The scandal-ridden Washington lobby that purveys paranoia has been discharging a rapid-fire fondling piece into its butt. Gadabout Squinty "Fancy Pants" La Pierre In the midst of all the disclosures of high spending, the NRA is also dealing with the launch of a new investigation by the New York Attorney General and numerous congressional inquiries into its finances. The NRA was an important Russian asset in its attack upon the US democratic process.
Not that that bit of empty ad hominem had anything at all to do with the topic at hand. But it is what you’re reduced to when your heroes turn out to be the losers we always told you they really were.
Hey Russia if you can hear me, the NRA needs a few more million again! Loser GOP, and loser NRA....Hope they all die a slow and painful death!
Barrack Obama to the Russian ambassador during the 2012 election: "Tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility after the election." More flexibility for what? Selling Russia 20% of our uranium supply perhaps?
And perhaps your wrong again.....You will be on the wrong side of history again! If it wasnt for lies what would the GOP have to hang their hats on! Keep voting against anything that can help you and your family! Believe anything on the internet, just keep isolating yourselves!
Yep, more jobs, increasing wages, historic low minority unemployment are not metrics lefties like. Lefties define success as how many freebies they can squeeze out of workers.
Yes tax breaks for millionaires, and corporations sure help Killing people through lowering pollution standards. Selling off OUR land so companies can make a profit and give us nothing for the use of our land. Taking womans wrights away. More off shore drilling! Yea, oooooooo man you Republicans sure help 90% of the American population. Dealing and asking for foreign countries to get involved with our business and politics. So what were you saying about pure greed and evil again?
Im glad that you are screwing over your grand children, thats your cross... Make sure they learn to lie and steel, as thats the head of the GOP is, and has done for years! And again, Russia if your listening the NRA needs more money to launder to the GOP!
NRA misuses their funding and their supporters yell, "...but, but, Obama!" Seems like an incredibly stupid excuse.
That's all you've got left. No collusion, no obstruction, so the only resort - non stop name calling. What a loser you are.
Well maybe the NRA should spend their money on paying off porn stars?....I mean you guys are so far in the gutter......The Evangelicals are proud!.....Learn it, live it, love it!!!!
Which is entirely relevant to the OP. Kneejerk partisan reaction that has NOTHING to do with the substance of the discussion. Great tactic for maintaining your opinions as you never have to accept a challenge to them.
Dont tell these simple rubes....They dont even understand what a non profit is! Yea charity can spend their money where ever they choose!......LOL
more jobs after 100+ continuous months of job gains. Historically low minority unemployment is a direct result of that progression but don't tell anyone. Increased wages yeah, net of inflation that extra 1.5% or so is really gonna help with them mortgage payments. If the minimum wage increased at the same rate as corporate bonuses in the past 30 years it would now be $33 per hour. I must say your library of anti-leftist bumperstickers seems to be dominated by the nonsensical.
If you had any inkling as to what the truth was you'd have long ago fled the misnamed Democratic party.