You missed my point. Ok. So assuming they blew it all to hell... Why bother flying the planes into the buildings? I mean, that creates a HUGE risk of getting caught and a huge risk of something not going according to plan. Why not just do whatever you say they did to destroy the buildings (demolition, energy beams, whatever) and forget about the planes? Buildings demolished. Public scared/outraged. Mission accomplished. Why bother with the planes?
Well, I would imagine that it would be easier to blame planes and box cutters to an oblivious public, for one.
Being a truther does take a lot of imagination. You have to imagine that the witnesses who contradict you are lying. You have to imagine that physical evidence that contradicts you was planted. You have to imagine that video evidence that contradicts you was staged. You have to imagine that logical evidence that contradicts you is illogical. You have to imagine that the evidence to support your theory is suppressed. You have to imagine that millions of people are idiots, and you are very smart. Yes... It takes a lot of imagination.
Easier than what? Blaming a bomb? Nonsense. These imaginary conspirators of yours already had solid evidence the public would believe terrorists planted a bomb in the WTC since it had happened before and the public didn't question it. Duh. Ok, so that answer makes no sense. Try again. WHY bother with the big visible complex a-million-things-could-go-wrong planes, if they were going to blow up the buildings anyway?
<<<Mod Edit: Flamebait Removed>>> they used bombs. If you do not recognize it then get a job with a demoition company or go to iraq.
Because the American people would more easily buy the BS if they saw the planes hit. Shock and awe (where have I heard that before?) Confound the senses and plant suggestion. It was done. Why? Ask the criminals in the White House at the time.
No, I'm asking you to think rationally. <<<Mod Edit: Personal Attack Removed>>> There would be plenty of shock and awe from seeing the two tallest buildings in America collapse, and from seeing our military capital burning. You don't think 3,000 American lives is enough to have the desired effect? The problem is I've got you backed into a corner on this, and you know it. There is absolutely no sensible reason for this alleged conspiracy of yours to use the planes, if they also used demolition.
Well, that last part is absolutely pure rubbish! They were running training exercises that very day, practicing that very concept. But we'll put that aside for a moment. Blowing them up, without the planes, leaves a lot of open ends. Security was supposed to be tip top. How would these box cutters have gotten past all the security to do their deed? That's what the public might ask. They start digging around, find out about the elevator maintenance, who, when, etc,etc,etc. They could have done it that way, but, the idea was to enrage the people to the point of wanting to go to war (which was Bush's objective well before he got into office (re: PNAC once again). SO....they rig the buildings anyway, send the planes into them, and boom! The PLANES took down the buildings. Now, there is no need to explain or persue the explosive angle, cause "the planes did it". Everybody saw it. No..the planes were simply the distraction to scare the s**t out of everybody, and the whole demolition, who got in, how business, is never even looked at. Planes were much more of a "clean exit" so to speak. Direct demolition without the planes, would have caused problems. How'd they get access? Hey! I got an idea! The planes flying into them gives them the access! It's brilliant (as Cheney rubs his grimy hands together). We can blow it all to hell and everybody will think it was the planes!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Way to go Dick! You're the man! Now...everybody's pissed, and ready to go to war, where prior to, they would have squawked. This way...they're bitin' at the bit to bomb somebody into oblivion! I must say, it seems to have worked beautifully, until, oddities occurred. Planes buried, then not. Engines bounce a half mile. We see a big hole with no plane wreckage. Planes hitting the Pentagon, again with no plane parts available. Confiscated film. Ever changing timelines. We had planes to launch. No we didn't have planes to launch. Yes they were launched, but they went the wrong way. Aluminum tubes that punch through solid steel core columns and the tube pops out the other side. Mom? This is me..your son! You believe me don't ya? It was a cell was a seat back phone. Hanji the magic pilot flys around Washington like an acrobat, and skims the ground, and poof! The plane is gone...AGAIN! No evidence of it anywhere. 