Obamacare fail! Affordable Care Act not so affordable.

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by doombug, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    What I do not get is this. Many years ago the Government got involved with auto Ins because the rates were getting higher and higher, us brokers knew this would be a disaster. This Ins was called the assigned risk, and just like with this they figured the youth was going to carry most of the burden since they were the poor drivers and their higher rates would make the better drivers save.

    Well,,,what a disaster it was....Everybody's rates went through the roof, and the service for the assigned risk was a horrible mess. Claims not being paid,,slooooow service and the Ins dept was overwhelmed, one reason was their poor training and another was workers just not giving a fig....
    However another important reason is that young people do not believe in intangibles, and to them Ins is a intangible. Their policies though started [so they could get the car on the road] soon became cancelled for non payment as these younger drivers would not make their payments.

    Now being in the business for 40 years I can safely say this,,,these younger people will do the same thing and not pay for a intangible, so what happens when it does.......guess?

    The assigned risk was all but dismantled in NY and the Ins dept was begging the free Market to take the whole thing back. In the end, the Assigned risk became a dirty word and people begged to get out. I just cant see this working..
    What I do see is history repeating itself....Young people will not pay, this will in time collapse the entire idea just like the Assigned risk.
    stjames1_53 and (deleted member) like this.
  2. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Where do you get such ideas? Many countries' government manage healthcare and they are doing well. What we had before Obamacare was a major fail. People on Medicare, (a government managed healthcare) has been doing well, in spite of minor flaws, like Bush's Part D, which have now been corrected.

    There is nothing wrong with Obamacare, you are confusing computer glitches with Obamacare and that is sad because it shows that you've been listening to the right-wing media that is trying to destroy it because they don't care if you have good insurance or not. They just want you to be afraid and vote for them so then they put the screws to you even more.
  3. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    The concept that the young will carry this thing is bogus, they know darn well they will not make these payments. This will turn into a huge burden for the middle class, this entire thing was one huge Lie and manipulation.
    This huge fraud will stain Obama for life....
  4. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    show me one US agency bureaucracy that is operating in the black, just one..............I care little for other countries. Their citizens loved to be cared for by their respective governments and deserve everything they get.
    http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/58982.............so maybe Canada's health care isn't quite up to par.......
    I don't have kids, yet I'm going to be forced to pay for abortions and illegitimate babies. I'm being forced to pay for stuff I'll never use. There is no damned good in Obobcare. Liberty and Freedom are not included in Obobocare.
    There is no Constitutional Right to free health..........I did however, find out about the 6,000 or so that signed up for healthcare in Kentucky...all of those people signed up for FREE Medicare, not health insurance. (local news whas) The free stuff has already started and this "program" is already over burdened, between that and an ill-fated sign up process.
    this is doomed to fail...all those promises like, "You can keep your plan", "you buy what you need", pre-existing conditions don't matter".
    First, as of yesterday, another 3 million people lost their current healthcare (and you call that good),
    You buy the whole package, including birth-contol and child health care (even if you don't have children)
    Pre-existing conditions pay up to 10 times as much as someone who doesn't have such.
    Forcing me to pay for another's healthcare is immoral and unethical and IMO, illegal. You want them to have coverage, add them to your policy, you pay for it our of your pocket, not mine. Stay the hell out of my finances......................
    Here's a small anecdote, I paid a vist to my doc, annual check up. He pulled out his computer and proceeded to ask me me a series, some 50 in all. One of the questions was did I own firearms. Only a drunk Irishman with a ball of string could connect gun ownership to the healthcare issue
    You can go straight to hell too. Whether or not I have guns is none of the governments business, nor yours.
    Libs....."try it you'll like it" is one of the weakest statements ever uttered by the socialists.
  5. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    here's more evidence that obob and his handpicked traitors are lying through their collective mouths:
    Here’s A Map Of Jay Carney’s ‘Small Sliver’ Of Americans Whose Insurance Has Been Canceled Thanks To Obamacare

    November 5, 2013 by Ben Bullard

    Remember Jay Carney on NBC’s “Morning Joe” last week, telling a former Bush appointee that “only a sliver or cut” of the American population was getting policy cancelation notices thanks to Obamacare’s one-size-fits-all coverage mandates?

