In this picture from the NASA website... ...there's lemming next to a rock. This guy talks about that anomaly and a few others. Richard D. Hall 2015 Tour, Part 2 - 3 OF 3 Some of the Mars pictures were probably taken on Devon Island in Canada.
Nothing more than an optical illusion called Pareidolia. This is also from 2012, not the current mission. This was debunked almost 10 years ago...
Aww, don't spoil it. Conspiracy theories are such fun. Much more fun than scientific evidence and boring old facts. They also let deluded halfwits feel superior to the rest of us. It's just mean to point out the flaws in their erroneous crackpot ideas.
That picture is too clear. You're seeing what you want to see. There's other evidence. Watch the video. There's something that looks like a road on the mountain in this picture. Two of Jarrah White's videos from his MarsFaker series got taken down (parts 3 and 4) which is suspicious. Here are the ones that are still there. MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 1 MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes of Propaganda. PART 2. MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 3. MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 4 MarsFaker: Phoenix Rising. PART 1. MarsFaker: Phoenix Rising. PART 2. There's more. This shouldn't be so surprising after the Apollo hoax.
This is pretty general. Why don't you try to debunk an actual alleged anomaly? Here's some stuff about conspiracy theorists. (excerpt) ------------------------------------------------------- Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior to 2,500 architects and engineers, to firefighters, commercial and military pilots, physicists and chemists, and former high government officials who have raised doubts about 9/11? If so, you reflect the profile of a mind-controlled CIA stooge. -------------------------------------------------------
That guy in the video disagrees... Listen to the murmurs in the audience. Clearly knows his stuff Great Scott! I mean... Great Snakes!! All the billions of dollars that NASA gets and they're faking it. Where do you think all that money goes?
NASA is not faking the Mars missions, they only fake some pictures. Here is a true picture from Mars:
It probably goes to maintaining US military bases all around the world. I saw a video a while back in which the late Michael Ruppert said that the CIA was smuggling drugs into the US and selling them. The reason he gave for their doing that was that tax money wasn't enough to maintain all of those military bases all around the world. The government needed more money. Of course I'm not in a position to be able to verify anything. The link to that video went dead and I never did find another. He probably talks about it somewhere here.
Good one, but seriously we should look at the pictures they show us of this current mission and try to match the terrain with what we can find on Earth. Some of the pictures from the other missions seem to be from an island in Northern Canada. The picture of the mountain with the alleged road might be from somewhere in the western US.
That's a big stretch of imagination. A lot of people see what they want to see but this simply looks too much like a lemming. What do you think of this explanation? Richard D. Hall 2015 Tour, Part 2 - 3 OF 3 (6:55 time mark) It's supposedly the same scene from another angle.
No, conspiracy theorists see what they want to see. I'm putting together a new blog to address your entire wall of Mars spam. The hole in the rock removed: Maybe I should add an "eye" to the "fish" at the bottom! Or simply move the hole to mid body: I disagree. Not the same set of rocks, there are too many discrepancies with surrounding rocks. I really have no time for this Richard Hall character. He is a snake-oil salesman targeting the gullible for their money. He makes his living on the "alternate" lecture circuit and from his other cash exploits. He latches onto every stupid theory and makes money.
Why is the "Hole" in the rock right where the eye would be? What look like front feet are exactly like the feet of a lemming. There seems to be a white stripe on the back of its neck. That's three coincidences. That would make an objective person suspicious. (excerpt) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This animal is found in the tundra of northern Canada, Alaska and Greenland. It feeds on grasses, sedges and other green vegetation in summer, and twigs of willow, aspen and birches in winter. Predators include snowy owls, gulls, wolverines, the Arctic fox and the polar bear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those pictures supposedly taken on Mars look suspiciously like the scenery of Devon Island.
When all is said and done, this level of response is probably the best one. He won't listen to logic, reason or any form of rebuttal. He's probably considered this as a legitimate explanation but discarded it because the rodent would have starved!
