Oh no! We'll all have Disney Princess eyes! Yuk! I hope we don't get all the other Disney Princess attributes too!
How long has our species been around?... Discovery in Morocco alters history of Homo sapiens Jun 7, 2017, How long has our species been around? New fossils from Morocco push the evidence back by about 100,000 years.
Not sure breeding has to be closely related to genus or species much less subspecies. Bison Bison interbred with common cattle or Bos for example. I didn't look up their last common ancestor but I 'assume' they must have one to breed. Perhaps that is incorrect???
I consider the (an educated opinion) issue of copulation between homo species to be settled. I thought the issue on interbreeding was as well with Homo sapiens sapiens having Denisova and Neanderthal DNA. Are they saying that DNA could be from a LCA of all three and not interbreeding? I'm confused and I never liked genetics much anyway. I just struggled thru it.
Light shed on how humans populated Americas... Alaskan 'sunrise' girl sheds light on how humans populated Americas January 3, 2018 | WASHINGTON - Ancient DNA extracted from the skull of a six-week-old baby girl whose 11,500-year-old remains were unearthed in a burial pit in central Alaska is helping scientists resolve long-standing controversies about how humans first populated the Americas.
So far we are at about 430.000 yrs...I'm guessing another year before we hit half a million. https://www.sciencealert.com/the-ol...-sequenced-and-it-could-rewrite-human-history
Agreed. Finding a piece of some animal that lived that long ago should be considered nearly miraculous, especially given that we're really not putting in that much effort to find this material. It seems ridiculous to peg the date of the earliest human to the date of the earliest remnant someone dug up.
Species - the classic definition. If two can "do it" and produce a fertile offspring, they are if the same species. By that definition how many of today's "human species" are really the same, one human species? Continuity Through Continuous Hybridization
This is junk science. Hominids go back 2 million years. And FWIW cats go back 25 million years. So the kitties have been here 10 times as long as we have.
According to a science programme on TV today, scientists are now hypothesizing that life came off comets to Earth from the solar system.
This has been hypothesized for decades (panspermia) and is quite possible. I prefer the lipid hypothesis and terrestrial origin.
It was on the TV in the uk How The Universe Works https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_the_Universe_Works
If all the building blocks of life are scattered after a supernova, and all of this stuff eventually makes up the planets, then perhaps the building blocks of life are terrestrial and only need an environmental nudge. Even then comets could carry DNA materials for further distribution...
Kinda looks like Uncle Ferd's g/f... This ancient teenager is the first known person with parents of two different species Aug 23, 2018 - A new ancient DNA study published in Nature Wednesday reports the first known person to have had parents of two different species. The studied remains belonged to a girl who had a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father. See also: Mixed-species DNA casts new light on early humans Fri, Aug 24, 2018 - Denny was an inter-species lovechild.
I would guess on the Match.com form the guy checked the box for Neanderthal to mislead the gals...which was somewhat fair since the gal posted a picture when she was ten years younger...
interbreeding isn't a big deal, having fertile offspring is the trick...without digging into my genetics books, some mating's between subspecies only result in fertile young only if the offspring is female, the males will be sterile... I don't recall if that's the exact situation as well with neanderthals, denisovans, sapiens but I did read something to that effect...