    The comment was intended to diminish the strength of criticisms that President Barack Obama had lied about people getting to keep health coverage they liked, as well as to deflect some of the heat the Administration has taken for the egregiousness of the falsehood of one of the President’s most famous statements.

    But here’s a map that illustrates just how many people on individual health plans have been dropped by their providers because of Obamacare. Four hundred thousand people in Georgia is not a sliver; nor is 900,000 in California or 800,000 in New Jersey.


    The map reflects only individual policy cancelations and doesn’t consider the effects of Obamacare on employer-sponsored group plans. And it’s a snapshot of a moment in time in the early days of the Obamacare rollout. Across the board, these numbers will increase. And it only shows data gathered from 16 States and Washington, D.C.

    Just for fun, here’s a link to a Fox News story about Obamacare’s effect on insurance costs hitting Republican States harder than Democratic States.

    And here’s a story about a Virginia school district that’s considering hiring a gaggle of substitute teachers because it can’t afford the ballooning cost of employee benefits for full time teachers under Obamacare.

    And one more about doctors at small New York offices defecting from their line of work or retiring early because of the market push toward larger, cheaper, inferior centralized health care that Obamacare is bringing about.

    Looks like 2014 is not the year to get sick.

    how many more lies have to be spread until some of the Libs will accept the fact that this is a trainwreck happening right now
  6. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    I truly believe this was their objective, they knew the youth would not carry the day. They tried it with Auto Ins and it failed. So,,how do you get people?,,,simple, cancel what they have and demand they buy yours. Then when applicable raise all the rates to make up the difference from the ''missing'' youth monies.
    mmmm,,,Collusion, fraud, monopoly? Ugly words. Same words the Ins industry was accused of.

    This thing was one big fraud to begin with, a plotted manipulated transfer of wealth. Good thing it's Leader is a Nobel prize winner, otherwise I might be suspicious.
  7. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    It isn't "only" the young that are paying into it. In fact, even if their premiums might be a little higher for them than what they now pay, they still have the less expensive premiums overall, and they will get much more on Obamacare than they are getting with their current health plans.

    That is such Republican/conservative rhetoric. It is going to make it easier on the middle-class. Actually, for everyone.
    Only in the eyes of uninformed Republican/conservatives who are hanging on to the myth that Obamacare is worse than what we had before. People who are already seeing the difference in what they had and what they now have will override the negative rhetoric that is so rampant in the conservative media.
  8. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Whine, whine, whine. Would you like a little cheese to go with your whine?

    I don't have kids in school, and I have to pay for schools. I didn't like going to war with Iraq, and yet my tax dollars were used to maintain that worthless war. The truth is, America is not all about you. And, the welfare of other Americans benefits you, although you may not be wise enough to recognize it. And it is my business whether or not you have guns. Nuts shouldn't be allowed to have guns, don't know how you were able to do it. Apparently your doctor was able to detect something......:roflol:

    So my advice to you, if you don't like it, leave. In America, majority rules, and right now, you seem to be in the minority. [​IMG]
  9. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    iept and pitiful deflect...show me one federal bureaucracy agency that operates in the black in this country.................
    how is my guns any or your business? I'm surprised you've lived this long as rude as you are.....:roflol: see how that works?
  10. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    You really need to stop drinking the liberal koolaid, and realize Obamacare is not turning out well. Obama lied, then lied some more, and then....wait for it....lied some more.
  11. stjames1_53

    stjames1_53 Banned

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Maobama and his cadre of lying thieving bastards are still lying. When the lie is this big, they've got more to lie about....and hide ........wait for it, it's coming
  12. onalandline

    onalandline Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 9, 2008
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    How long will his MSM support him? When will someone get fired or resign for this mess?
  13. VanishingPoint

    VanishingPoint Active Member

    Jun 15, 2013
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    I can't wait until the entire act is implemented and maybe down the road, we will have a public option to compete with the insurance companies to bring down the cost.
  14. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Common knowledge, if they are not successful with the young the entire thing folds, they gambled it with the assigned risk auto Ins as well, and that was not just the young. It failed miserably, and it was because of the young not paying their premiums. They are baiting us with the exact same thing, just like Obama baited us with his Lie.

