Yes it is. As a person who had a teen pregnancy, I can attest to that. I was 16, and yes, I was STILL a child in my mind, emotionally and in every other way. If I could go back in time and kick my own ass, then I would do it! I was MUCH too stupid and MUCH too young and unprepared for the consequences.
:facepalm: You can't even get Jonsa's name correct, and you think you got this correct as well? What's disingenuous here is what you just wrote. I have criticized both you and and snakestretcher for being unable to identify the pro-pedo posts in this thread. You both said that there weren't any. More than once.
Where do we see that? You didn't post any such support. My contention is that pedophiliacs often have a psychologically traumatic background. I see nothing in what you posted that contradicts that. Well, meanwhile, I'm going to consider my contention still upright.
I am discussing the dysfunction of pedophilia, its root causes, its ability to engender sympathy and eventual support in society via the evil of moral relativism, and the absolutes of right and wrong. And you can't see a topic, nor could you see pro-pedo posts in this thread. I'd say the issue is with your vision.
What is in your "mensa mind" is not what is coming across in your posts. You are no different to the failed OP with absolutely zero substance to support your bizarre allegations that anyone on the left is attempting to "engender sympathy and eventual support" for pedophilia. No one on the left is engaging in "moral relativism" either. That you erroneously conflate historical facts with extremist alt right cudgels like "moral relativism" is your problem only. Your egregious mislabeling of such posts as being "pro-pedo" is definitely all in your "mensa mind" and nowhere in reality. Furthermore only fundamentalist theists embrace "absolutes of right and wrong". Adults appreciate that reality is not just black and white but requires the ability to deal with complex difficulties and come up with innovative solutions.
How old was the guy when he raped her? I know you might think it unimportant, but it does make a difference. Well not to her. In the end whether she was raped by a 10 yo, a 14 yo or a 30 yo, she was raped and suffered for it. My sympathies towards her.
Its frightening how judgmental our society use to be. Its also frightening how ignorant the medical community was in the past. People could be locked away for (now) treatable medical conditions. My own son a target of a sicko, thank god nothing physical happened. I have a fierce protection for him but a bullet in the head isn't a solution. Some paedos cant be cured, what then?
Probably not But if pedophiles organize and broadly support the liberal agenda without exceptions then liberals will not make exceptions for them either It will take a little time for some of you to get used to it but libs will come around eventually just as they did on gay marriage
I don't know that there is a "cure" for pedophilia but I could be wrong. However there is treatment and abstention. There are a great many people with addictive personalities who abstain as a means of having normal productive lives. There is no reason why this should not apply equally to pedophilia. Given the lack of data it is quite possible that there are already such people living and working with us on a daily basis but we just don't know because of the attached stigma. Would you rather know than not know that someone might be a risk to your child? If you don't know then you would blame yourself if something happened but if you did know you would never have taken the risk in the first place. I don't have all the answers but history demonstrates that ignorance is more harmful than knowledge.
I am a Christian, but even the godless Jesus hating progressives in the old soviet union looked down on homosexual perversion and never legalized it
Er, professional help does not have to be disclosed to employers, family or friends, or aren't you aware of doctor/patient priviledge? Thoughts are NOT actions. I am sexually attracted to any number of people and even as Jimmy once said "lust after them in my own mind", but I don't act upon that attraction and sure as hell not on impulse. Do those thoughts make me an adulterer? Pedophiles who are attracted to children aren't criminal scumbag perverts unless they act out, OR do things like engage in the production, distribution or consumption of kiddie porn. In which case, I see nothing wrong with a bullet to the head.
Most child molesters are NOT homosexuals. But why let science and academic research get in the way. Knowledge should inform opinions, not the other way around.
Why do you cluck about comprehension of others when you aren't comprehending? I never said that 'child molesters are homosexuals'. I said that one guy was. I agree. Take your own advice.
:facepalm: The 'pro-pedo' posts were written by only one poster. That poster has been banned. Stop projecting stupidity, it stinks up the forum.
Which "one guy" were you referring to again? I always try to be informed and when I am not or am mistaken I am willing to be educated and/or corrected.
ChemEngineer posted a story about Michael John Quinn. He's an Australian who plays in a gay rugby league. You chose to deride ChemEngineer over this sycophant's proclivities, but he was correct. He's gay. He's also a pedophile.
I am aware, but one of the issues they are facing is that few doctors will accept them as patients either because they won't treat such, or they simply are incapable of such. The search for such a doctor risks exposure. Additionally, should a given doctor be known to treat pedophile, then many of his patients will be suspected of being such, even if they aren't. Now I don't expect this to always be the case, but it is the problem, or at the least, perceived problem facing non-offending pedophiles today. According to some religious beliefs, yes. But the main difference here is that while we all have thoughts and impulses, they rarely, if ever, grow to a point that we cannot control them. Pedophilles have impulse control issues just as kleptomaniacs do. Or anyone with addiction disorders. And yes those consistent thought do indeed make them pedophiles, but not child molesters. That doesn't occur, unless and until they act upon those thoughts and impulses. If they are using drawings or blow up dolls, items and creations not modeled on any real child, are you alright with those?
Given that such is a common accusation of pedophiles, your lack of citing a straight pedophiles versus a gay one, makes it seem as if you are in the same camp. The odds were certainly in favor of him being correct, given the lack of further information.
Oh please, stop trying to explain away the FACT that pedophiles can seek professional help from a VARIETY of sources. all they need is access to the internet to find help in their particular region According to some religious beliefs I am condemned to burn in hell for all eternity. And those with "disorders" can obtain help. Like I said, creating, distributing or indulging in child pornography is ACTING OUT. Its a pretty damn clear case of exploitation. As to blow up dolls and dildos and other toys, I have no problem with people using them on themselves in private, regardless of their orientation. That merely spicing up masterbation which I find to be a healthy past time, regardless of what religious idiots might think (I have been shaving my palms for 50 years)
I don't deny that they can, but that doesn't mean that it is easy nor without issue. I remember a article posted somewhere where a doctor said that he would not be able to separate his personal prejudices from his work with such patients and as such would not take them, even though he did other sex related therapy. And again, pedophillle perception plays a lot into it. Look at the reactions on this thread alone and you'll see why a non- offending pedophile would be hesitant to seek help.
What is wrong with you. I wasn't referring to adults and kids. Just kids, who have sex. They always have and they always will.
They also killed Jews, but then again, so did Christians (*cough *cough the Inquisition *cough *cough).