Neo Nazis murdered 10 people in 7 years.

Discussion in 'Western Europe' started by haydar, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. haydar

    haydar Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    The murders were committed in several German cities between 2000 and 2007. Probes showed that 8 Turkish, 1 Greek, 1 German murders were committed by Neo Nazis, police get a list from 88 people to be killed by Nazis includes many Turkish and other refugees, many of them German citizens. Also the major of the of the Greens in Germany Cem Ozdemir was the at the list and some other famous people. There are serious claims that German agents helped to Nazis, they got support from state.

    Merkel said sorry for this murderings... She thinks a sorry will solve the problem? What a pitty if 9 Germans would be murdered somewhere in the wrold how many treats would be opened here. And i wonder what kind of self critisizm will come here, i am afraid there will be critisizm to this kebab shop owners to die. As you know only comman think of these 9 people were they own a kebab place and 8 of them are Turkish. (the Greek kebab place owner was supposed to be Turkish by Nazis and German one was police)
  2. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    How many people of european ethnicity were murdered or brutally raped by middle eastern immigrants in those 7 years?

    Consider that MOST of the rapes and murders in Sweden are comitted by memebers of its north african and middle eastern community, which make up only 15 percent of the population.

    If you want to try to use the murders to argue that neo-nazies are bad, then I could use the same type of example to argue that muslims are much worse.
  3. Flag

    Flag New Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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  4. DinoDino

    DinoDino Active Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Neo Nazis Cameron and Sarkozy killed 30'000 in less time.
  5. DonGlock26

    DonGlock26 New Member Past Donor

    Oct 20, 2010
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    18024 deadly Islamic terror attacks world wide since 9-11-01.

  6. haydar

    haydar Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    These people are killed because of their race, they didn't raped somebody.
    You are poor enough here to critisize even the ''Neo Nazis'' who cooperate with German Agents.

    I say Neo Nazis killed Kebab place owner who is trying to earn his maney and feed his family you explain to me about the crimes about poor immigrants.

    I wish one day you will not be forced to move another country with another religion and people with skinhead will not attacked to you and your family because of your race... Racism is everywhere not only in Germany and to able to reject and critise racism is a virtue which you don't have...
  7. Leffe

    Leffe New Member

    Aug 12, 2009
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    Less than 10% of the number of MEers living in their home towns, killed by the "Coalition of the Willing".
  8. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I am not saying that it is right to kill people.

    But racism is a good thing. No one is allowed to say that in the schools or on televission. For your whole life you have been continuously told that racism is bad, that it is just ignorant oppression against other people based only on skin color and superficial culture. This is just not true.

    There are significant racial differences. People are just as different on the inside as they look on the outside. Bringing in immigrants of a different ethnicity is detrimental to the well being, safety, and living standards of Europeans. It is also inherently damaging to the social cohesion of society.

    I am not against helping the rest of the world. Give them money, fund programs, or pay some other third-world country to accept the asylum seekers. But do not allow any more immigration.

    Most rapes and murders in Sweden are the result of allowing in Pakistani and North African immigrants. This problem might never go away because the second generation, and even third generation children of the immigrants comitt crime at a rate several times higher than ethnic swedes.

    Housing has become unaffordable for europe's young adults. The last thing we need is more people. Some have argued that the immigrants are merely taking the jobs that europeans are unwilling to do. My question is: what about their children? Will they too be willing to do the jobs Europeans are unwilling to do? If not, will there be enough good paying jobs for everyone? Or will a perpetual lower-income underclass based on ethnicity form, which I think is a likely possibility. This would no doubt create unprecedented deep long lasting divissions in our societies, much like the Africans in America. We are only going to see more violent riots in europe along ethnic lines.
  9. raymondo

    raymondo Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Hoveland wrote
    Bringing in immigrants of a different ethnicity is detrimental to the well being, safety, and living standards of Europeans. It is also inherently damaging to the social cohesion of society.

    From your own words you are a Racist and I find your beliefs disgusting .
    Here , in the UK , you would be traced to be interviewed by the Police , and there is a good chance that you would be successfully prosecuted in public court .
    I think I can say with complete confidence that the vast majority of people living here would not want you ever visiting Great Britain .The success of our great multi cultural society shows how revolting your beliefs are and the millions of Africans , Indians and a host of other ethnicities we have are testimony to the evil of your racist drivel
  10. xsited1

    xsited1 New Member

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Well, it is Germany.
  11. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Turkish gangs kill people also because of their ethnicity (Kurdish, German, ...), because of their sexual orientation, because of their religion (although these gangs know not more about Islam than their victims I suppose).

