My advice to the conspiracy theorists and fanatics. (Any conspiracy, 911, JFK, moon landing, whatever. Just listen up, okay?) 1. You arent really accomplishing anything by posting these rants on the internet forums. It may make you FEEL as though you are accomplishing something, cutting and pasting a variety of nebulous web links and quotations from other questionable sources, and then attempting to shove your facts and proof down other peoples throats, but you really arent. Nobody visiting a web forums is going to have an influence on whether a bunch of guilty government officials gets prosecuted for these perceived crimes. What you have to do, if you indeed want to make a difference, is a. Get together with credible, well-credentialed, well-educated men and women, and band-together in a strong coalition. b. Petition some well-moneyed financiers, along with some Senators and Congressmen that you can trust, and ask them to convene a special investigative committee. c. Present a credible body of evidence and testimony, and then allow them to go forward with an investigation and (hopefully) prosecutions of the guilty conspirators. This is the only way to get something done. Posting a crap-load of cut-n-paste jobs onto the internet forums, drawn from less-than-credible sources in most cases, just isnt getting the job done. All youre doing is jerking off, trust me. If you DO insist on hanging around the internet web forums, and posting nonsensical rants, and debating people who dont believe you, please heed these words of wisdom from a man of science (me, of course). 2. You cant prove anything on the internet. The best you can hope to do is to provide credible and compelling-enough evidence, and then leave the reader to draw their own conclusions regarding the strength of your argument. Based, of course, upon the quality of your evidence, and the eloquence of your delivery. (Google, the scientific method. Study what you find. Its all in there.) Whenever you shout, look at my proof, see what I have proven, or, I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt you make yourself look really foolish. On that note; 3. The eloquence of your delivery, and your very ability to sway or convince somebody, depends upon your posting in a manner that makes you look credible and fairly well-educated. If you submit posts that are full of misspellings, grammatical errors, punctuation errors, and egregious capitalization errors, YOU HAVE ALREADY LOST THE DEBATE. Because you make yourself look like a dumb ass. Use spell-check, and grammar-check, and take care not to sabotage your own arguments by posting in a manner that makes you look like a vaguely retarded elementary school child. 4. Speaking of retarded, be careful not to quote Hollywood movies as authoritative sources of information, and PLEASE dont describe Hollywood movies as documentaries. Flight 93 is no more a documentary than was Oliver Stones JFK. Both movies contain certain elements of truth, and (more importantly perhaps) both movies contain egregious Hollywood embellishments, historical inaccuracies, and outright lies. JFK alone contained nearly 100 gross inaccuracies, and Flight 93 contained dozens. (And Capricorn 1 was pure Hollywood fiction, okay? Accept it.) 5. Lastly, consider how you present yourself. If you come across as measured, even-tempered, and determined, you have at least a tiny chance of swaying somebody. If you come across as a kook and a fanatic, you have NO chance of swaying anyone. Picture some guy standing on a corner, screeching at the top of his lungs, and waving crudely-drawn pamphlets regarding the coming apocalypse. Do you think people are going to believe that guy, or are they going to view him as a nut-job, and avoid him like the plague? Thanks for your time and attention. I do hope that you will heed my advice, and consider what I have told you. It really will make you a better web forum poster in the long run. Warmest regards and best wishes, Sparky2
There are some things that are so clear that they can't be called conspiracy theories anymore. There are plain facts such as these. There are other things that are likely but can't be easily proven such as these. You are trying to sway people who haven't done much research these alternative theories. Here's something that those people should read. There are some wacky theories out there and lots of them were started by the government itself so they could associate them with the credible theories to discredit them. It's not always easy to tell if a theory a bogus one started by the government's propaganda department. Here's a site where good info can be found.
