It is claimed there are 43 known video clips of the explosion at Tower 2 or WTC2 or the South Tower. There is a convenient youtuber that contains these 43 known versions available at: [ame=""]All Known Footage of 2nd Hit at WTC 911 - YouTube[/ame] Looked at as a whole, the compilation that runs for <10min. provides a variety of looks, angles, and degrees of quality concerning what happened to the South Tower. This might be a short thread and there might be little or no interest in pursuing it. The first three in the video look like this; IMHO, one can find more support for the NO PLANE claim when one considers ALL 43 as a group, with some being more consistent with the no plane claim than others. For instance, in a majority of them, it is very apparent that the explosion occurs in the "wrong" place. Basically, there is no explosion upon impact and when an explosion is seen, it is on the opposite sides of the buildings from impact, showing an internal rather than external source of explosion. Thus, the event was pyrotechnic in nature, as a NO PLANER sees it. Note that phrase: as a no planer sees it. Almost all of you see it differently, probably. However, the drill here is to examine what the video shows. Let me repeat: The drill here is to examine what the video shows. People have the capacity to view information and say what they see and what they hear and draw conclusions from it. It is likely those who are PLANE SPOTTERS, meaning, of course, they support the viewpoint that Flight 175, a Boeing 767 slammed into the South Tower is supported by all videos. I get that. No planers, on the other hand, claim no such thing happened. Most people are offended by that. I get that, too. However, let's look at what the video shows. I, personally, am not seeking here to convince anyone of anything. I hope we can look at the information and post up claims about what we see and what we hear in this video compilation, thus making this a discussion about the information and not about beliefs.
On teevee? Do you know anyone who personally 'saw' planes? That's not waht this thread is about. Let me say it again I, personally, am not seeking here to convince anyone of anything. I hope we can look at the information and post up claims about what we see and what we hear in this video compilation, thus making this a discussion about the information and not about beliefs.
Once again, the exercise consists in simply looking at and listening to the content of the videos. Video is, afterall, a medium conveying visual images and sound. For purposes of this exercise, the quality of the video, whether it is low or high resolution or whatever is not a determining factor in how useful the process can be. There's no point in discussing PLANES versus NO PLANES, that is not the issue. It doesn't matter what your perspective is. The point is to look at the data and see what it can be said to reveal.
Very informative. The above is but one example of the explosion occurring on the east face of the South Tower with nothing much occurring at the point of impact, as though the tower were made of papermache, rather than structural steel.
I personally know at least 5 people who saw the second plane with their very own eyes. I suspect the number of people who actually saw it live in NYC (not on tv) would number in the thousands. So....
awesome! you wouldnt mind collecting the sworn affidavits that I am sure they put on record would you? I mean its not that we dont trust you or any thing its for your own protection.
I'm not in the habit of enabling a mental patient's requests koko. There are many videos out there where you can clearly see (and hear) people in the foreground witnessing the second plane hitting. In fact, I've even linked a vid in the past that showed a compilation of many videos showing just that. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to cgi up all of those vids. Then again, I linked that vid before I put a moratorium in place on enabling mental patients. This is absolutely the dumbest theory in a long string of really dumb theories you truthers throw out.
Oh well I so sorry but you see thats just hearsay and hearsay is BS. When you make big claims like that and you are incapable of putting it up its best to shut up. Well if you value your credibility. I just showed how easy it is to create cgi on a cheap home computer, the guv had crays, and now the have crays on steroids.
As I said, I've posted a compilation vid to you in the past which you summarily ignored. And yes, thousands of people saw the second plane hit with their very own eyes. You know how I know? Because they were outside watching the first building burn. It wasn't exactly a big secret something was going on on Lower Manhattan. You know, a city with a population of millions..... Seriously koko, this is the dumbest theory ever. Ever.
Didn't I tell you there would be an influx of crazy as the anniversary got closer? I'm psychic, I tell you!
These are obviously all done with cgi. They even went to the trouble of putting real people in the foreground of a few of them. Crafty bastards. [ame=""][/ame]
Option 1: go bother my friends including my brother in law to enable an idiot on the net who thinks the planes were placed there with cgi. Option 2: Not enable an idiot on the net who will just disregard anything that doesn't match up with his moronic theories. It's not even close which is the more reasonable decision. I don't indulge in fruitless endeavors.
nah no one would ask you to bother them. of course not. just give us the name of the agencies that have their certified statements on the record.
I love 'no-planers'. They are the perfect representative of 'truthers' everywhere. Just let 'em keep babbling. I wonder why 'Fraud, suede et al are not contradicting these theories.
Doesn't apply in this case......mine do.....lets clarify the'joke' a bit, what sort of energy is involved when a 190 ton 767 smashing at full speed into the side of the WTC?