5 frames of a film supposedly showing 77 crashing....NOT...just a blur, showing absolutely NOTHING. WTC7 goes down form fire. First time in history. Just falls down...poof! Straight down. Reporters reporting on it falling 20 minutes before it falls, live on scene, with WTC7 still standing!!! Over her left shoulder. OOPS! Lost the live feed unexpectedly! We ask the BBC, "Where's the film of that?" Answer...ummmm...well...we..ummm...lost it. We can't find it anywhere. and ON AND ON AND ON. Every leaf you turn over, you find 3 more leafs that weren't supposed to be there. 93 crashes! Where?? There???Where?? That big hole!! Where's the plane?? It buried itself, and the engine bounced away, over some trees...bout a half mile away. Let's dig it up! ummm...disintegrated on impact. So goes the planned, carefully staged, black ops scheme designed to "get America to go to war, so I can get revenge for my daddy!" Africa, yellow cake, uranium....ALL BS!!! Oh well, let's bomb them with our shock and awe. The hell with Afghanistan!!! The never ending "terror scare", enabling war profiteers to scoop up truckloads of money, and sticking it to the rest of America, the dumb SOB's! Laughing....all the way to the bank baby!!
Every single word you just typed is refuted by the fact that the '93 bombings happened, and not a single person seriously questioned the account of what happened at that time. Why bother with the planes?
some people live in a cocoon dont they? its on record that the fbi did it, and that the courts would not hear the case.
That's beside the point, even if it were true, which it's not. The point I'm making is about people's beliefs. Clearly, the vast majority of Americans believe that the '93 bombings were done by Muslim terrorists, using a truck bomb parked in the basement. I mean if you allege it was a conspiracy, that even makes my argument STRONGER, since they would know they were SUCCESSFUL at the '93 bombings about keeping their secret conspiracy under wraps. So why, in 2001, would a conspiracy bother with the planes? In particular, Flight 93, which didn't damage anything? Why wouldn't they just park another truck in the basement, blow it up, and do whatever else the 9/11 Deniers seem to think they needed to do to bring the buildings down, and blame a truck bomb in the basement? Surely there would be much less complexity, far less evidence for the 9/11 deniers to pore over, and magnitudes less chance of getting caught. And the same effect would happen - Americans would die, the buildings would collapse in shocking TV footage seen all around the world, and whatever goals the 9/11 deniers think they had would be acheived.
<<<Mod Edit: Flamebait Removed>>> You tell us. why use fake planes? [ame=""]Totally fake! But you would still believe it! - YouTube[/ame]
They wouldn't. Which is why they didn't fake them, actual planes flew into the towers. This is the logical conclusion <<<Mod Edit: Personal Attack Removed>>>
I, of course proved the driver shot jfk and that took quite awhile and a dedicated obsession but this no plane thing is easy. Just started looking at it today. Plenty of witnesses and video proof.
An actor and witness to the planes hitting says, "maybe there were no planes"LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Advance to 7 minutes, listen and he says it eventually. [ame=""]FAKE PLANE actor Gary Welz reveals more secrets - YouTube[/ame]
Awwww...Operation Northwoods was just a bunch of silly conspiracy nonsense. No truth to it at all. LOL
Charles Gibson sees a plane hit tower 2 on TV but reporter on ground says "I did NOT see a plane go in, that just exploded." [ame=""]Reporter on ground in NY saw no plane - YouTube[/ame]
yup news reporters argue with anyone who said they did not see a plane and insist there was a plane. Of course news reporters get the last word.
that is really good! airplanes flew over and went into the tower.... he was an eye witness to that event.... Never said he saw a plane go into the tower.... BUT it sure sounds like he saw it doesnt it. america has been duped! why are these asshiles rotting in prison? DUMMIES! Just got to the part with jeff from killtown kicks his butt. That is called constructive fraud, its how all MOB based governments operate.