No. I did not. Your are a dishonest broker of untruth. ...a.nd many of the leaders had significant islamic populations. You refute yourself.
It really doesn't take much for conservatives to accuse some one of flashing gangs signs. All if really requires is: 1.) A black person somewhere in the picture 2.) A great imagination Remember this Mayor who was flashing gang signs: ^^ 1.) A black person somewhere in the picture 2.) A great imagination Or was this a Muslim gang sign. . . .
Lets see pointing one finger in the air can mean many things, this should be fun, I'll start: 1. I'm No. 1 2. You're No. 1 3. We are No. 1 4. Hey Guys 5. Great Event 6. look to the Man Above 7........ Add em as you think of more I am sure there are many many more, if you had tried rubbing two of your brain cells together you might have thought of at least a few more than the one most have never even heard of. Try turning on a light and the Darkness will be gone.
1. Wait one second 2. Bueller (present) 3. The number of drinks you are ordering at a bar. 4. A demon talking through someone with ESP (IE: Redrum, Redrum )
This is the continued effort of the right wing noise machine to prove their followers are stupid sheep who bleat for them in hopes of getting something at the trough. It is sickening. The other day someone said that one's opportunity to vote should be linked to knowledge. The right wing would never be allowed in a polling place since they believe the crap they are fed by these kind of sources.
I can't quite get beyond the oddity of it in this venue. Have you ever found grounds to criticize Obama? This would improve your standing. I'm not yet familiar with your ideology.
I disagree with Obama on several things: Closing GITMO, why is it still open, put them on trial and shut the embarrassment down. Gun control, blaming responsible gun owners for the actions of crazies and criminals is counter=productive and makes no one any safer. Paying for the first two years college, really where the heck ya gonna get the money? Arming rebels in Syria, why are we involved and see how that backfires, talk about a stupid idea. Did he really think that ACA was going to be the final answer? If you are going to improve the system then do it, I do not think it was well thought out and is not the final answer. There are more but that is a list of a few areas I disagree with Obama. That said the Repubs are often no better and often worse when it comes to their ideas and actions hence it comes down to the same or same of the lesser of two evils.
Thanks for the honesty. It's in short supply. I'm not certain this is the islamic gang flash sure is oddly placed and oddly timed. It's also difficult to convince myself that it was 100% inadvertent. So....if it's deliberate AND it's a gang sign it's mega disturbing. I will look into it. - - - Updated - - - It's an islamic sign used by at least some of ISIS. See about. Or don't. You have no room to move, ideologically speaking.
Do you need an "ideology" to recognize something as stupid as this accusation? Remember when the idiots claimed that hook em horns was a satanic hand signal?
You're just noticing this...?! [video=youtube;mm1KOBMg1Y8][/video] [video=youtube;tpAOwJvTOio][/video]
The GOP has blocked every attempt to do that. Federal gun laws have expanded gun rights under this President. Two years at community college and the President told you where the money was coming from so hmmmmmm your ignorance makes you angry? Can you explain what you are talking about here. Do you think ISIS is not a problem? Explain how you would have done it differently. . Great, too bad you seem not to know enough to form a full opinion. Case and point
LOL, always amusing to see people that claim superiority yet they are not be able to remember who has them on Ignore.