Yet you can't even defend these claims that are "so clear they can't be called conspiracy theories anymore". You don't even have one shred of evidence the conspiracy theories are true and everything else is false, yet here you are still pretending. And here everyone else is showing the world your claims are nothing but world class fertilizer.
this nonsense was posted on 04/1/2012 and only got 3 responses since then and today is 06/14/2012. that's 73 days of being ignored. I'd say your days of being a troll are done sparky....LOL
The advice Sparky gives is good and relevant. Unfortunately the people he is addressing are far too retarded to understand what he is saying or able to understand what huge fools they make of themselves on a regular basis. The people who agree with him have no reason to respond. The people he is addressing are too full of themselves except to respond with silly little claims like yours or spam like Scott's.
You are a funny fellow, 4 Horsemen. And clearly, your definition of 'nonsense', and 'troll' are quite different from the mainstream understanding of those terms. What I posted was heartfelt advice, born of care and concern for our conspiracy-theorists and their desired end-states. As a man of science (and a humanitarian), I offered them some seriously good advice regarding the style of their delivery, the credibility of their product, and just how they might achieve any sort of desirable outcome. I don't consider my posting nonsensical, and I certainly don't consider myself a troll. (And it would appear that Patriot911 doesn't either.) Further, I have no ego regarding my quality advice. It is what it is, and it stands on it's own. I am an intelligent, well-credentialed man of science, and it doesn't really matter to me exactly how many responses I got to my original post. Would you care to elaborate as to why you posted what you posted sir? Why would you consider my thoughtful advice 'nonsense'? Why would you call me a troll? PM me, I'll give you my home number. We'll chat.
I posted the same info that's in post #2 on this thread over at the JREF. It was post #3. The moderator deleted it and gave me this warning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The infraction issued was: Breach of Rule 11: You will not deliberately attempt to derail threads or start threads in the wrong section. Infractions are issued as a reminder of the Forum rules, which you agreed to follow. Breaches of your Membership Agreement can result in further action including suspension and even banning from the JREF Forum. ------------------------------------------------------------- The info I posted was exactly on-topic. At that site the moderators will manipulate the discussion to make the official version prevail.
I concur,your absolutely %100 correct. Who is to say,however ,that any particular individual can't do both. Post on an internet forum,AND a. Get together with credible, well-credentialed, well-educated men and women, and band-together in a strong coalition. b. Petition some well-moneyed financiers, along with some Senators and Congressmen that you can trust, and ask them to convene a special investigative committee. c. Present a credible body of evidence and testimony, and then allow them to go forward with an investigation and (hopefully) prosecutions of the guilty conspirators. I also have found that aside from a presentation that is "even-tempered",and "determined" Mocking the absurdity of certain view points can work as well. To entertain an intellectually devoid opinion using blatantly obvious propaganda sources is something I find deserving of a little ridicule.....
The only problem with your plan is that you have to have evidence the previous investigations were somehow fundamentally flawed. Can you do that? Do you have a single shred of evidence that would warrant spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a new investigation?
Citizens have already done the investigation. We have to get the info out where people can see it. We can't do it through the mainstream media as it's owned. We should all show it to all of our friends.
Still spamming your own bull(*)(*)(*)(*) threads on different forums? So show us a single shred of real evidence. Don't spam the crap posts. Don't try to pretend the other links and videos are somehow relevant. Show us your evidence. You've seen it, right? You know what the evidence is, right? How hard can it be to post a single shred of real evidence?
You have to click on the link to see the evidence. Here it is. If you just look at the link, you won't see the evidence.
Once again you prove you're only capable of spamming and have zero evidence. You think people are fooled by your constant hiding behind links and spam? You were asked straight up for just one piece of real evidence. You failed and failed miserably at completing that one simple task that, if your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) theories were true, would be a piece of cake.
That's all you've got? You can't even prove anyone is a shill, yet you want to pretend you pretending anyone against the truther bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is evidence that the truther bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is credible. BWAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!! That is some funny (*)(*)(*)(*) there!!!! Paranoid delusions don't prove dick. The fact truthers want people to swallow these paranoid delusions whole and despite the evidence to the contrary proves the delusions are rampant and to the core.
