I have several questions for Holocaust deniers: 1. We have records showing around 800,000 Jews were shipped to Treblinka from around central Europe. There are no records of even 50,000 Jews being shipped out of Treblinka. So where did the Jews go? 2. We know there were between 2.8 and 3.3 million Jews in Poland in 1938. We know after WW2, there were maybe 300,000 left. We know that at most, only around 250,000 fled east into the USSR. So where are the missing Jews? 3. Based on preWW2 and postWW2 census data, millions of Jews are missing from Europe. We know they didn't go to Israel, the USA, Canada, etc, as we have exact migration figures for those nations and the numbers just don't add up. So where are the missing millions? These are direct questions and I expect direct answers with logical or rational theories that can be supported by actual documented evidence.
Holocaust deniers are among the stupidest, ignorant and disgusting scum on earth. Don't expect to ever receive an actual answer.
Which holocaust? [video=youtube;_7WO6tGTI1A]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7WO6tGTI1A[/video] AND: [video=youtube;tU5u7aoSxFQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU5u7aoSxFQ[/video] [SIZE=+4]The Worst War Crime Of WWII - 600,000 Dead in less than 14 hours [/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]3-13-9[/SIZE] Dresden - The Worst War Crime Of WWII - 600,000 Dead 3-13-9 "Generakfeldmarschall Keitel said 600,000 were killed in Dresden." - Randulf Johan Hansen¨ DRESDEN. THE WORST WAR CRIME OF WWII Fifty-two years ago, the Allies decided to make of the city of Dresden a moonscape. The holocaust unleashed on Dresden had no strategic or tactical advantage whatsoever for the Americans or the British. Dresden was one of the most beautiful cities in Germany, dubbed the "Florence of the Elbe" because of its world-renowned collection of Baroque architecture. It was known as a showplace of culture. It had no military bases, no major communication centers or heavy industry. It had no air defense. In the last months of the war, it was known as "Die Lazarettstadt" - it had been declared a hospital town. It was also known as the "Fluechtlingsstadt" - the City of the Refugees. Norman Stone, Professor of Modern History at Oxford, wrote in the Daily Mail: "Already, by 1944, it should have been clear to most people in the government that we would have to deal with . . . Germans once victory had been won . . . (W)e went on bombing German cities months and months after it had been clear that we would win, and that Stalin would be as potentially deadly an enemy. Some of the bombing was just pointless. In the last days of the war, we struck at the old gingerbread towns south of Wuerzburg, where there was no military target at all . . . just refugees, women and children. Of these acts of gratuitous sadism, the worst was the bombing of Dresden." In the early weeks of 1945, the coldest winter in a century, Dresden was swollen with refugees fleeing the advance of the Soviet army. By then, the Soviets stood on German soil, and Ilja Ehrenburg, Stalin's Jewish propaganda demon - that monster master journalist of hate! - had for years hammered away in broadcast after broadcast aimed at the Red Army and repeated in millions and millions of leaflets: "Kill. Kill. Kill. Nobody is innocent. Neither the living, nor the yet unborn. . . " or ". . . if you have not killed a German a day, you have not done your duty to the Soviet motherland." Now the Red Army was approaching - and by mid-February stood only 60 miles away from Dresden. Each new refugee train, each new river of wagons, trucks and cars brought fearful accounts of horrendous Soviet atrocities - murder, torture and brutal mass rapes. Hundreds of thousands of refugees flooded into the city of Dresden. The inhabitants moved closer together and took them all in, but even so, there was no room for all. Most of the refugees lived in the city's main park and in what was known as Die Altstadt - the Old Town. Weeping children lay on the cold and wet ground huddled against shivering dogs. By then, the Allies knew the war was lost for Germany. No one in a decision-making capacity - civilian or military - believed that the German Reich could survive, much less rise to be a threat to the Allied military juggernaut. ==== In what can only be described as a premeditated institutional act of terror and deliberately planned mass murder, the decision was made by the British and US air force commanders at the prodding of the sadistic Churchill-Roosevelt-Morgenthau trio to exterminate these hapless people trapped utterly defenseless in Dresden. In January of 1945, it was decided that several large cities in Eastern Germany that had escaped heavy bombing should now be subjected to "area bombing" to "wreak havoc" on German morale so as to pressure Germany to surrender sooner. Churchill himself wanted more than two cities a month razed - until none was left. So, on February 13 and 14, 1945 nearly 1200 British and American bombers, followed by waves of bullet-spitting fighter bombers, conducted a triple air raid on Dresden - an aerial holocaust. The code word for this act of terrorism was "Clarion." === Dresden: An Undisputed Holocaust Eddy Morrison <http://www.spearhead.com/0502-em.html>http://www.spearhead.com/0502-em.html The first wave of bombs struck at 10 PM on February 13, 1945, dropping high explosive bombs on the Old Town to blast the roofs off buildings in preparation for incendiary devices. It