You have that back to front. The hole looks like an eye, it's called pareidolia. The rock doesn't have ANY feet! Lighter area of rock. Other rocks have these as well. What about the fish at the bottom There are 3 holes/black marks on the top of the rock. You aren't objective. Anything that requires a tinfoil hat makes you suspicious. That's erosion for you. Nothing suspicious at all. There are thousands of pictures from Mars, surely one eagle-eyed hoax gullible person has found a match? I love this quote - perfectly applicable to pretty much all you are about: "That is the Achilles' heel of all conspiracy theories: the low-information, tin-foil, Dunning-Kruger posterchild has to be able to spot it easily, but somehow he has to explain why the experts haven't. Thus does he style himself as a modern day Galileo surrounded by weak-minded experts, or a normal, free-thinking man equipped with super-common-sense, unburdened by the corruption and lies, and set upon by legions of paid-off shills, and shielded from physical harm only by the public nature of his utterances."
First video reviewed. How the hell do you fall for this incompetent rubbish? NASA's Mars Missions ( Claim number 1 involves a supposed anomaly with a missing logo on the Columbia tribute plaque. The pre-flight and surface pictures: The "missing" JPL sticker is the cause for the noise being generated on the video. The sticker was either removed or fell off in a vacuum environment. A close up view of the area shows clear marks where the sticker was placed. Clear Smudge where sticker was. Claim Number 2 involves a supposed discrepancy with contact during atmospheric entry. I cannot understand how he has failed to notice that in the live video, the narrator is talking about a live signal from ODYSSEY not PHOENIX! Odyssey is the orbital satellite that relays data from during the landing. Whilst it has no direct radio feed, it still has a radar feed. Claim Number 3 involves a supposed anomaly with a "missing" screw on the first transmission pictures. Image 1: Image2: Firstly, that is NOT a screw. Pareidolia is the explanation for assuming this. However, when we zoom in to the two images taken at different angles : Quite clearly when enlarged, the discrepancy is not as big as claimed. Parts of the "object" are clearly there on the second image from the isolated sections. So what is going on here? Possibilities include simple atmospheric disturbance of the ground from a very gentle gust of wind. The "extra pixels" are just noise on the transmission. The robotic arm has simply dropped a few grains of surface dust back on that area - White points out it hasn't yet been deployed, but possibly the landing would have kicked up soil onto parts of the lander due to the way it touched down. It is clearly not a screw and White makes the absurd claim that "a stagehand" removed the screw between takes! No indentation from the screw or his finger and there are still parts of that area that are identical - it CANNOT have been disturbed by a human hand. The other salient point is that these are low resolution robotic arm images, that are meaningless. So why even bother including them without checking? There is no logic to this claim to begin with. Claim Number 4 This is the last claim on the video and probably the dumbest. Report 1 shows an image of the robotic arm imprint on the ground, prior to digging. Report 2, 3 days later says digging not yet begun. White idiotically suggests that the report 1 image shows digging when it is clearly just the arm resting on the surface! Video 1 - HOGWASH.
You're doctoring the picture of the alleged lemming to make it look like a rock but the viewers are going to look at the original picture when they judge.
No, I am removing the one thing that introduces pareidolia. The "eye" which when placed elsewhere is clearly not an eye! It is a rock. They did, they all said pareidolia. This is 10 years old and you are a comedy act peddling this horseshit. Show your scientific method - because "it looks like....therefore" is not an example. I just debunked your stupid Jarrah White video above and you totally ignored it. You did the same thing when I tore apart your other wall of spam. I did see you spamming this crap at the Sci forum ( I won't link it) and found this reply quite amusing: "It's a rock with an indentation. Pareidolia. Which to a conspiracy theorist is like a red rag to a bull. "What, WHAT! I'm not seeing things, everything I see is real because I say it is". I'm not saying you are an example of these pics below, because it's pareidolia, but you really are a .....
You seem to be using intuition. That's not the scientific method. The dot looks like an eye and is in the same place an eye would be. It has some lighter color around its edges like a real lemming has. It has the basic outline of the body of a lemming. It has what look like front feet that are identical to those of a real lemming. It has the white stripe on the back of its neck. That's five coincidences that you're simply ignoring. It's pretty clear that you're just seeing what you want to see. You didn't arrive to your conclusions using the scientific method. You`re not going to impress an thinking people by simply stating your opinion in an authoritative patronizing manner.