Outside of conspiracies, you will never hear of a person who spends their time proving crazy people are crazy. Even medical professionals who have to be around crazy people just go with the delusion. If you asked me who is crazier, the guy on a corner holding a sign saying "the end is near", or the person pulling over to argue with him, I'd say the latter. This is the only section of the site I ever see your name, arguing with maybe 10 people over the course of years. Not one of the "truthers" have been at it as long as you. You calling them crazy I find laughable. Get a life.
And here you are arguing with someone you are calling crazy. Anyone else catch the irony? It isn't my fault the truthers get banned or end up seeing the light and realizing they don't have a leg to stand on. Is it wrong for a person to have morals and to stand up to (*)(*)(*)(*)***** who insist on demeaning the people who died in order for the (*)(*)(*)(*)***** to push their political or racial demonization? Or should we, as a society, just let it slide? Do YOU have actual evidence that 9/11 wasn't carried out by 19 members of Al Qaeda? Of course you don't. Yet here you are defending them knowing full well you don't have a leg to stand on. Crazy? Yeah, that's pretty crazy. On a side note, your whole assumption is wrong. I am not here to prove truthers are crazy. I am here to prove them wrong. The truth of the matter is that they insist on believing (*)(*)(*)(*) that the evidence does not support, they have no evidence to back up their claims AND the fact they can't even agree on what happened, who did it, how they did it or why they did it. That is pretty bat(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy if you ask me. I don't have to prove that. Anyone reading their crap and looking at the facts knows the truth of their collective looniness. BTW, if you really want to talk about crazy, look at your sig line. You claim Congress would support the move of a world currency because they wouldn't want the public backlash. How (*)(*)(*)(*)ing retarded is that? The PEOPLE of the United States wouldn't go for a world currency and would vote the people out of office who would attempt it. Congress knows this, thus they would NOT support a move towards a world currency as you so ingorantly claim. Yeah, I guess you're some kind of expert on crazy all right!
My goodness. The Spur Talk links provided by Scott are a prime example of what I meant when I posted, "Posting a crap-load of cut-n-paste jobs onto the internet forums, drawn from less-than-credible sources in most cases, just isnt getting the job done. All youre doing is jerking off, trust me." Let me give you my personal testimony on the 911 attack on the Pentagon. I myself walked the halls of the Pentagon less than two weeks before the American Airlines passenger jet slammed into the Army G1 wedge. I was there on business from the Center for Army Leadership, and a good friend who worked there was showing me the newly-completed offices and hallways. He and another buddy were moving into those office spaces from temporary digs, and they were excited to be finally settling in. Flash-forward two weeks. Al and Andy live's were spared on the morning of the attack, ironically, because one of them had to go take a leak. They had both gotten to work early that morning, and Al was chatting with Andy about some topic related to warrant officer recruitment and retention. Al got up and stretched, and announced his intentions of going down the hall to the restroom. Andy said, "Eh, I'll walk with you, I need to go over to the other side of the building to pick up a proximal machine from a fellow over there." Al was standing at the urinal a few minutes later when he heard the incredibly loud noise of the inbound jet engines. A second later, *boom* an unbelievable crash and explosion of metal crushing thru concrete, the wall in front of him buckled in, and then the lights all went out. He was in shock. It was hard to fathom what had happened. Al managed to feel his way out of the latrine and down the hallway. The way back to the G1 offices was dark and billowing smoke. He heard voices and senses light off in another direction, so he low-crawled off that way, collected other office mates in shock, and helped escort them toward clean air and freedom. On the other side of the Pentagon, Andy was sipping coffee with the fellow who had borrowed the proxima machine, when they heard a *whump*. That was it. The Pentagon is so huge that most people on the other side of the place barely heard or felt anything. Of course, the power outrage, the smoke, and the shouts of terror soon had each and every one of them tumbling into absolute panic and mayhem. Rumors of "maybe a bomb went off" soon turned into "Jesus God, it was an airliner. Somebody flew an Airliner into the Army G1 wedge." Several eyewitnesses had seen the plane fly across the highway and into the face of the building. Al and Andy lost over a hundred of their team-mates in the attack. Their commanding General. The secretary ladies. Dozens of close friends. It was an incredible tragedy. A good friend of mine, Sharon, witnessed the plane fly into the Pentagon. She was in a breakfast meeting at a nearby hi-rise hotel, and she and her compatriots witnessed the whole thing from the windows of the restaurant. She related the details to all of us in a conference in Fort Gordon a few months later. The sound of the airliner's jet engines was what alerted her and her team mates to look up and witness the horrifying scene. Sharon said that when the plane hit the Pentagon, everyone in the restaurant shouted at first, and then most of them went numb. It was hard to comprehend what they had just seen. I'm not a big fan of posting links to videos from potentially biased sources, but this youTube video provides some pretty compelling evidence and testimony from people other than my close personal friends who witnessed the airliner slam into the Pentagon: Scott, others, I would ask that you watch the video from beginning to end, and without bias, okay? Draw your own conclusions.
