What ever happened to Cro Magnon PeopleKind ? Remember, those white, Aryan looking ones who looked like they got stranded in the Stone Age. Is Cro Mangon Man Archaic nomenclature ? Who were they by today's definitions? Gracias. Moi r > g View attachment 30522 Answers may lie in studying atavisms to the north.
Granny says, "Dat's right - first white man found... Researchers reveal Europeans' fourth ancestral 'tribe' Nov. 16, 2015 - The Caucasus population was well-positioned to influence the peoples of both Europe and Asia, and studying them further is likely to bring further revelations.
Mysterious tool makers inhabited Sulawesi 118,000 years ago... Ancient tools show mysterious humans occupied Indonesian island 13 Jan.`16 WASHINGTON - The diminutive prehistoric human species dubbed the "Hobbit" that inhabited the isle of Flores apparently had company on other Indonesian islands long before our species, Homo sapiens, arrived on the scene.
Diggin' up an ol' woolly mammoth carcass in Russia... Ancient people conquered the Arctic at least 45,000 years ago 14 Jan.`16 | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The frozen carcass of a woolly mammoth found in Siberia with unmistakable signs of spear wounds is providing evidence that people inhabited Arctic regions thousands of years earlier than previously known.
Transitional species of humans found... Early human ancestor didn't have a nutcracker jaw Feb. 8, 2016 - "Humans also have this limitation on biting forcefully," explained researcher Justin Ledogar.
Understanding the Denisovans... How extinct humans left their mark on us Fri, 18 Mar 2016 - Most of us share 2-4% of DNA with Neanderthals; some have genes from Denisovans; but their genetic mark has vanished in some stretches of genetic code. See also: DNA of girl from Denisova cave gives up genetic secrets 31 August 2012 - The DNA of a cave girl who lived about 80,000 years ago has been analysed in remarkable detail.
They're also small animals... They don't need huge brains, and honestly a trained bird is no smarter than a trained dog... Birds are overrated when it comes to intelligence.
Ancient artifacts found in Florida sinkhole... Early snowbirds? Florida sinkhole yields ancient artifacts May 13, 2016 Scientists say a stone knife and other artifacts found deep underwater in a Florida sinkhole show people lived in that area some 14,500 years ago. See also: Findings Push Human Timeline in US Back a Millennium May 13, 2016 - A new trove of carbon-dated archaeological evidence from a submerged site in Florida has some big implications for the history of human beings in the Americas.
YES! And Moi has brought it up several times in the Science Reconsidered thread. Prepare for Moi's Take on the creation of PeopleKind. BTW it is the Cat the Lord made in his own image and PeopleKind to serve them. PBS series First Peoples is "Great" and well worth watching. I subscribe to Multi Focal evolution of PeopleKind with the most hybridized as "the winner". Among the earliest times of evidence is a most ancient skull from like Morocco that was as old as those in Ethiopia with some shared and more "human" characteristics lacking in Ethiopia while those in Ethiopia had their more "human" traits lacking in the Morocco skull. The idea being as the Sahara had alternating wet & dry periods, these PeopleKind populations would catch up to one another, hybridize, and separated for another million years or so. Continuity through continuous hybridization. I reject speciation based on little more than phrenology. Phrenology - phre·nol·o·gy (frĭ-nŏl′ə-jē n. The study of the shape and protuberances of the skull, based on the now discredited belief that they reveal character and mental capacity. The Dmanisi cave findings representing 1.8 million years ago yielded 5 skulls of PeopleKind living together with such differences that had they been found alone, they probably would have been phrenologically assigned to separate species. Obviously, those with the most advantageous features survived better and produced more off spring. The Dmanisi cave demonstrates that even within one clan at that time, their could be such variation undreamt in cranial capacity, etc. Check it out. Likewise there is evidence as far away as China of ancient fire pit 0.75 Million years ago. How stupid were these PeopleKind or MonkeyPeople? So why does Out of Africa most recently prevail? Easy. Out of Africa females were monthly while other PeopleKind females were seasonal like critters. The most fertile spread their genes better. I learned from a goat herder that goats work that way too. African goats are fertile more often than Euro goats. And they can produce off spring. Obviously a trait difference and not a species difference And That's The Way It Was. And why Subsaharan Africa doesn't fare as well as Eurasia. Subsaharan Africa may have claim to being more genetically diverse, but they missed out on the last great hybridization. Remember Waltky The most ancient, pre modern human Y chromosome comes from . . . . Some diversity, eh? Moi r > g View attachment 43133 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
No doubt, Solutreans. Inventors of the Clovis Point. Siberians used mounted, sharpened chips. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solutrean_hypothesis
Not Neanderthal. Remember the Sahara divide! Let's say lacking in the EurAsian benefits of Neanderthal, Erectus, Denisovan hybridization. Subsaharans are genetically most diverse, but still lacking in the above benefits.