    It's not rhetoric, they lied about the cost, they lied about the keeping of ones Ins, there are clear reasons why people Lie. Most times it's to manipulate, and this has been most apparent. Had he been honest the people would not have accepted it, that would not do for the administration, just like if their estimate of cost did not work, so they fixed that too,,,,, and now the truth comes out.

    It's not just Republicans that gave Obama a 39% approval, not by a long shot.
  15. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    That's what they said about the assigned risk auto Ins policies, we lived that one too.....fail!
  16. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    That is correct and especially about the significance of the 39% polling number. Sure it will probably fluctuate upwards at some point, but the fact is that it signifies how many Democratic Party voters are angry at Barack Obama and also -- there's little doubt as there is always slop-ever blame to go around -- at the Democratic Party's leadership in general.
  17. VanishingPoint

    VanishingPoint Active Member

    Jun 15, 2013
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    I don't know anything about that. I wouldn't mind reading about it. Do you have something I could read on the issue?
  18. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    He is forcing women to leave their Doctors, ever try to get a woman to change her Doctor? There are an awful lot of Democratic woman out there, he lied to them. This will not just go away,,,,nope!
  19. Gatewood

    Gatewood Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2013
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    Indeed and therefore some Democratic Party women are probably even going to stop and contemplate anew just which party and which president is actually waging a war against woman after all. Ouch!
  20. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Not off hand,,I will try and find something though. You can ask anybody in NY, what is the worst auto Ins policy you could possibly have, they will scream,,,THE ASSIGNED RISK. Turned out they were the most expensive, the State was so overwhelmed they begged the Ins companies to take the clients back, the Ins dept dumped over half their help. Rates tripled in only a couple of years, claims were not paid, everybody was in court.

    Now, most of those clients are back with the regular markets, and the State is trying desperately to get them to take the rest.
  21. VanishingPoint

    VanishingPoint Active Member

    Jun 15, 2013
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    Are you saying that the state was trying to provide auto insurance?
  22. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    They tried to get involved using the regular Markets to a degree,,,,,

    Here Look....
    Why am I in the "assigned-risk" plan, why is it so expensive, and how do I get out of it?

    Answer: The NYAIP (New York Automobile Insurance Plan) is a mechanism through which consumers are assigned to an insurance company on an involuntary basis, if they cannot find an insurer in the voluntary market who will offer them a policy. The NYAIP consists of those policyholders which an insurer does not believe can be insured at a reasonable profit, generally because of poor driving records, having little or no prior driving experience, or having had a certain "frequency of claims".

    The rates and availability of automobile insurance are established by a competitive insurance industry, based on verifiable loss experience data, and monitored by the Department of Financial Services. The rates for policies written through the NYAIP are generally higher, since the loss experience for these drivers, as a group, is consistently worse than the losses and expenses of those in the voluntary market.

    If you are currently insured under the NYAIP, your insurer must continue to insure you for 3 years; however this does not limit you from looking to purchase another policy in the voluntary market at any time. New York State fosters an actively competitive voluntary automobile insurance marketplace, and we always encourage consumers to shop around to obtain the best available coverage and service at the most reasonable price. As insurance rates may vary considerably from one insurer to another, it definitely pays to shop around for automobile insurance if you are in the NYAIP or are not satisfied with your present insurer. You may contact several agents and brokers and those insurers that market their products directly to consumers.

    I do not want to derail the thread, but the comparison is important.
  23. VanishingPoint

    VanishingPoint Active Member

    Jun 15, 2013
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    I think I get it. Thank you! My eighteen year old daughter is in the high risk pool and her auto insurance was through the roof. However, she no longer owns a car, she rides her bike at college.
  24. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    According to the politicians this was supposed to SAVE Nyers, it nearly destroyed us. The youthful clients were not paying their premiums, this threw the entire loss ratio off, people with clean records were being poured in there, and then could not get out. What a disaster... Your daughter was now paying for the others that would not pay,,,follow?

    Young people do not pay for intangibles, and that will be the same with Obama care.
  25. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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