knocked out the air raid warning system and caused massive destruction and death. It also destroyed the fire halls and water mains. The next wave brought the fire. It turned the Altstadt into a howling ocean of fire - 3 miles long and 2 miles wide. Air temperatures rose to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds up to 100 mph sucked all oxygen into the center of the storm. Hundreds of thousands of people were burned alive or otherwise fell victim to this second carpet bombing, followed quickly by a third. Thousands suffocated in cellars as the oxygen was sucked out of the bunkers and pulled toward the blaze to feed the flames. Thousands more were hurled into the air like rag dogs and sucked by the ferocious winds right into the inferno. The air suction of the fire was so strong that it uprooted trees and lifted roofs from houses miles away. Utter panic struck the people. Horses reared and ran into the crowds. Wild animals such as lions and tigers escaped from the broken enclosures of the zoo and ran into the terrified crowds. Huge snakes slithered between the feet of the fleeing. Hospital trains, still filled with wounded soldiers from the front, were burning and tried to pull out, in the process severing limps from young children who had sought cover from the bombs underneath. Those few who managed to escape the air attack were hounded later from the air by diving planes to kill off any fleeing survivors. This was described in one account of the bombing aftermath as ". . . scores of Mustang fighters diving low over the bodies, huddled on the banks of the Elbe, as well as on the larger lawns of the Grosse Garden, in order to shoot them up." When all was said and done, the column of smoke could be seen 50 miles away and stood 15,000 feet high. More than three-fifths of Dresden was destroyed by bombing raids lasting more than 14 hours. http://www.rense.com/general85/ddes.htm Reported in the spring of 1945 in the Army newspaper The Stars and Stripes, with the front page headline: '250,000 Nazis killed."
It's hard to form an opinion on what happened seventy years ago based on records as they can be falsified and manipulated. Here's a link that has some info I've collected on Holocaust Denial. http://www.flinttalk.com/viewtopic.php?t=12196&start=0 It seems that things did happen pretty differently from what we were told. Speaking of holocausts, check this out. This is relevant. https://williamblum.org/chapters/killing-hope/introduction (excerpt) ----------------------------------------------------- In 1993, I came across a review of a book about people who deny that the Nazi Holocaust actually occurred. I wrote to the author, a university professor, telling her that her book made me wonder whether she knew that an American holocaust had taken place, and that the denial of it put the denial of the Nazi one to shame. So broad and deep is the denial of the American holocaust, I said, that the denyers are not even aware that the claimers or their claim exist. Yet, a few million people have died in the American holocaust and many more millions have been condemned to lives of misery and torture as a result of US interventions extending from China and Greece in the 1940s to Afghanistan and Iraq in the 1990s. -------------------------------------------------------- http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_louise_01_03_03_mockingbird.html (excerpt) -------------------------------------------------------- Under the guise of 'American' objectives and lack of congressional oversight, the CIA accomplish their exploits by using every trick in the book (and they know quite a few) that they actually teach in the notorious "School of the Americas", nicknamed the "School of Dictators" and "School of Assassins" by critics. The Association for Responsible Dissent estimates that 6 million people had died by 1987 as a result of CIA covert operations, called an "American Holocaust" by former State Department official William Blum. ------------------------------------------------------- More here... https://www.google.es/webhp?sourcei...=2&ie=UTF-8#q=william blum american holocaust
but there is more. The US and UK supported Hitler and paid for everything Hitler did, then set Hitler up, precisely like they have done with every other war. Hitler did not play play ball with the .01% elite. Hitler was also on the front page of Time Magazine of the man of the year! [video=youtube;Sah_Xni-gtg]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sah_Xni-gtg[/video] The victor covers up the truth until all the perps and anyone involved in the cover up are all long dead and gone sweeping their crimes under the carpet, while holding trials against those they set up. By the time the people find out there is no way for anyone to receive justice and history takes a new course enforced by the victors, those who lied in the first place and set Hitler up for a fall, the UK, US, Moscow.
plenty of evidence for the dresden holocaust, its all on video and archive records where is your evidence proving the jewish holocaust? [video=youtube;bMyoEG2c7a0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMyoEG2c7a0[/video] [video=youtube;UxFEtbawPCk]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxFEtbawPCk[/video] according to the Jews that were first hand witnesses talk about the plays and orchestras and drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, so I 'LACK BELIEF' until you can come up with some kind of proof? Do you have any?
