, so I am sure you have some round number in mind. How many Government agencies would you say were involved? The White House, obviously. The CIA? The Secret Service? FBI? New York Police Department? Office of the Mayor of New York? Again, you have all the answers, so please tell me how many agencies planned and carried out the attacks, and to date, have maintained a rigid silence and cloak of secrecy that is unbroken to this day. Enlighten me, sir. .
OK, so Scott is tongue-tied. ANYBODY then; Any of you who believe that 911 was planned and carried out by the US government. Exactly how many Government people would you say there were that 'planned and carried out the 911 attacks'? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? How many Government agencies would you say were involved? The White House, obviously. The CIA? The Secret Service? FBI? New York Police Department? Office of the Mayor of New York? Come on. This is what you live for. Deliver the goods.
Almost every truther brings it up at one point or another. You were whining to RWAF about Happy Fun Dude being a shill. Now RWAF is a shill? These are your opinions you've been completely and totally unable to defend no matter what your ego tells you. By doing it do you mean planning it or carrying it out?
".....proves that people are capable of dreaming up something like 9/11 and nothing more." 9/11 did happened.....
Learn to read. Notice you have to edit out the first part of the sentence in order to pretend I am talking about 9/11 itself instead of thinking up 9/11? 9/11 happened. All Operation Northwoods proves is that people are capable of dreaming up something like 9/11. Operation Northwoods doesn't prove that the government was responsible for 9/11.
We agree on that. Most truthers, at one point or another, bring up Operation Northwoods as proof the government was behind 9/11. I had just quoted two posters who supplied Northwoods as evidence. Here it is again: Originally Posted by Jango How about the ISI for starters. Mossad agents arrested after 9/11. The extent of war plans the government had against Afghanistan prior to 9/11. CIA projects in Pakistan, Afghanistan, coinside with ISI. *All* of the warnings we received and all of the subsequent reports and analysts analysis on the matter. *All* of the government ran war games that mirrored 9/11 events. The speech Rumsfeld gave on 9/10. The Pentagon Study about plane impacts. The governments knowledge of using planes as weapons. Operation Northwoods. Things like this. Originally Posted by RtWngAFraud Explosives in the towers, check. Pentagon...POSSIBLE missile, check.We non believers of the OCT are always ask to provide an alternative explanation in place of the "official" BS "story". There you have one. The gooberment conducted exercises involving simulations of planes hitting buildings, check. False flag ops? So you think that because simulations were being run, that this fact would somehow negate them? I suggest you learn the definition of "false flag" ops. Google "Operation Northwoods" if you need a proven example of one.
Operation Northwoods is one small sliver. So all by itself, or any one thing all by itself, doesn't prove anything. But you put it all together, all the 1000's of pieces of evidence, and it's a forgone conclusion that our very own shadow government was most certainly behind 9/11.
So present one piece of real evidence that the government or anyone else other than Al Qaeda was behind the attacks. Don't give me 1000 pieces of coincidence and opinion. I want real evidence as in the kind that would stand up in a court of law. You should believe the evidence, not the hype, the lies, or the opinions.