    And that's the problem I have with these Turkish comments of the officials, they simply deny that and define racism as any actions against Turks.

    However, in this case the secret agency for the interior failed in the most eclatant way.

    A few sentences about that, we in Germany have three different secret agencies (to avoid the accumulation of power), the MAD (in German militärischer Abschirmdienst) for military affairs, the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst for foreign affairs) and let's abbrevate it with VS (Verfassungsschutz, for interior affairs).

    This was a typical case for the VS. The VS itself is divided into the the 16 agencies of the provinces of Germany and one for the whole country.
    From time to time, the VS tries to infiltrate the groups, they observe, Neo-Nazis, fanatical left wing extremists, islamists, other extreme religous groups, and so on.

    In this case the agency of Thüringen (one federal state) did know up to a certain time (2001 at the latest from what is known now) where these people had been or at least had contact to them via an infiltrator and did not give the information to the police who were hunting them (that they were murderers was not known then, but they wanted to get them for the illegal possesion of weapons and explosives; they suspected them also for a failed terror attack). Even more, it seems possible, they supported infiltrators with money, which possibly supported the terror group.

    The system with infiltrators is highly argueable, these people are still extremists who want to overthrow the government, but they give information for a certain amount of money. They play their own game, use the money for their own extremist movements, wipe out inner Nazi concurrents or whatever.

    The whole VS is a desastrous failure, the construction in itself does not work, too many agencies, who have their information and don't want to share. That such a terror group with that degree of organization existed for ten years without the knowledge of this secret agency is unbelievable.
  12. haydar

    haydar Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    Look, i am paid by a German company and i can't say Germans which i know has more or less quality personality but they have a better system and mantelity. Did i said Germans are more rachist than Turks, Europeans are more cruel than Middle Easterns e.t.c?

    If we Turks wouldn't beleive Europe has better system than Middle East, we wouldn't try to make reforms according to European laws, we would try to look like Middle East. On the other hand tell me an organised Turkish Teror like Neo Nazis killed 10 in Germany recently? They are burned in their home, people who burned in their home were families, tell me 7 years old children, women are also raped, killed or made something to this Nazis? Why you are afraid to say yes Nazizm and rashism is an illness and we have to left this from our life and you try to explain this murderings with the acts of some other turks bad criminal record... Are you get from the same illness?

    I ll give some help to you, in Turkey there was also a murdering an Armenian Journalist killed by a Rachist Greywolf recently with the help of the Turkish Gladio. However Tousands of Turks walked in the streets and shouted all we are Armenian, even many years pasted the murder sent to prison tausands of Turkish people demonstrate to be found the real murders.

    The differance with you and me, i don't try to defend this murdering maden with the name of nationalism, and i don't try to show that the people who killed this Armenian journalist because he gave an interview and said Turks blood get poisoned with the hatred to Armenion Diaspora. I know to critisize the wrong.
  13. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    I did not defend any crime - exactly that kind of discussion is the problem. You try to maneuver yourself in a position as a victim from which perspective any act of violence appears as self defence.

    I seriously question your statement concerning the scales of racistic violence and I question that Turkey is in the slightest interested to fight racism against minorities in its own country. You seriously tell me that there is no comparison to that terror group who killed 8 Turks in the last ten years? That's a silly thesis, thats propably what the Turkish army killed when they invaded Northern Iraq illegally in one day. The pure fact, that you see no comparison in Turkey tells me what you agree with and what you don't consider as racism and what you don't think to be condemned.

    What are you referring to with the people burned at home? Are you referring to the incident in 2008 in Ludwigshafen, when Erdogan tried to use a fire broken out when someone tried to steal eletricity - as it later turned out - to create a clima of violence in which Turks were hunting fireworkers, killing one nearly? When he used it to try to establish Turkish police officers in Germany to investigate correctly? Fact is, I know that not everything is perfect here in Germany, in Greece, in France and in Europe and in Israel or Armenia and all the other countries Turkey is spreading hate against. So yes, if you want to use such criminal acts to paint hate pictures of the people you most obviously hate, feel free to use it. I know too that if I use the same standard on which you judge Germans, Westerners, Jews, Armenians, Greeks and so on, you could send the whole caste of Turkish politicians into prison.

    A typical example I see everyday when Turks try to deny the genocide on Armenians. Referring to them, it never happened and the extremely underestimated number of Armenian victims they state occured in self defence against Armenian massacres which are exaggerated by far and the deed of these monsters the Armenians. I get my dejavue here, when I read Turkish statements here about the monstrous German, Greek, Jew or whatever is actual. They are trying with a silly dialectic to appear in a position in which every act of violence is again justified.

    Condemnation of such terrorist acts is always justified, maybe solidarity for the victims from Turkey too, but when a statesman who always tries to induce a clima of hate in Germany tries to use it again to threaten a country, I do not agree. I am quite sure the AKP knows too well that its not to the benefit of the countless Germans with Turkish roots to encapsulate and separate from the rest of a society which they tell them to be hostile.
  14. haydar

    haydar Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    I accept this as a Turkish, this genoside is maden by Ottoman secret police organisation (teşkilat-ı mahsusa) and their cooperator people during the war of Ottoman - Russia 100 years ago to block the Russians and Armenians at the East. It was a bloody genoside.

    If you can say that last 30 years what Neo Nazis made in Germany in the middle of Europe also is a bloody genoside to kick Turks out . What kind of problem i could have with you. We are at the same line.

    I don't want to atack somebody and i never say 1 community better another is bad. I opened this topic because people who open topic for foolish issues don't see and don't give any reaction for rising racism and even they can't critisize without ''But''. Humanty can't accept the answer ''yes but'' for Rashism. 10 years ago we were refering human rights in Europe now we can't.

    Solingen was one of example;
    Nomen likes this.
  15. The Turk

    The Turk New Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    The point is that the Turkish victims in Germany are killed because of their look and nothing else. The Armenian genocide differs from the issue in this respect. Many Armenians survived just because they pretended to be "Turk". Same applies to the Kurds. Nobody can detect a Kurd in Turkey just by their facial feature. An eastern Anatolian Turk can look as Kurd as a Kurd.

    On the other hand the Turkish criminals in Germany commit ordinary crimes.
  16. Ostap Bender

    Ostap Bender Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    That's a lie, nobody believe this fairy - tale, the liberal political correct medias perform this company for better pushing of Islam to Germans.
  17. janpor

    janpor Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2008
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    It's not a lie.

    Please go away, people don't want you on
  18. aussiefree2ride

    aussiefree2ride New Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    So, you are saying that Turks are immune to racism, religious bigotry etc. This in good to hear, but to put things into perspective, more people are murdered by left handed, club footed, hunch back dwarfs than by neo nazis.
  19. IrishLefty

    IrishLefty New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    It doesn't matter how many people neo-nazis kill, they are still (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s.
  20. The Turk

    The Turk New Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Turks can't be racist because one can't define the racial attributes of the Turkish people. Thus racism by definition can't work.

    But yeah, some people are killed, and some people are killer. That's how it is. Racism or car accident. But racism recieves much more attention because of its historical references. (i.e. Nazism)
  21. Ostap Bender

    Ostap Bender Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Who are your "people"?

    Probably Turks, Lefts, Liberals who spread here non stop lies?

    I repeat that so-called "Nazi" Murders are a big liberal lie, there are no one evidence or prove for that.
  22. Ostap Bender

    Ostap Bender Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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  23. ExiLe

    ExiLe Banned

    Nov 24, 2011
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    And they didnt do anything to Turks? Your westernized version of history based on demonizing a certain nation is getting boring.
  24. ExiLe

    ExiLe Banned

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Yes you can detect a kurd.its not that hard.Skin color,dialect,attitude.

    You seem to agree about armenian claims.If you mention about more than 520.000 Turks that was murdered by armenians in Anatolia or Khojaly massacre in Azerbaijan too,it will be more fair and you will sound more Turkish.
  25. The Turk

    The Turk New Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    There are, indeed, distinct differences between Western Anatolian Turks and Kurds. The people from West Turkey look more european and Kurds look more middle easterner. But the point is, East Anatolian Turks or even the Turks from inner Anatolia look as middle easterner as Kurds. You can't really detect anything different between them. Eastern Anatolian Turks have a broken dialect as well.

    Armenians, for sure, killed so many Turks as well. I don't actually buy the claim of Armenians but I am not that picky about words. If one calls the events of 1915 a genocide, well let it be. Though I agree the idea that there're many other genocides as well then, including the Turkish genocide.

    Lastly, I don't have a will to sound Turkish. I have my own personality which has a unique sound. :sun:

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