I'll try one last time to explain it to you. I had correctly noted that "Its (i.e., the NRA's] "Legislative Affairs Division was formed after the National Firearms Act of 1934." You: "You falsely claimed the ILA was created in 1934 which is false, I can only assume you lack the ability to fact check your sources or you would know that." (Post 740) I then politely enlightened you by providing a direct, clear and unambiguous, verbatim, linked quotation, posted by the NRA itself on their own site: "NRA formed the Legislative Affairs Division in 1934." https://www.nrablog.com/about-the-nra If you still need to deny what the NRA has stated, you should confront the NRA with your accusation that it is lying to you. The NRA is my source.
So you are using a source of information, which you admitted to in your own words as being from a "imploding organization's propaganda site," to backup your incorrect claims? That's not logical is it? But not surprising because there isn't anything you have posted in this thread that is logical or truthful, it's just full of emotion and much of it quite childish.
Your incessant ad hominem attacks aside, If you are not up to the challenge of honestly confronting the truth as I stated it, that the "NRA formed the Legislative Affairs Division in 1934." https://www.nrablog.com/about-the-nrayou have now made that obvious. Your petulant accusation that "You falsely claimed the ILA was created in 1934 which is false..." has been discredited. Nowhere did I ever state when the ILA was created. Sulk if you must, but the NRA formed the Legislative Affairs Division in 1934.
Graciously accepted. The outcome was inevitable when I accurately quoted the NRA: "NRA formed the Legislative Affairs Division in 1934." https://www.nrablog.com/about-the-nra
Amidst the sordid revelations about "Fancy Pants" LaP and multiple other scandals concerning the North American Man/Gun Love Association, Americans are pressuring the pantywaist politicians to represent them. Gun control groups will hold rallies in all 50 states this weekend to urge the Senate to pass universal background checks, as well as a "red flag" measure aimed at potentially dangerous gun owners. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/14/gun-control-groups-rally-1462895
And here is were the truth is told, which your lies in this thread are exposed as being a part of and therefore linking you to the GCA movement for profit. Follow the money, which you are clearly working to earn as a internet GCA. The groups are spending $550,000 on digital ads targeting McConnell and GOP Sens. Cory Gardner of Colorado, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott of Florida, Johnny Isakson and David Perdue of Georgia, Richard Burr and Thom Tillis of North Carolina, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas, Rob Portman of Ohio, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, and Mitt Romney of Utah. Another $385,000 will be spent in national cable and local broadcast ads aimed at McConnell, Gardner, Rubio, Scott and Portman.
So, a bunch of communist are going to gather this weekend to push politicians to disarm Americans and only allow the government to have guns.
The Legislative Affairs Division is not the same thing as the Institute for Legislative Actions, despite their similar names. Pray tell, why is such a simple concept, ultimately proving to be so difficult to actually comprehend?
I had not heard anything concerning those "communists" of yours, nor what you claim is their agenda, only the patriotic display of public outrage by decent Americans demanding that their elected representatives represent them and not elite special interests. Meanwhile, the outed effete LaP is now at the mercy of the permissive gun culture he has promoted:
I said nothing whatsoever concerning the "ILA." I correctly cited the NRA's own statement concerning its Legislative Affairs Division on its own blog site: "NRA formed the Legislative Affairs Division in 1934." https://www.nrablog.com/about-the-nra
Cincinnati, May 1977. The National Rifle Association had come to town with its Annual Meetings and Exhibits, America’s largest gathering and celebration for gun owners and shooters. But there would be a marked difference from previous Annual Meetings, because at this event, a leadership battle would take place in the convention hall. Over the course of the weekend, and especially in one all-night session, NRA members would change the course of their organization’s—and their nations history. The NRA was at a crossroads. The showdown occurred one year after the founding of NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, formed to secure gun owners’ civil rights first and foremost. Opposing factions had very different ideas about NRA’s goals and operations. Should the Association focus on shooting competition and environmentalism to gain media approval, or should it prioritize political advocacy for gun-owners’ rights in the face of a rising tide of anti-gun fervor? The leadership of the time proposed to move the Association’s headquarters from the Washington, D.C. area to Colorado, much to the chagrin of most members. But