Okay, thanks for watching the youTube video. My own perspective: I trust my friends, and I trust their words and deeds. They were there on September 11th 2001, and you and I were not. Their words and statements stand up to scrutiny. The words and web links and fanatical postings of a bunch of people who were NOT there that morning, on the other hand? They do NOT stand up to scrutiny.
Witnesses can be plants. What we have to consider is the physicsl evidence which shows that whatever he the Pentagon was too small to be a 757. Here's a post I made on this from another thread. The nose of the craft that hit the Pentagon was obviously not the nose of a 757. Physical evidence trumps what people say they saw as people can tell lies. It's pretty clear that 9/11 was an inside job.
You don't have physical evidence. You have retarded opinions that is refuted by the physical evidence. You think you would understand the difference. I guess not. Still waiting for a single piece of hard evidence your bull(*)(*)(*)(*) theories are true. To date not a peep from a single truther. And you are still running from explaining how Flight 77 flew over the Pentagon yet nobody in numerous highly populated areas saw the plane. How is anyone suppose to see you as a credible source when you can't even respond to the flaws in your theories?
Give up on this fellow, Patriot911. He's too far gone down the rabbit hole of internet rabid fanaticism. When faced with testimony from eyewitnesses who were actually there, and who saw the whole thing, clearly it is more comforting for some people to retreat to the confines of conspiracy theorist madness and paranoia.
Oh, I know that. I am not trying to convince him of anything. Anyone who blindly pretends anyone who was there was a plant because they have no other explanation for all the witnesses, yet also can't produce a single witnesses who can back up the truther claims, isn't playing with a full deck. In fact all they have left is two jokers. Take Scott's claim for example. He claims the plane flew over the Pentagon. When confronted by the fact the plane would have had to fly very low and very fast over the national mall with literally tons of people outside, he claims the national mall was emptied prior to the attacks. When confronted by all the OTHER areas the plane would have had to fly over, he tucked tail and ran away. I am convincing anyone who reads his and the other truther crap that it is crap. The best way to do that is to expose the facts (or complete lack thereof) about his and every other truther's theories. The more they run, the more apparent it is they're doing nothing but blowing smoke out their ass because they have nothing else. Some dance and run away when asked for evidence. Scott loves to spam without addressing anything. To each their own as long as nobody actually buys into their disrespectful crap.
My concern, quite honestly, is not about Scott. Nor is it about the events of 911. The foundation of my original posting, and to this day, is the intellectual integrity and honesty of all internet web forum posters. ANYONE who posts thread after thread containing nothing but ignorant, ill-informed-web-links of a fanatical and hysterical nature does more harm than good to their own cause. They do more harm than good to the intellectual prestige and the intellectual credibility of the collective body of web forum visitors. To entertain any sort of intercourse with such unsophisticated jackasses is to, in the words of any good parent, REWARDING BAD BEHAVIOR. Internet web forum posters, I BEG you; Clean up your acts. Do your homework. Run your postings thru Spellcheck. Exercise due diligence. Don't be a moron. Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter.