Smoking kills more than obesity does (or did, haven't looked at the stats in a few years). Smoking indoors in public should be banned (and pretty much is). Why? It is probably harmful to other people. Smoking in private should be totally up to the property owner. Smoking outdoors in public should be allowed.
Shoulda coulda. The facts on the ground are pretty clear. Smoking indoors is already banned completely in the US, outside of a few bars that aren't allowed to serve food. Smoking outdoors often comes with a bizarre stigma, normally reserved for the homeless and disease-ridden. Every third person walking down the sidewalk feels 'victimized' to be 'exposed' to a smoker in their vicinity.
Im all for smoking bans... until they force private establishments into it. If its your property, it should be up to you.
Up in smoke ? My Uncle almost joined that club, he fell asleep whilst smoking and set the mattress on fire and almost burned himself up. The new cigarette puts itself out, probably makes those cigarettes more toxic.
Probably. I smoke additive-free tobacco. It puts itself out too. I suspect 'big tobacco' added nasty **** that kept burning so you lost more of your cigarette and would thus buy more, and then added more nasty **** to prevent it to comply with new laws.
My take is as follows, if someone wants to smoke, that is fine & dandy, but if I do not want to smoke, I should not be forced to smoke by default, someone smoking next to me as I eat my lunch for instance. And Healthcare, why should it cover the associated high cost of treatment of smoking related illnesses just because someone has to smoke ? And this additional cost is eventually passed on to everyone in higher premiums.
I don't know what the answer is. I know that smoking was banned in National Socialist Germany & I'm against more government meddling, however, I see your very reasonable points: - Others are being forced to smoke - Others are being forced to pay for the cost of smoking The only up-side to being in a smoke filled room is that you don't have to go outside to fart
I can't think of many indoor locations I've been to that allow smoking. One good thing about indoor smoking is that one can fart surreptitiously, guiltlessly & with impunity.