White people will soon become a minority in the United States. What does this mean for the country? Will living standards be affected? How will this affect the level of income inequality and poverty within the country? Will crime increase? Eventually all the older white people will die off and the majority of the voters in the USA will be hispanic. How will this affect politics? Will hispanics support different policies from those traditionally supported by whites? For example, hispanics tend to be lower income (suggesting they would give support to the left), but they also tend to be against abortion and gay marriage (indicating their values have substancial differences from current progressives). The USA has seen unprecedented immigration in hte last three decades, and non-whites have been having many more babies. Indeed, the white population is actually slowly declining. http://www.theroot.com/buzz/black-and-brown-babies-outnumber-whites-us Are there too many people in the USA? Will overcrowding in the cities and suburbs be a problem? Will non-white fertility rates continue to be as high as they are now? If so, will the USA face overpopulation problems in the future like India and China have now? Many questions. This post is not intended to be very controversial because it is essentially a certainty that whites will be a minority in the next generation in 30-50 years. This thread is only to speculate about what the future holds...
Usual Racist sub text . Scare tactics approach -- Chapter two . American Citizens are just that --- citizens of America and their colour is incidental .
Color, yes. But thier upbringing is not. Latin American culture has had a 100 year love affair with strong centralized Governments and often of the socialistic variety. The heros of Latin America are all labor activists and socialists ranging from Guevara to Chavez today.. As a virulent anti-socialist.. I see America trending towards an anti-socialist GOP that is primarily white, and a socialist Democratic Party that is primarily of minorities and that is not a good thing at all because the politicians will see this trend and make "dark vs white" a factor in future elections to stir up populist sentiment against the other party. Bet on it! Color may be incidental, but upbringing and culture most definitely are not incidental and populist socialism of the Venuzuelan/Latin American variety coming into the USA is most definitely something that is troubling! Even if not socialism, Latin Americans love strong, centralized authority.. and that is something that goes against the grain of traditional America.
If you total the population of all non-whites in the United States you'll note that whites are already in the minority to non-whites.
Can we please get off the idea of color and why don't you answer the charge of culture playing a more important role. How do we train socialistas to not be socialistas?
Gee. I'm sorry. Don't worry about me though. I upgraded to third world living. The fourth world was lacking freedom.
I see an entire culture as socialist. I see European Culture as socialist too, don't want any of them here either. I hate all socialists equally, regardless of skin color.
The typical americans are superior everyone else is inferior argument. Well european culture does have an inferior body fat percentag.,
Of course . But don't see this just as a series of problems . Our culture ( Team GB ) has been widened and given extra depth by the influx of new ethnic minorities in a multitude of ways . A few examples , which when added make a huge difference are , Music , Food ( from stodginess to world's leading restaurants ) , Cinema , Design , Dress and Sport . Change all those variables and the whole national identity evolves along with energy levels and creative strengths . In some other places -- the US in parts -- many people crave for an unchanging vista with a sub text of white skin superiority . From a distance such a perspective is boring , backward and frankly , ignorant .
Just by the nature of the thread question I see the disparity of though between the conservatives and progressives. Soon, the nation will be a nation of minorities-but wait, there was a time when the Irish, Eastern Europeans and Italians were looked down upon in the same manner, great thought and concern was put into what would become of us should they become a predominant % of the population, thank god that didn't happen! The question is irrelevant as America will again prosper, change will occur and we will carry on.
Don't also forget how the prosperous "Latino" countries such as Mexico have much stiffer immigration laws than in U.S. or Canada, keeping people from Central America and the Caribbean out. I don't blame them, but would you see this as a disturbing, possibly racist policy which will keep Mexico culturally stagnant and unable to evolve? Why make Mexicans dependent on Mexican restaurants? How does this work in into your common sense approach?
The Progressive Social Justice Seeking Left & MSM will push it too far and balkanization will bite them (and everyone else) in the azz.
Take a look at India or Mexico- both democracies. I certainly am scared. I would hate for my (and peoples more closely related to me) future descendants to grow up in such desperate poverty and overcrowding. Not to mention the high rates of crime and violence. Am I "racist" for not wanting my children to live like this? http://infosurhoy.com/cocoon/saii/xhtml/en_GB/features/saii/features/2009/07/22/feature-03
Granny says, "Dat's right... ... purt soon there won't be no white peoples left to run things... ... den ever'thin' gonna go to hell inna handbasket."
I cant speak about Mexico but poverty in India is almost exclusively restricted to those who are most heavily discriminated against because of their perceived social inferiroity, i.e untouchables. This is the type of discrimination that you and "racially aware" others are advocating for in your own countries. If your country ends up a 3rd world (*)(*)(*)(*)hole it will be because of people like you. Regardless of which India does not have a particularly high rate of crime or violence.