They must have been from dresden? - - - Updated - - - All I see is a (*)(*)(*)(*) load of unsubstantiated claims, got any videos of hitler gassing jews?
this thread is about the Jewish Holocaust. please stay on topic. - - - Updated - - - where are the 800,000 Jews that were shipped to Treblinka? why did Auschwitz need 46 crematoria ovens, capable of incinerating 1,600 bodies per day? where are the missing 3 million Polish Jews?
My family's background is Hungarian and the family acquaintances are from Poland, Romania, France, Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Slovakia, among other countries that I may have missed. Yes there were many Holocausts, including Germany, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Armenia, Russia, China, Cambodia, USA, Chile, Argentina, etc. Too many and too sickening to list.
The title clears says: Questions for Holocaust deniers While you may have questions about the jewish holocaust I have questions about german holocaust that is being denied. Your title does not say questions for jewish holocaust deniers. Hence it includes not precludes the german holocaust where the allies even went so far as to murder thousands of released british and american soldiers as well in the process. Maybe you should be more specific next time before you start throwing stones at glass houses. oh? So they had 46 ovens on steroids? LOL The UK and US did it all with phosphorous, far more efficient.
Yep, you never know who you are talking to out here and you never know what their background is. You wont get too much of an argument from me on the bolded. However what I want to know is how was/is the proven and admitted dresden holocaust suppressed and drowned out by the unproven jewish holocaust? We know for a FACT they first bombed then incinerated several german cities like dresden a non military target and refugee city of art and culture with no defense to attack to totally annihilate the people living there indiscriminately. Its admitted, we have all the evidence. The US and UK burned and incinerated nearly 1/2 million people in less than 24 hours. We have jewish people saying the were drinking beer and going to parties at auschwitz that did not know anything about a jewish holocaust, can those problems be explained away?
there were a lot of people shipped a lot of places. The germans shipped them back and forth from camp to camp all the time. One camp would have play and those who wanted to see it would use the trains to go to which ever camp sponsored the play. I cant answer your question because its too vague and your records appear to be incomplete. So you need to come in with something other than a conspiracy theory that some diabolical evil was at work and took place.
Really? Damn I'd like to see all that 'irrefutable' documentation you claim to have that proves 6 million jews were incinerated. Videos? Red Cross Records? Anything?
No you don't, you would be devastated as it would deflate your conspiracy theory. Guess you also don't know any family members that lost their relatives during the purge which probably just means you don't know any Jews.
lie. no one claims 6 million Jews were incinerated - - - Updated - - - there is no data, no evidence of hundreds of thousands of Jews being shipped OUT of Treblinka but we do have data showing around 800,00 shipped TO Treblinka. now, why did Auschwitz need 46 crematoria ovens, capable of incinerating 1,600 bodies per day?
oh 4million then. good lets see the records of the 800,000 lets see the data proving that 46 ovens can incinerate 1600 people per day. I LACK BELIEF because your conspiracy theory is not convincing.
That's not quite a fair statement. We know about the Dresden massacre but if it's not common knowledge, it doesn't mean it's being suppressed by the "unproven" Jewish Holocaust, which the people I mentioned lived through so it's far from "unproven". IMO, it just means that it's being suppressed (if it really is) because they were the enemy at the time and the evildoers. You know the US government can do no wrong. I personally know one person who was at Auschwitz and survived, her family who were shipped there with her in cattle cars did not survive. I can't explain what these people are talking about, I don't know them and I don't care. I do know the person I'm talking about and have known her since I was a child. Besides her memories, which she rarely shares, she has a number tattooed on her arm as a reminder.
Evidence of the Jewish Holocaust is overwhelming;it's documented.. Denial of it due to ignorance is not a valid argument.