approximately 1,100 voting Members who journeyed to Cincinnati were having none of that. In a marathon Annual Meeting of Members starting at 7:30 p.m., an ad hoc group calling itself the “Federation for NRA” and influential members of NRA’s Board of Directors ousted the “Old Guard” executives and installed a new slate of leaders who vowed to aggressively defend Second Amendment rights and be more responsive to the needs of the members. Not until the wee hours of the following morning did former NRA President Irvine Porter adjourn the members’ meeting. Harlon B. Carter, who had only recently retired as the first head of the Institute for Legislative Action, took the helm as executive vice president and told the members: “You, the membership, are entitled to have an NRA that is responsive to your wishes. That is right, that is what you have demanded, and that’s the way it’s going to be. You cannot be denied, my beloved friends.“ Pointing to the Board members, Carter added, “You are the NRA, not I, not these gentlemen here: You are all we have.” The crowd went wild, giving Carter a rousing ovation, confident their voice would start being heard and that “the NRA” would live up to the higher standard of “your NRA,” an Association where Members would assume a more participatory role in steering the organization thanks to such measures as nominating candidates for director by petition and placing non-directors on the Nominating Committee. Within months of the meeting, newly installed Executive Vice-President Carter made it clear that the NRA would dig in its heels and remain “where the action is,” in Washington, D.C. That commitment expressed the new focus of the present-day NRA and was a clear demonstration of the power of grass-roots activism. The Cincinnati meeting established a blueprint for the future, one that united gun owners and all who truly believe in the civil liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Driven by that clear objective, the NRA has never flinched in its successful efforts to preserve our right to keep and bear arms. We have been tested time and time again. Our political enemies have ramped up their assault on our freedoms to include the most vicious personal attacks imaginable, aimed at our officers, board members, staff and members. They no longer try to conceal their true agenda of total disarmament of the American people. In fact, they are so focused on this, and so confident in their victory, they will stop at nothing to attain their goal. Our enemies are getting smarter and richer, but the NRA has fought this battle before. We know our enemies don’t have what we have—the hearts and minds of patriots who recognize that what is at stake is bigger than any of us. And we know that ultimately, victory can’t be bought—it can only be earned by winning the support of our fellow Americans.
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a French chateau.” As the scandals in the NRA are exposed and the scam is discredited, the democratic will to address firearm permissiveness in the US shall prevail as a demographic certitude. A Gallup poll taken before the latest mass shootings recorded the highest level of support for stricter gun control laws in 25 years. Even the rightist-skewed Rasmussen reports that "Voters Want More Gun Control" - the Gen Z and millennial respondents registered the highest level of support for stricter laws at 68%. Those ages 40-64 weren’t far behind at 64%, and 55% of voters 65 years and older agreed with the younger generations. The gun-dependent can still have their shooties, of course, unless they're identified as criminals, deranged, or otherwise unstable. Those folks cannot be trusted with guns. "Damned kids! Get off my lawn!"
The exposure of the NRA's corruption and its concomitant internal rancor comes at a singularly inopportune time for those reliant upon its intimidation of politicians to perpetuate permissiveness and defy the democratic will. Scandal-ridden is not a position from which to bully public servants. Even more significant than Trump's endorsements by neo-nazi and white supremacist groups in 2016 was the 30 million dollar payoff by the NRA. He knows the discredited racket will not be buying his obeisance in 2020.
Call it karma, call it kismet, it is deliciously fitting that the whores at the NRA who have fed at the trough of gun violence for decades are now marginalized by their own corruption. It's times like these I wish I were a religious man as nothing would bring me more pleasure than the thought of Wayne LaPierre burning in hell for eternity for all the death and destruction he helped bring about.
What I find interesting about the left is that they treat the NRA as a magical boogyman and not as an organization that would have no power without the support of its millions of members.
It's not the NRA's membership that gives it its power. It's the cowardice of politicians more interested in their political fortune than the lives of human beings.
It's the fear of the unknowing. Truth is the NRA is doing quite well and membership increases every time one of these conspiracy theories gets proffered by the MSM and their followers.