Exactly! Could time.... be an invention..... comparable to a car, plane, boat, yacht or any invented vehicle capable of getting us from point A to point B, (except time is for our philosophical, spiritual, emotional and mental movement)! Could light..... be an invention? Could fundamental energy Original Intelligence be beyond anything postulated even in String Theory or GUT?
Robert in the description I gave you time is no longer an issue. We KNOW that the electrons existing in orbital fields around an Atom's nucleus will exist as EVERY POSSIBLE POSITION within the orbits SIMULTANEOUSLY!! This goes far beyond a simple concept of velocity and position. AA
I thought I'd share this: This is the closest thing we have to a master equation of the universe http://www.businessinsider.com/standard-model-physics-master-equation-2017-6/#the-whole-thing-1 This is just a breakdown the math behind the standard model, it doesn't include the multiversal algebraic equations that AboveAlpha has to work with, so it gives me a new appreciation for the math that AboveAlpha has to work with with his theory.
Wow!!!!! I am 99.9% sure he already knows this..... but I thought I should draw attention to this one sentence. Could neutrinos be the "God particle" that was shown to near death experiencer Mellen Benedict? If... it is true that neutrinos have some role in the recording of all events..... all sounds.... all hairs on all heads....... all thoughts......... then if all is being recorded....... then would this not indicate a superior intellect that WANTS everything recorded????? I have no idea if neutrinos are connected to the seemingly perfect Life Review part of the near death experience...... but I thought it was worth considering. http://www.near-death.com/reincarnation/experiences/mellen-thomas-benedict.html#a05
This is intriguing....... http://www.near-death.com/reincarnation/experiences/mellen-thomas-benedict.html#a08
They transmitted information without particles... maybe. Nil Communication: How to Send a Message without Sending Anything at All Physicists have exploited the laws of quantum mechanics to send information without transmitting a signal. But have they, really? https://www.scientificamerican.com/...nd-a-message-without-sending-anything-at-all/
I don't know if this is important, but they just solved a violation of General Relativity. Scientists Resolve Mysterious Violation to Einstein's Relativity https://gizmodo.com/scientists-resolve-mysterious-violation-to-einsteins-re-1818655617/amp
AboveAlpha does this news article mean you'll have to re-write your multiverse theory??? Extremely rare Periodic element behaving like it's from an 'alternative universe' https://www.mnn.com/green-tech/rese...dic-element-behaving-its-alternative-universe More: Breaking the rules: Heavy chemical elements alter theory of quantum mechanics Physicists Just Discovered That Some Elements Don’t Follow the Normal Rules of Quantum Mechanics
AboveAlpha is a problem solver who sometimes goes away on JOBS. But I would prefer to think he's enjoying the fall festivals right now, and is taking time off for life instead of posting.
AboveAlpha..... Sir...... I cast my ballot for your...... "a U.S. Military FEL...or FREE ELECTRON LASER system" in this poll........... i am sorry that it took me so long to be willing to admit that your idea... on this...... was far, far, far, far , far better than mine! http://www.politicalforum.com/index...rockets-from-landing-on-sderot-israel.522682/ How can we stop the rockets from landing on Sderot, Israel?
Do you think that the phrase "three generations" could perhaps be referring to three separate dimensions of space - time? I assume fourth, where we are, fifth where electromagnetism is a component of gravity and sixth....... which would be invisible from the point of view of both four and five dimensional space - time.
No Dennis "three generations" is not three dimensions of space time. We live in a multidimensional universe with at least 10-11 dimensions, and not just 4-6 dimensions. Remember the dimensions are physical aspects of our universe and not used in the incorrect sense made popular by Hollywood that are better known as parallel universes.
Three observable dimensions with a forth mentally created (time). Other dimensions are unconfirmed imaginings with hypothetical possibility and are simply fun to think about.
Then we discovered this: Brain Architecture: Scientists Discover 11 Dimensional Structures That Could Help Us Understand How the Brain Works http://www.newsweek.com/brain-struc...-multiverse-dimensions-how-brain-works-624300
True..... I am not saying that there are only three extra dimensions...... all I am saying.... is that I have the impression that...... from the point of view of we four dimensional human beings..... fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh dimensional space time is invisible to us.......... A being.... perhaps a "ghost' who goes into five dimensional space - time....would be able to view us humans... AND other five dimensional space - time beings.....(perhaps other ghosts) but a being in sixth dimensional space - time would be invisible to them.... This is the impression that I got from an article I read on String Theory and Grand Unified Theory back in the 1990's.... combined with the NDE account of Dr. George Ritchie who described four higher invisible dimensions of space time but......... Dr. Ritchie was not saying that four extra dimensions were a cap in any way..... (frankly I lean heavily toward Bosonic String Theory that has 26 dimensions of space - time)....... A being existing in six space - time dimensional energy and/ or vibrational level.. .would be able to see us humans and all four dimensional energetic / vibrational beings.....AND beings in five dimensional space - time...... (who would be unable to view them)... and of course they would be able to see other beings in six dimensional energy / vibrational level.......... A being in seventh dimensional energy / vibrational level... .would be able to see us humans... . five dimensional ghosts or whatever life was there.... six dimensional life..... while 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional life... COULD NOT see them.... and so and and so on to all dimensions............ This is my impression of Hologram Theory on near death experience accounts........ and other related phenomena...... https://www.near-death.com/experiences/notable/george-ritchie.html
My strong suspicion is that AboveAlpha is extremely busy....... I suspect that he is in the Middle East..... and I strongly suspect that the rapid defeat of ISIS is partly due to the efforts of he and his team........... If this is correct... then he simply cannot take the time out from organizing his teams efforts to post to this forum...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...s-isis-on-the-battlefield-in-one-year.522386/ Trump defeats ISIS on the battlefield in one year
Time is just as real as space. They are a mathematical requirement in models seeking to unify General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics, and produce a so-called Theory of Everything. The leading contenders such as M-Theory [formerly String Theory], or perhaps Loop Quantum Gravity, require these additional dimensions. While they are not theories yet, merely highly favored hypotheses with strong foundations, we know from experience that there is a reality represented by mathematical models in physics. Einstein showed mathematically that time can be treated as another dimension, again mathematically. This isn't a philosophical concept. It is a mathematical concept. This in turn allowed him to correctly predict real effects such as time dilation, that are completely counter intuitive. There is no way to know if our models in physics represent the essence of reality, or merely model it correctly. But in physics all that matters is that a model predicts the correct results of any real event. It does not seek to explain the deep philosophical questions. It just happens to do so at times - when a philosophical proposition can be tested.
Is the universe really made up of tiny vibrating strings or loops, or does it just act that way? No way to know.
I actually think that you are correct. I am of the opinion that the number of time lines are limited................. and are planned to work out a number of specific criteria. Are we living in a Multiverse?
Personally.... I think that the high level NSA officials who convinced Mr. Donald J. Trump to campaign for President back in 2014 and 2015 enlisted AboveAlpha to keep President TRump alive through what is rumored to have been over forty serious attempts on his life already. For more information on that theory.... Google.... "Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward NEW"