I personally have zero comprehension of this topic other than for the possible philosophical implications of this idea that to my thinking may fit with Ezekiel chapter thirty seven, Revelation chapter twenty.... and Romans nine, ten and eleven.......... which to me...... give me a basis for the variation on Eventual Universal Salvation that I lean heavily toward. I did dig up some super simple ideas on String Theory a few years ago that may be useful to some readers. www.CarbonBias.blogspot.ca/
I would suggest that you stop looking for AboveAlpha behind every curtain and, instead, start looking at the man who actually stopped Osama bin Laden: Robert J O'Neill | Facebook. Please take the hint.
I so thank you for this message wgabrie.... I did indeed send a message to Mr. Robert J. O'Neill's facebook page and I agree with you that he is absolutely PERFECT to play the role of AboveAlpha in the proposed film series project.... .so I now will quote you over to here: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...ada-and-unified-field-theory-of-m-w-p.548225/ Proposed Republic of Western Canada and Unified Field Theory of M.W.P. because I have an idea in mind related to...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...bt-of-the-usa-be-paid-off-in-one-year.580877/ Can the national debt of the USA be paid off in one year?
Please click here for more information on my diabolical scheme to convince The Robert J O'Neill to join politicalforum and take over the role of AboveAlpha........ http://www.politicalforum.com/index...theory-of-m-w-p.548225/page-5#post-1072372964
Considering the gravity of the present set of circumstances set of circumstances in Israel I felt that it was time to boost this brilliant reply up to the first page of discussions again! How can we stop the rockets from landing on Sderot, Israel? My own answer to this topic is actually very, extremely low cost and is designed to stop the rockets from even being shot into the air in the general direction of Sderot, Israel and / or any other Israeli town or city.
My idea is to propose a series of films to Latter day Saints at Brigham Young University campus in Jerusalem............ ... make it appear like a conflict / squabble but in actuality this is designed to be win - win - win - win - win - win for Israelis.... for Latter day Saints for Palestinians for Americans and for all eight billion of us........... My idea centers around an audition for the role of a Latter Day Elijah that is meant to give some common ground to Latter day Saints, Orthodox Jews, Reform Jews as well as Palestinians who might be somewhat open to the idea that the final Elijah........ might appear to be the Mahdi and / or the Jesus of Islam to a lot of Muslims............ (at least during the first part of his To Do List)........?????? Post number sixty seven on this page gives further details...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...s-for-the-role-of-elijah-needed.499830/page-3
Your response here is BRILLIANT and demonstrates an exceptionally good understanding of some extremely complex ideas in Theoretical Physics! Wow!!!!!!!! Cosmic Clowning: Stephen Hawking's "new" theory of everything is the same old CRAP By John Horgan on September 13, 2010 https://blogs.scientificamerican.co...ew-theory-of-everything-is-the-same-old-crap/ What you wrote fits perfectly with what Mr. John Horgan wrote...... but..... your open mind may actually imply that you have a better grasp of all of this String Theory stuff..... than even he has!?!?
Dennis, I haven't really been paying attention to String Theories for years now. I know that Michio Kaku has a new book out now called: The God Equation. I've read a few pages, but I'll probably have to go back and read further to get a sense of what he's trying to say. Michio Kaku is the one to go to now for ideas in String Theory. But I have also come across the idea that the Universe is a learning algorithm teaching itself physics.
Thank you for that hint....... I will definitely have to do a search to see what I can dig up online by Michio Kaku. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michio_Kaku
I just found a video that I believe fits beautifully with this topic and I admit it.... I really understand very, very, very little of what all is said in this video.... I only really relate to it because I have read similar ideas that were worded in rather simple English with a lot less technical jargon. @wgabrie I think that you may just love this video... it is two hours long... but fascinating. The Universe according to Alexei Novitzky of Looshes Labs
Dennis, Although I appreciate the effort you went through to bring this video to my attention, I must point out that the ideas presented in the video are gobbledygook, pure nonsense. They start out by using terms that are unexplained, tools that are too simple compared to modern physics, and a bit of the hocus pocus magic references. Looshes Labs LLC (About — Looshes Labs LLC) is also a small company that paints skateboards. Not a major source of study into the fields of consciousness. So, thanks, but no thanks. I suggest that you not spend money on their books. It's a scam.
Thank you for having a look..... I was impressed by the fact that what they report being shown corresponds to some degree with the testimonies of near death experiencers. Both of the speakers have also had encounters with aliens or UFO's.
Oh, hey Dennis. Why did you pick that post? Remember I told you that I was looking through some old conversations I had with AboveAlpha and he said he is definitely not Robert O'Neill?
@AboveAlpha gone! As is any wisdom he held, After all these years, String Theory is diving for dollars science. Si / eh I Want Hydrogen! And fresh water too Moi
Who knows? @AboveAlpha is gone from "us". Has anyone but his girl friend witnessed AboveAlpha, lately. Moi One Universe
I don't know who AboveAlpha is, but if he's O'Neill I noticed there's a ring on his finger in photos on Facebook. If so, it looks like he married a wife and retired. And, if so, I'm happy for him!
Interesting..... after listening to nine chapters of his online audio book I still had a wide open mind to the possibility that perhaps AboveAlpha might well be him?????? @AboveAlpha did state that he essentially knew that the Stanley Meyer dune buggy technology had been taken to a far, far, far higher level than what Stanley had done...... ....and the time is coming when that technology will be released and there will be an economic boom but...... of course...... certain influential people will NOT be happy......!!!! http://www.theorionproject.org/en/hydroxy.html
I guess that depends what your beliefs are. I think it is certainly possible, but I doubt it is something you could ever prove scientifically.
When it comes to religion, people can believe absolutely anything they want and there is no need for evidence or logic. So, I would say that should be discussed in the religion forum.
yeah, well, when you start getting into areas like this, spirituality and science start getting all blended up together. Some things science just isn’t equipped to explain. Not discussing aspects of the topic because “it’s not the right section” seems kind of silly. Spirituality deals with issues like this all the time once you ditch the religious dogma.
Maybe the ideas do get mixed. But, the response should be to remember where the lines are, and work to prevent the mixing. Yes, I fully agree there are things science is not equipped to explain. In general, these are the "why" questions - why are we here? Etc. Science can't touch that. Likewise, spirituality (including religion) has no capability in "how" questions - how this universe works. Besides that spirituality and science have methods that are dramatically different - so different that even the words mean different things. What is evidence, what are facts, etc. Also, in science, the foundational assumption is that one may meaningfully observe. In spirituality, the foundational assumption is God (in religion) and the undetectable, untestable supernatural that is assumed. Mixing these different systems is going to cause confusion, and nothing more.
Nah, I mix them all the time! It’s like peanut butter and chocolate. Each is good on their own, but combined they are something truly awesome.