I bellow with laughter at you suggesting that YOU use it! I am using logic and Occam's razor. What scientific method did you use to deduce what "seems" to you? The dot looks like a hole in the rock and creates an effect called pareidolia. The whole point of it being roughly where a rodent eye is, is the very point that produces the illusion for the brain! To negate this illusion, I removed the hole and lo and behold the rock no longer looks like a rodent! Oh, unless you are unscientific, hate being wrong and will go to any lengths to avoid being shown so. . False. The example you quoted is a) grey b) has NO shading in the same areas The white areas on its "rear" are on another rock behind it. If you look closely, where YOUR source has properly "doctored" his image, you can see that the brown areas have two distinctive sections. The rear part is clearly on a different rock - second partial from your source contrast boosted:- False. That is an absurd lie. The two together below shows the lemming with clear paws and the rock with just an indentation:- False again. Quite clearly the shaded area on the rock extends from the top all the way around to the "leg" it is also much wider at the top than the narrow EAR area of the lemming. That's two coincidences (the eye and basic shape) and 3 poor observations or lies. The irony in that statement is beyond laughable. I've just done that very thing once again. I bellow with laughter once more at your clumsy attempt to pretend you are being scientific. You aren't the spokesperson for "thinking people" and you are most certainly not included in that group. Now. let's remove the pareidolia completely by simply inverting the image! Now the fish at the bottom looks like a shark. The tail is in the right place, the fin is in the right place, it is the same general shape, shading across the top like a great white shark! Case closed, fully scientific.
The video in post #1 doesn't work. Here's another. Start watching at the 2:07:10 time marl. Richard D Hall 2015 Tour, Full The site about disinfo and sophistry that I used to post from time to time is gone too so here's another. https://www.nowandfutures.com/spew_tools.html
I "just noticed", you failed to address the slam-dunk post above, but then again that's what you do isn't it! Any excuse to spam your moronic claims. This man is a snake-oil salesman making money from idiots. At 2.15.00 he disproves his own deliberate lies - a different image from another angle shows it is just a rock.
I started a blog, but the man with no integrity ignored the replies. He doesn't do admission of failure. NASA's Mars Missions (the-insanity-of-cosmored-the-spammer.blogspot.com)
Nothing you say has any authority or integrity. You are afraid to be wrong on anything except basic crap, which you then attribute to "I drank too much coffee"! Soi you claim "it's gone" do you! The image circled red has been enhanced and shows quite clearly what (from the opposite angle) could form the exact same shape! The area highlighted orange is a flatter piece of the rock hidden from view on the alternate image. Obvious.
Bearing in mind these are opposite views of the same rock, that he claims has disappeared! - Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Coffee | The Healthy
You're seeing what you want to see. Watch the video. There's a rock behind the rear part of the lemming that can be seen in the picture from the other angle. That's the rock that you're showing as the lemming. The viewers have seen what you think and what the guy in the video thinks. They can come to their own conclusions.
I "just noticed" the serial forum spammer didn't respond to this. I did see you spamming this crap at the Sci forum ( I won't link it) and found this reply quite amusing: "It's a rock with an indentation. Pareidolia. Which to a conspiracy theorist is like a red rag to a bull. "What, WHAT! I'm not seeing things, everything I see is real because I say it is". I'm not saying you are an example of these pics below, because it's pareidolia, but you really are a .....
No. I'm seeing exactly what the image provides. In the identical place that the "lemming" sits, amazingly viewed from the opposite angle is a "lemming" shaped rock. The mid section is flatter and on the "lemming" we see the area shaded - indicating it is probably angled away from the camera. Occam's razor. It's made by a fool for fools. Bullshit. The rock being shown goes right across and is the same outline. It isn't a lemming, it's a rock. The viewers that never agree with you. The actual reality here is that YOU are pretending not to see the rock that is clearly there. Quite why you are so pitifully afraid to be wrong is one of the saddest things possible.
This is the kind of bullshit that makes me pray to a god I don't even believe in that in my next life, I won't be human. Such utter stupidity. I recently joined a few astrophotography groups on FB, full of flat earth nutters. For awhile it's fun demonstrating their own stupidity to them, but when they just copy and paste the same crap over and over, it gets old and lame fast.
When I watch the video*, I see what the guy says he sees. I don't see what you say you see. The viewers can watch the video and come to their own conclusions. If anyone runs into someone who says the Earth is flat, have him or her watch one of these videos. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rocketcam * http://www.politicalforum.com/index...e-mars-missions.585399/page-2#post-1074127271
You're not wrong. This "Scott" character is the very worst example I have ever seen. I actually cut and pasted the alternate rock image into an animated gif and he STILL denies it. Then laughably he suggests that you can educate flat-earth morons with a simple video. The head-shaking irony is lost on him.
Give 'em a weather balloon, a parachute, and a bottle of oxygen. Oh, and some really, REALLY warm clothes. Once they get up to, oh, about 45,000', they'll see for themselves. But it's all fake video. Please.
In the identical place that the "lemming" sits, amazingly viewed from the opposite angle is a "lemming" shaped rock. The mid section is flatter and on the "lemming" we see the area shaded - indicating it is probably angled away from the camera. Occam's razor. Once again this person is afraid to concede. Pareidolia to a conspiracy theorist is "proof of the truth". Meh!
The NASA link in post #1 that had the original picture with the lemming is dead. I found a video which shows it. Squirrel On Mars HD, How To Find In NASA Photo, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.