We have "untouchables" in this country too. They are classified by their complete and total lack of employable skill sets, which is why they are unemployable, or barely employable. We're not interested in people who work hard, but work hard doing bull (*)(*)(*)(*) jobs a chimp can do. In America, your net worth as a person is decided almost entirely by your skillset and professional expertise. A Pizza Delivery guy, a burger flipper, a grocery bagger.. these people are simply consdiered losers. That is just the way it is. For proof.. just look at the dating scene. The first thing a woman will ask a man is what he does for a living and if she considers his job to lowly for her, she won't see him again. Fact of life. People look down on menial workers in this nation as less than adequate human beings. Just the way our culture is.
No, you dont. Untouchables are classified at birth not by their lack or possession of employable skills Irrelevant.
When the electoral collage elects MITT next year, we will again be in 2 wars Iran, Afganistan, and the USA will be heading in the exace direction the white politicians want to take us. So, non-whites, you are not on top yet. So don't break out the tacos and tequela yet. LOL...... But don't worry, it won't be this way forever.
I wasn't aware the republican represented the whites and the democrats represented the non-whites. I learn something every day on here.
Perhaps you do not understand or see it the way I do. I don't know where the republican democrat evaluation is, in my post. But if political party is what you use to assess, you should have known that. After all, factors of color and the lack of color are calculated every 10 years in the US Census, and poloitical parties divi up their district boundries to stack the voters in their favor and keep the balance of power where they think is best for the overall population. LOL..... Mitt could have been a democrat, would not matter to me; Political party is just a party with no kegs.
If neither political party suits your ideology then you are too radical for the majority of American society. Frankly, I'm tired of radical ideologies complaining that the mainstream is "too stupid" becuase it doesn't follow radicalist "wisdom" and that goes for both sides of the political spectrum. Most Americans don't want "radical transformation" what they want is "sustainable status quo"
wrong but right. I am not into idologies and all that worship banter or any brainwash of political parties. And right, I have my own opinions that do not follow the massess. I don't see anything here radical, I just calls it as I sees it. And more times than not It comes out the way I call it.
Leave it to the Republicans to make a race issue out of nothing, trying to spread fear amongst the "faithful". America will emerge out of this mess stronger than before and hopefully more pragmatic. Europe will become solvent and Asia, Brazil, India and others will take their place in the world of capitalism with the attending growing pains. We will be a more mixed race and will no longer remember arguments like these as they will be relegated to the heap of long lists of binary codes too boring to look up. Too bad, though, by then it would make great comedy.
America doesn't have a future you old deluded sot. The public school system has failed the country for two full generations, and now the reckoning is upon the country.
True; the other countries will get a tase of the capitalist greed. However because their governments run their country, it is very likely that they are currently applying the USA's blueprint for success. Only difference is their doing it with socialis type model and leaving out the War parts. Which save them some big money. Eventually they will read the blueprint of the USA's failure and adjust accordingly. Their success will come only if their government shapes their countries behavior to thier model. But if they get a dictator who cares more about corporate greed they will lose and their country will write the blueprint for failure.
Well you are correct about the education system in the USA it is a disaster of epic proportions. However, It will be about another generation and a larger seperation of the haves and the have nots before we see some real action in those occupy movements. In other words the 99%ers have not gotten poor enough to become a real threat to the "Establishment". Yet. But one day that will happen and the poor will not take it any more. They just need a biger constituent and a larger group to do it. And it will attract anarchist from around the world. What the establishment does not know is: dumbing down generation upon generation will create some radical groups when the massess are poor. Similar to how terrorist become radical in those countries.
America doesn't have a generation before the wheels come off the bus. In less than ten years the dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency. When that happens the standard of living in America will plummet for a lot of people. The party's over. Here's an investment tip: Ammunition...it's the new gold.
LOL,, gold chains for the MG. IF what you say does happen, all those holding municiple bonds and T-bills will be holding TP. That would be a tragidy.
Something else to add onto the (*)(*)(*)(*) list... Russians have superior alcohol levels. Hey do us a favor and drink some more Vodka maybe you get some alcohol poisoning, that'll really improve things here. (*)(*)(*)(*) dirty Russian...
Not to worry, the USA investment market will continue to be good for as long as forigen investment money comes flowing it. The corporation monopolies of the USA are in fact making record profits, and they are becomming more efficient in this trend. But the economy of the USA is all ready shown the signs of failure. And we all know economy and investment market is not the same. Could this be a variable to measure the seperation of wealth and poverty in the USA? But I digress, the future of the uSA is dependent on it's ability to capitalize on the markets to the north and south. And for the past 12 years, that has been a huge failure. Global expansion is the key to success, and the economic, political and educational infrastructures are not tooled to meet this growing trend. Hence the lack of US growth.
..and this is entirely the fault of restrictive and completely assanine Public Sector Union rules that see protection of jobs and wages and dues as completely divorced from quality control. A union used to guarantee the quality of its product, now Unions offer the weakest product for the most expensive price and then cry foul when someone says "You need to do a better job". Now when you are a member of a union your motto is "The Least Amount of Work for the Most Amount of Money possible."
True; Unions had there place in history and they did a good job way back then. Today however, is a differnet world and a different America. Private unions should be regulated by the government for the fairness of the society That is if the corporations do not influence the politicians. Nevertheless, the Public Unions, AKA government employee unions take away the power of the people and government from the oversight of the public schools. Hence the massive failure of State government's bugets, and the failure of the USA education system. Also, with overhead and capital overhead, and Unionization of private entities labor costs soar and work is delayed. Also, there is so much capital overhead, that any manufacturer or service cant make any profit off their product or service. And with the incorporation of a buisness comes the imposition of a board of directors, that throw out quality for profit. For them it is all about production (make it cheaper and sell more). A country like japan is as big as the State of California, and it has no room to grow economicaly, it's products are so expensive that only they will buy it. And they too have turned to China for manufacturning their technologies. That is why I contend the USA has no ablity to grow, and the products of the USA are not a good value when you compare it with similar products of the world.
We can't do anything about it though, not without turning to the same tyrannical measures as the Chinese at least. I keep getting the sense that you personally admire the Chinese tyranny. That is rather disturbing coming from a Westerner.
Take a look at South Africa and see what happened after the blacks took over. There are not any more jobs than there was before, the blacks just forcefully redistributed the good jobs for themselves, and about half the white population has either already fled or is considering fleeing to another country. Show me just one example of a white country that has been better off for taking in non-whites. Just one, any time in world history.
I would argue that perhaps the whites didn't belong in South Africa to begin with and were effectively an occupation by a foreign people over natives.
Agreed. But it does nevertheless still show the stark differences between whites running a country and blacks (essentially zero growth of the economy, higher crime rates).