After the dispersal of modern humans (Homo sapiens) Out of Africa, hominins with a similar morphology to that of present-day humans initiated the gradual demographic expansion into Eurasia. The mitogenome (33-fold coverage) of the Peştera Muierii 1 individual (PM1) from Romania (35 ky cal BP) we present in this article corresponds fully to Homo sapiens, whilst exhibiting a mosaic of morphological features related to both modern humans and Neandertals. We have identified the PM1 mitogenome as a basal haplogroup U6*, not previously found in any ancient or present-day humans. The derived U6 haplotypes are predominantly found in present-day North-Western African populations. Concomitantly, those found in Europe have been attributed to recent gene-flow from North Africa. The presence of the basal haplogroup U6* in South East Europe (Romania) at 35 ky BP confirms a Eurasian origin of the U6 mitochondrial lineage. Consequently, we propose that the PM1 lineage is an offshoot to South East Europe that can be traced to the Early Upper Paleolithic back migration from Western Asia to North Africa, during which the U6 lineage diversified, until the emergence of the present-day U6 African lineages. After the dispersal of modern humans Out of Africa, around 50–70 ky cal BP1,2,3,4 or earlier based on fossil evidence5, hominins with similar morphology to present-day humans appeared in the Western Eurasian fossil record around 45–40 ky cal BP, initiating the demographic transition from ancient human occupation (Neandertals) to modern human (Homo sapiens) expansion on to the continent1. The first insights of the genetics of early Eurasian modern humans were recently provided by four ancient human genomes: Ust’-Ishim (Western Siberia, 45 ky cal BP)6, Kostenki (Russia, 39–36 ky cal BP)7, Fumane 2 (Italy, 41–39 ky cal BP)8 and Peştera cu Oase (Romania, 37–42 ky cal BP)9. Population genetic analyses of modern-day human mitochondrial haplogroup distributions suggest that in conjunction with the Eurasian expansion, some populations initiated a back-migration to North Africa10,11,12,13. Although the first genome of an ancient African individual (Ethiopia, 4.5 ky cal BP) identified a back-migration from Eurasia to Africa within the last 4.500 years14, the scarcity of older human remains in North Africa has prevented researchers from obtaining direct evidence of such a migratory phenomenon during the Paleolithic period. We present the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Peştera Muierii 1 (PM1) remains from Romania, directly dated to 35 ky cal BP15, which sheds new light on the Early Upper Paleolithic (EUP) migrations in Eurasia and North Africa. http://www.nature.com/articles/srep25501
'Night-vision' came from dealing with dinosaurs... Dealing with Dinosaurs Gave Mammals Night Vision June 21, 2016 - When dinosaurs ruled the earth, life was tough for our mammalian ancestors. So they learned to hunker down during the day and venture out only in the relative safety of night. Scientists believe that this caused a sudden shift in the construction of their eyes from color vision to light detection.
[video=youtube;BHTgX6WdTHw]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHTgX6WdTHw[/video] 15:00 area when they discuss a skull found in Morocco with some advanced features missing from Ethiopia and some advanced features in Ethiopia the ancient Moroccan lacked. Next time the Sahara became lush, they mixed genomes. Continuity through continuous hybridization. PeopleKind have a multi centric evolution, just like the modern dog. Moi r > g View attachment 43949 Atavism Happens.
It is the RATIO of the size of an animals brain to their body that basically determines their level of intelligence. Birds like Crows and African Gray Parrots have large brains compared to their bodies and are intelligent in the extreme. AA
Compare Oranges and Not Oranges, why don'tchya? Avian brains are very diff from mammalian. Packed with more neurons like Einstein's brain View attachment 43950 Click the photo Probably has wondrous implications for Dinosaurs. Birds, brainer per cc of brain than a mammal! Moi r > g View attachment 43951 Build The Wall! Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
You have touched upon a good point. Although the ratio of the size of a brain to the mass of the animal is a key indicator of intelligence there are some animals including HUMANS who have a much greater neural density in their brains. AA
You AboveAlpha - - missed the point View attachment 43970 Avian brains have a different, anatomy, physiology, neuron size, neuron density, and % of forebrain. I say again Compare Oranges to Not Oranges Why Don'tchya!
That is old school before View attachment 43973 But, YOU don't get it, so take the last word, please.
To watch the way you people bloviate over something that just isn't so;11 pages worth even,is interesting. Tell me more about "340,000" years. How was that number arrived at? What was the control group for that experiment?
It's Right up top of the OP. Period.OP=VERY FIRST POST. It appears to me you did not read the 1st post.
No one considers The Best Of Ancient PeopleKind and Civilization is under water. We all know it but, no one addresses it. Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Nemedia, Ophir, Brythunia, Hyperborea, Zamora with its dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Zingara with its chivalry, Koth that bordered on the pastoral lands of Shem, Stygia with its shadow-guarded tombs, Hyrkania whose riders wore steel and silk and gold. But the proudest kingdom of the world was Aquilonia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Is as valid as any modern system that ignores under water archeology that doesn't fit their academics, such as Salutrean archeological sites along the Atlantic coast. Pre Clovis , mammoth butchering sites and fluted single head points too. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solutrean_hypothesis All Hail Clovis and Asiatics Only although Asiatics mounted sharp chips in a shaft and were not into single, fluted points. Moi And Atlantis was not a Mediterranean Island, Santorini! r > g